Monday, January 28, 2008

A prophet of God

I just thought I should write a few of my thoughts that have been brought about with the passing away of Gordon B. Hinckley. He died tonight at around 7:00 PM in his apartment. He was 97 years old.

What a life this man led. It was shocking a bit to hear of his passing, but then, given his age, it was no real surprise. He did seem to be in great health for a man of his age, and he died (it seems) working. Even when he slows down, I don't know if I could keep up with his pace. What a man.

I was watching a movie on TV (Luna: Spirit of the Whale). It is based on a true story, and was a pretty good movie. Around 8:10, my son came out and told me that they had broken into his show to say that Gordon B. Hinckley has passed away. This also ended up stopping my wifes show that she was watching. I listened to a bit of it, and got what was there, and then went back to watching my show. It's not that I wasn't interested in it really, but I figured that over the next little while there would be a lot more come out about it all. So far, all of this is proving to be prophetic. Of course, I live in the area that we would hear about this kind of thing. The movie was a good (if slow) movie.

My daughter also called (interrupting the movie) and I talked to her (that is a good interruption by the way). We talked for quite awhile. She told me of things that had happened in the last two weeks (she forgot to call me back last week) and told me about a friend that got hit by a drunk guy in some parade that she was at, breaking a bunch of bones in his face (to the point of him needing to get some re-constructive surgery done. I was proud of my daughter as she went to be by his side while he was going through what he was going through. This is what a friend would do.

Anyway, I finished the movie, and then listened to some of the news. For a whole 1/2 hour the news talked only about Gordon B. Hinckley. Later I clicked over to KSL and they had a program that had been made in 2007 about the life of this leader and great man. I watched it. It lasted until around 11:30 last night. It was interesting hearing about his life. He has worked with the church since he was 25 years old, and has quite a life in doing all of this work. He had other ideas, but this is where he felt the Lord had called him, so he did what he felt would further the gospel of Jesus Christ. I wonder if I would ever have that kind of strength to do the same thing.

I have really appreciated the presidency of Gordon B. Hinckley. The other prophet that I thought nobody would ever be able to top was Spencer W. Kimball. Each of them have their strengths, but these two men have a real way of hitting the emotions of all people. I wouldn't say that Gordon B. Hinckley actually topped Spencer W. Kimball either, but they both did some of the greatest things for the LDS church that I think we will see done in our day. Gordon B. Hinckley has brought the church more into the mainstream than any other prophet. In my opinion, he has opened up the way for us by giving people access to him about our church. Temple building has been his other great feat. He has made temple worship more available to members throughout the world. I don't get to the temple like I should, and I have temples all around me (including a new one being built just a few blocks from my home).

Anyway, I am grateful for Gordon B. Hinckley and all that he has done. I am sure he is happy to be with his loving wife once again, and he has left quite a legacy.

I guess I'll forgive him for insulting me that one time. There is a whole story there.


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