Sunday, February 03, 2008

Snow Day

This last week has been a lot of the same old stuff again. I did get that other computer and took it home. Soon after my son came home (I was allowed to leave early from work because of the snow that was accumulating), he helped me shovel the walks. I took longer than him in getting off my boots and when I went into the house, he had that computer torn apart and had torn apart the other machine that he has been putting together. He got all the best parts of both machines and put it into this newer model machine. He loaded Ubuntu on it (there were a few problems) and then found a program that would let him use his keyboard with the computer. He was putting some songs on the computer that evening that he is too lazy to play on his keyboard. In the long run he found that it was more time consuming doing it the lazy way.

As the week went on, my son continued to work on his new computer. He still can't have internet access in his room, but the computer is allowed in there. I need to buy a big long internet cable so he can drape it across our floor to get that access. In this way, we will always know when he is on the internet in his room. With my help, my son really screwed up his computer (I guess it's true, it takes a programmer to really mess up a computer). He was upset about having to put in his password to do certain things on the computer. For this computer he is not really concerned about security. That password just got in the way. I looked up on the internet how to take the password off. We did just that. The next thing we knew, he couldn't get into his computer at all, as there was no password (where one is needed). In the long run, I found a way to place a password on the computer while it was booting up. Thank goodness I came up with that, because when he loads the system, it always seems to format the hard drive. He didn't want to go through that yet again, so it was good that we got around that.

Now, onto the Snow Day. This morning we woke up (that's a good thing). Last nights news was that we might get 2-4 inches of snow. We could immediately see that there was more snow than had been advertised. Being good Mormons we got ready for church. We were all ready by 8:30 in the morning to go to church when a flurry of phone calls started to go around. We actually got told that there would be no church today (at first it was only the first two meetings (in our case that is Priesthood meeting and Sunday School). In the long run, the canceled Sacrament meeting as well.

The interesting thing about this storm is that it hit Utah County pretty hard, and the West side of the Salt Lake Valley, and missed downtown Salt Lake and hit parts of Ogden Utah. We had a foot of snow, but my son and I went out and shoveled anywhere between one to three feet of snow off the driveway (because of snow drifts). We only did the two car part of the driveway, forgetting about the third car driveway and the RV Pad. I pounded some of that snow down so it wouldn't drift back onto our driveway again. We also shoveled a little bit out into the road, but because the road hadn't been plowed it would be difficult to get out. While we were shoveling, another 1/2 inch came down.

One more interesting thing about this storm was that my front yard was completely covered, but you could see the grass in the backyard. Basically, our back yard is closed in and isn't very big. The wind blew most of that snow in a bowl like fashion against our six foot fence. So, that is where all that snow went. It was just strange to see a dry back porch and one to three feet of snow on the driveway in the front yard.

I went out at a later time and shoveled a little bit more snow off the driveway.

I spent some of the day online looking at church sites and reading on some of that stuff. I also went and answered a few posts in some of the forums I frequent. Then I played billiards on the WII that we have in our home (dang that's an addicting thing).

Another blizzard hit us around 3:45. It was a whiteout. I actually called Paul and told him I may not make it into work tomorrow. The plows still hadn't come and unless they did I wasn't go to even try. It is nice that I can work from home if I need too.

At 4:00 I sat down with my wife and daughter to watch the SuperBowl. It was the New England Patriots against the New York Giants. My daughter and my wife were cheering for the Giants so I stuck to the Patriots. The Giants got a quick 3 points and then the Patriots got a quick seven points. It stayed that score all the way till the end of the game. My daughter shouldn't be allowed to watch games. She was cheering on the Giants, and when near the end of the game came up, she jumped up and shouted when they got a touchdown. There was so much animation in her that she injured her shoulder and her knee (she had injured her knee on Thursday in gym class at school). She was asking for a hot pack. Next the Patriots worked their way down the field for a touchdown. Then the Giants got one touchdown with 39 seconds left to go. My daughter was intently watching the TV and complaining when the Patriots got some good passes off that ended up incomplete. Anyway, the Patriots lost and my daughter gets into my space and says "In yo face". They talk about wives and children getting beat with these high profile games from distraught husbands and fathers, but the way I see it, I need to be afraid of my daughter if her team doesn't win (just kidding).

While we had been watching the game, the snowplows finally went by our home. When the game was over, I went outside and finished shoveling off the last bits on our driveway, and more importantly breaking through the barrier that the the snow plows put into our driveway (actually not in the driveway, they stayed about three feet out). There was a wall of about two feet of snow that I had to shovel out from the snow plow. I also cleared out our mailbox, but the delivery person will need to get out of his vehicle in order to give us any mail. Hopefully, he'll do that.

The rest of the evening was spent in watching House. That is one of my favorite television programs.


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