Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pulmonary Doctor

Once again, work was a bit busy. Paul called in to tell me that he would not be here today as he was taking care of three sick kids. There were some new problems that were brought to our attention, and we are working on getting them corrected. I was running around most of the day taking care of things especially since I knew I had to leave early. Just before I left work for the day Darin came to me with a huge problem of having to create a whole bunch of new code so we can run the Advantage claims appropriately. Jeff came over to see how things were going just as I was putting on my coat. He accused me of being French since when the war is on, I run.

I had to be to Radiology at the St. Marks Hospital by 1:50 today. I got there a couple of minutes early and had to register there. This took a few minutes but wasn't too bad. I just hate to sign all these forms saying I am responsible for the cost of what's going on. I finished there before my 2:50 appointment with Dr. Francis. Of course as a new patient there are the forms to fill out there as well. Without too long of a wait, I was taken into one of the rooms. There is the weight thing (where I find out once again that I am over weight). I hate standing on scales that tell the truth. They don't tell me I am overweight, I just know that I am. I am then taken into another room and they give me some breathing tests. They wanted two tests, but since I screwed up the first one I had to do it three times. Then, they give me a couple of shots of albuterol (it is ingested orally). Soon after that they give me the test two more times. They next take my blood so they can check out the oxygen level of my blood. I absolutely hate needles and this is the worst part of the whole ordeal for me.

I then get to sit and wait for the doctor. He comes in and asks a bunch of questions while filling out information on his computer. This works out OK. I go back to the breath test room and get my final tests. After this, the doctor comes back in to talk with me. He asks me where I think my lung capacity is as far as I can tell (when I came into his office). I'm thinking that it is bad, so I lower what I thought my lung capacity was and say 80%. He tells me that is wishful thinking. My lung capacity, when I came into his office was at 50% of normal for somebody of my age. So, that is what it is at when I am feeling like I am having no problems. After they had given me the albuterol it went up to 70% of normal. He says that this is a sure indicator that it is indeed asthma. The oxygen in my blood was normal.

The appointment ends sooner than they told me it would end and I am able to get home at a reasonable hour. Of course the same old stuff happens at home. We run our daughter over to piano lessons and then have to go get her. In between that time I go to Smiths so I can drop off the food for the food bank that we collected at our Ward Christmas Party (it wasn't much for a whole ward, but at least it was something). I also grab a couple of needed items. The rest of the evening is spent in watching the video Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and then TV (and it was an actual VHS video that we watched).


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