Monday, December 31, 2007

Don't let it snow

I am sick and tired of having to shovel the snow from my driveway. Yesterday, it snowed again. My son was sick and staying at home while I took my daughter to church. The meetings went pretty well, as meetings go, but I really didn't enjoy them. My daughter had to turn in her tithing or I would've left Sacrament meeting after partaking of the Sacrament. We were both kind of bored. The speakers weren't even bad, it was just one of those things.

After arriving home, I went out into the cold (and it is freezing butt cold) and started to shovel the walks again. My son didn't seem too sick, but I wasn't about to ask him to come out and help if he truly was sick. Despite the cold, I worked up a sweat in cleaning up the driveway and the side walks. In the back yard, I even did a path for the dog (although I don't know why I do this because she has quit using them). When we let our dog out the back we now have to go out there with her, because my wife doesn't want her to fall down a window well again. I really should go get something that we can put over those window wells so we don't have to do that anymore. The dog likes to eat snow and sometimes only goes out for that. We can use the path to get around a good portion of the house and watch her so she doesn't fall down those wells. Her blindness is getting worse.

Well, my hope is that we can stop singing that damnable song, "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow".


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