Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sealing of a Child

Work has continued to be quite busy, with various problems. So far, I have been able to get a handle on each and every problem, and they have been solved with relative ease. That is better than some of the previous ones.

Last Friday, as I was heading home from work (I meant to leave at 3:00, but left at 3:20 instead), I heard on the radio that if you were to stop into Tai Pan and say hi to Grant from KSL you would get a $50 gift certificate. My wife loves Tai Pan, and I was right there. I pulled into the place and picked up my $50 certificate. Of course, my wife was pleased with this when I arrived home. I also picked up a gift certificate for our son from Gamestop for Santa to hand him on Monday.

No sooner did I get home when I was told that we were going over to the in-laws so we could say good bye to Zach who was going home to Las Vegas for Christmas. He had also colored his hair and pierced his ears. He was a bit fearful of meeting his grandparents in Vegas and what they would say. We had a pretty good time visiting and then our kids went with Pam to her place in Bountiful and we went on home alone.

Early Saturday morning, we headed out to the Timpanogus temple to witness the sealing of Brigham to Allyson and Jared. Jared's father was the sealer (Gene R. Cook). I think the only dry eye in the sealing room was Brigham. He is a cute 6 month old baby, and it was a relief to Allyson to finally have him sealed to her and her husband. Allyson was simply glowing. The words of wisdom given by Elder Cook before the sealing were great as well. My wife and I were glad that we were able to make it to this event. It was freezing cold outside, but in that temple room we were able to feel the warmth of the Holy Spirit. It was also nice that my Uncle Gene and Aunt Evelyn (who are the temple president and matron respectively in the Timpanogus temple) were able to take time out of their day to be there. We were extremely grateful that we were able to be included in this work of God and feeling of the spirit of all the people involved in this sealing. It was a special experience.

My wife really struggled with the cold today. That, put along with her fibromyalgia made her hurt with the bitterness of the cold. She could barely walk the short distance to the temple from the parking lot.

After the sealing, we headed over to the Cook house so we could have a brunch. They had just bought the home five months ago in Lehi. It was beautiful. We visited with the other family, and I got a little bit of time to talk with Gene. There was one point of discomfort to me. At one point, Gene looked over at my little sister and asked if she was still single. I told him that she was married. He then wondered where her husband was. I didn't know quite what to say (especially since my parents had told him how good our family was) and then finally told him that her husband is in prison. He asked how much longer he had, and I gave this information and then he dropped it. I was grateful for that. He said something about the trials that some must go through in this life. He, of course knew that my sister was temple worthy as he saw her in the sealing room.

We got home from this a bit early and then lounged around the house for awhile. We watched a couple of movies and just enjoyed resting. Then, we got up and went to JC Penneys for some shopping. While we were shopping, we ran into Dave and Vicki Almond. It was nice to get reacquainted with them as we have been wondering where it is that they had moved too. We knew them in our Taylorsville neighborhood, and were pretty good friends with them for awhile. They told us of some of the struggles they are having with their children. I felt bad for them because they are such a good couple. My wife and I drove around looking for their home (they didn't give us an address - just a general area of where they lived) and came up with about three different homes that could be their home. It was kind of interesting.

After all of that, we decided that we had better go pick up our kids. We headed out to Bountiful and then visited at Pam and Annes for awhile. Scott and Marie (Anne's daughter) came in and offered me a root beer float which I accepted. Our kids were disappointed that they had to come home with us, but we didn't want them to miss another Sunday. Besides, our daughter had things to do as far as a program and her presidency stuff.

It was a regular Sunday. We got up, we went to our meetings, and we came home. Actually, we had to take our son home at Sacrament meeting time as he had a migraine. I got him some food and some Ibuprofin, and put him to bed. I went back to the meeting. After partaking of the sacrament, my wife went home as the church was just too cold for her to handle. She was hurting.

After I arrived home, I found that Tom Morris from work had called with a problem. I had to make a few phone calls and do some work on the computer. I got interrupted in that so we could go over to our tithing settlement. I had asked earlier what had happened to a check that I had given them, but they didn't know where it was. It has been about a month since I gave them that check and I knew it had not cleared my account. They also didn't have it on their system. We went in and declared whether or not we were full tithe payers or not, and then came out. I was informed that they had looked in the ward box (at the stake offices) and found my check. The envelope had been opened, but all was there, and that made me feel a bunch better about it all.

Arriving home again, I went back into the office and did some more work. While there was a problem with the reports, it was not a problem with the data. The original concern was that it was a problem with the data. Once I figured that out, I did a couple of things to finish up some stuff, and then turned off the computer to relax for the rest of the evening.


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