Thursday, November 08, 2007

Election Mumbo Jumbo

Work has been very busy this week (as I knew it would be) with the preparations to finally go to production with our RiskMaster project. It has been an interesting journey and we will be perfectly happy when it is done. They are getting ready to have a party for it being done rather than for it being done in a successful way. It has been a frustrating project from the first for us because we knew in the beginning that it was a bad idea. Unfortunately, those on the top did not agree with our arguments and in the long run told us to just do it. No more protestations from us. That is what has been done. I know that at least one of them has come out about a month ago and said something to the effect of "what were we thinking". In the IT department, we certainly have not figured that out. It seems to us that they are losing capabilities that they could've kept if we didn't do this thing. But, it is what they want.

Tuesday was a day of voting for us. There really was only one issue that we had to deal with in our area. That was Referendum 1 (which is school vouchers). I voted by mail and sent that off on Monday. I was against vouchers because it wasn't well enough thought out, and I don't think we should mix public money into private schools (there is also the fact that most private schools are religious in nature). I got in a couple of arguments with Brent at work over this, and I really ticked him off on Tuesday. He didn't have any valid arguments for it, and then brought in more things that tended to go with what I was saying than what he was saying. He basically told me to shut up. Thank goodness the vouchers did not make it. Two thirds of those who voted in the state of Utah voted against it. This has really ticked off the owner of He put about two million of his own money into it, and is really taking the loss hard. He has basically told us that we are unthinking people who don't care about the minority groups among us. As it is, too much money was spent on vouchers. The total spent by both parties was around eight million (about half from each camp although the pro vouchers had slightly more).

Another vote that happened, that I couldn't vote for was the split of the Jordan School District. The east side wants to have its own district. Because of this, West Jordan also decided to vote on creating their own district. West Jordan voted that down. The vote was really close on the east side/west side district with the east side voting to split. The problem with this vote is that it effects those of us on the west side. We weren't allowed to put in our voice. The city of Herriman has put in a lawsuit about our constitutional rights that got knocked down and is currently on appeal with the circuit court. I think we are looking at six months before anything on that is settled. In the meantime, the east siders will be preparing for their new district, and who knows how much money they will spend. Anyway, it was a bad idea all the way around (if you ask my opinion - and it's all that really matters here).

Anyway, I had no fear about the vouchers, because I was pretty certain that it wouldn't pass. I did fear about the split. They actually happened the way that I thought they would (as far as the numbers go). It was almost a 50/50 split on whether or not to split the district. I did tell Brent that I should've voted for vouchers now that the split is going along so that I could receive some money to take my kids out of the public school and put them into the private school of our choice.

Other than the stuff mentioned above, life has been just moving along, and not too much excitement.

Tonight, I got into an argument with my wife. She felt like I didn't listen to her very well and that I went onto the defensive. I didn't feel I went onto any kind of defensive but was just talking things out with her. This made for a kind of unhappy evening for me (and my wife). I am a bit depressed tonight, but I'll get over it. I'm going to bed early because I am really tired (I don't really know why).


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