Monday, January 14, 2008

An Entry

It's been a little while since I last put something here. Really, there hasn't been too terribly much happening, but a little bit has, so I will just hit a couple of things.

On the 9th of this month, we had an all employees meeting. It was the same old stuff of most of these meetings where we see how well the company is doing. We had the best year ever in 2007 that the company has ever had. WCF is strong. The highlight of the meeting was an entertainer they had come in. His name Jason Hewlett. He was quite funny and entertaining. Here is an url that you can see about him and there are a couple of clips of hims as well. . That part of the meeting was fun. To end it all, Lane stood up and told us that he is retiring from WCF. He has been a great president and CEO of WCF for the whole time that I have been here. He will be sorely missed. They have put Ray Pickup into his place. Lanes reason for leaving is that he and his wife have been called on an LDS mission as mission president (they still don't know where). That is great for them. I wish them well.

Along with the meeting, we got told that we would get a 5% bonus that will be paid to us on the 16th of January. I have already figured out what I should get after taxes and as a family, we decided that we will go to Disneyland. That should be a lot of fun. It's been a couple of years since we last went, and we need to take a vacation as a family.

Last Saturday, we went up to Ogden again. The person who bought Melanies house told us that we could go up there and get some things out that can be used. We were grateful for that. We met at the Wach's house, and then headed up there. We had Zachery in our SUV. We had some good conversation on the way up there. At one point it got almost too lively, but it was good.

There was over a foot and a half at the house. We went in and got what we could and then left. On the way back Zach told us about finding a cop (he was not on duty and was out of his state) who had been at the accident scene when his father died. Zach and Casey were one at the time of their fathers death. So, after 17 years he finally got some details that he hadn't had before. Jimmy died in his arms after they searched for him in the brush. The officer and his wife asked about his mother and he told them of her death two years after his fathers death. Anyway, it was good for Zach to connect with this cop.

There isn't too much going on at my house. My daughter in Florida was going to have a job interview today at a massage place where she can work part time and have insurance paid for through the job. She feels pretty positive about being able to get it. I hope she does. I guess I'll find out next Sunday, as that is the day I always talk to her.

Other than what I've put here, things are pretty much the same. Not many changes in what is going on in my life, and that is mostly good.


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