Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Homes and foreclosure

New years eve has come and gone. I left work early on New Years Eve. There really wasn't much to be done at home, but it is better sometimes to be home than to be at work. At least I don't have all the worries of work. I mostly relaxed when I got home.

It was around 5:30 PM when we left home to go to the in-laws house. We took the WII game system and a few other games (they weren't used at all) and got there before Pam and Anne came in with the food. They made a clam chowder as well as a vegetable soup. I don't like clam chowder, but the vegetable soup was pretty darn good.

Some people over there were playing Progressive Rummy while I and others were playing a couple of games on the WII console. I guess that is one way that I will get my exercise. On Sunday, I got obsessed with the billiards that is in WII play. I wanted just one game that wouldn't have any fouls. This didn't happen. I did finally get a game where I thought it would happen, but on the very last ball, I dropped the cue ball into the hole as well. I finally gave up after about three hours of obsessing over this.

Anyway, the topic I wanted to write about today is this foreclosure business. It had been decided last night that some people would be going out to help Melanie get some of her stuff out of her home. We knew the foreclosure was close, but didn't have too much information about that. I got a call this morning wondering if I possibly could come out and help with some moving. After we didn't hear much else I called Pam again to see what was going on. I was told that they probably wouldn't need my help. That's how we were going about our day.

Around 2:00 there was a change in mind. They had gotten to the house and there was a note on the garage door talking about the Estate sale and that things would start to happen on the fourth of this month. The house had a lot more inside it than Pam thought it would. She wanted us to come on out. We got into the car and headed to Ogden around 2:30.

Once there, I put a mask on to avoid asthma that may come on in a house such as this. There was a lot of things strewn about the house when we got there, and of course cats have been all over the place in the house. It was next to impossible to walk anywhere in the house without stepping on something. We weren't there to get most or all of the stuff out of the house. Only the things that Melanie and her son thought they needed. It was cold both inside and outside the house. I was surprised that the lights were still on and that there was water to the place. Brandon, Ben, Melanie, Pam and Anne were there taking care of things, and we joined with our family of four. I didn't do too much there, but did help a little bit. It was sad really to see how they have been living and to see all of the stuff that is just going to be left there. I feel bad for whoever has to clean up the house with this foreclosure. More than likely, most things will just be thrown in a big dumpster and taken out. Since there is a lot of mold in the house and it hasn't been kept up, I'm pretty certain that whoever buys the property will bulldoze the house to make room for a new home. There really isn't that much that is salvageable. It is a sad state of affairs. It makes me wonder how much of this was because of the mental illness of Melanie, and how much is because of the cocaine addiction of her now dead husband Steve. The house has been in hock for a lot of years, and it is amazing that they have held onto it this long.

We went to dinner at Wingers and called it a day. When we got home, we watched the latest Harry Potter Movie that has come out on DVD.


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