Sunday, January 27, 2008

Time keeps on slipping...

It's not that nothing has happened or anything, but it's more that other things just keep happening, which makes it so I forget or feel I don't have the time right now to write anything in here. However, a lot of the things that are happening are the same old stuff, so there isn't a ton to write about.

Work has been a bit slower for me in the last little while, but mostly because I am depending on other people to do things. Not that I haven't found stuff to occupy my time, but it would be nice if there was a bit more to do at work.

A few weeks back an employee from work had a laptop stolen from out of his car. It had some sensitive data on it, and has cost the company a couple hundred thousand dollars to help those people who have the possibility of having identities stolen to be able to track that. Because of this, work is clamping down and making new rules as to what is to take place. With this, I had to bring my work PC from home into work to have everything encrypted. There is an added level of security now to the hard drive. It was extra security when I couldn't get it to boot up over this weekend. I have to take my PC into work tomorrow so they can fix that.

In the meantime, my son has been playing around with a really old PC and Ubuntu. It seems to be a pretty good system, but he is struggling with it a bit because there are some UNIX commands that need to take place on it. My computer that I brought in for encryption was too old, so they gave me a new one, and I will take that other one home as well to be able to mess around with it a bit. I don't know if my son would like it over the other one or not, but it probably would be a better computer. If not, I will steal some of the RAM for my other PC which really doesn't have enough RAM. I have worked a bit with my son and his frustrations of trying to put all of this together. We are also trying to get him to get serious about finishing up the three merit badges that he has left for his Eagle. He has taken some incentive for that, but seems to get bogged down here and there.

I have felt a bit guilty because I haven't been doing so much with my daughter. I was able to go shopping with her on Saturday for some gym clothes. Really all she needed were some shorts that go to her knees. We found the best ones in the boys department. She seemed to like the ones we got and then I told her that she should get a matching shirt. My wife and daughter were impressed that I actually picked something out that matched, and it was cute to boot.

Tonight, I am hearing that President Hinckley has passed on. I will do another writing on that in a bit. I don't know if I'll have much to say about it, but we'll see.


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