Monday, February 04, 2008

New President of the Church.

There was a little bit more snow that came last night, but it wasn't too much. There has also been a little bit of snow during the day today.

Anyway, at 11:00 today they announced the new first presidency of the Church. Thomas S. Monson is the president (that was no surprise and has followed years of tradition in the LDS church). The first councilor is Henry B. Eyring, and the second councilor is Dieter F. Uchtdorf is the second councilor. People at my work turned on the TV to hear the announcement and it was left on for about 1/2 hour while questions were answered by the new First Presidency.

It was good to hear these men speak briefly and I think it is a good First Presidency. This is what is good about the church. It continues on, even with the death of a prophet.

Speaking of the previous prophet, on Saturday, as a family, we all sat down and watched the funeral of Gordon B. Hinckley. It was a good funeral and we thoroughly enjoyed it (well our son did his fair share of complaining).

I just wanted to write about the new first presidency here.


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