Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Birthdays and such

Today was my wifes birthday and, of course last week was our daughters birthday. I'll start at last Wednesday evening. We really didn't do much of anything on her birthday. Well, that is to say that I didn't do much. My wife did the cooking of my daughters favorite meal which is chicken and spinach in a croissant. There wasn't even the opening of gifts on this night because our daughter said that she would wait until Saturday when we had the family party since Pam and Anne had gone in with us on the main gift. The only thing she got that was different was now she could wear the shoes that our son bought her for her birthday.

Since my sister-in-law came into town from North Carolina, we went to my parents house to meet up with her for a couple of hours on Thursday. The whole family met there, minus Keith (who rarely shows up to family things). There was the regular joking about that goes on in my family and then it was done. Overall, it was a good visit and it was good to see Eilene and to keep up with her and her life. She had made a quilt out of a bunch of Randy's old shirts so she could have a keepsake of him. Larry and Paula were busy telling us about their newest addition as a grandchild. They have had two in as many weeks. They were bursting at the seams in pride.

Friday, I left work a little early. I had gotten a call from my wife and realized that she was having a bad day. Things weren't going as well as she had hoped. I left work and helped a little bit around the house cleaning up for the party that would be taking place in a few hours. This helped to relieve the stress from her, and she was grateful for that help.

I picked up all the girls at school and brought them to our house. They played around at our house for awhile and had some snacks. The WII was a hit and so was the PS2 that they played guitar hero on. At 5:00 we were in the theater (that is me with seven girls) and watching Nim's Island. It was a pretty enjoyable film. We went back home to have a dinner of barbecue beef sandwiches which my wife had made the day before. Those were really great sandwiches. There was gift opening and general hilarity, and then some game playing. The girls then went for a late night walk to the lake in daybreak. They got home from that about 10:15 in the evening. All the girls went home, and we had the rest of the night for relaxation.

Of course, another big day was Saturday. We had to take care of a few last minute items for the family (my wifes side) to show up at 2:00. My wife had looked up a recipe for some barbecue chicken and had marinated it during the day. I went out and cooked it up when they all came over. We had a great dinner and then our daughter got to open up her gift. We gave her a sewing machine. It was a hit and we played with it for awhile after she opened it up. We visited for quite awhile with Pam, Zach, Melanie, Rod and Margaret. It was a good visit. There was a point in time that Melanie started to escalate, and I had to watch out a bit to keep her away from doing that. It was on the situation of the FLDS and their children being taken away from them that has been going on in Texas over this last month. It's a real mess, but Melanie knows what it is like to have your children taken from you as hers were taken from her because of her mental illness and her husbands cocaine use. Anyway, that got toned down (thankfully) and then everything went smooth going forward.

Last night there was a court of honor that I needed to go to. Our son was able to MC it so that he could get that part of his communications merit badge taken care of. He did a really good job. Then, the time was turned over to the Bean family so they could hold their Eagle Court of Honor on the same evening. It was a good night.

That was about it for that time. Now, we had my wifes birthday coming up. Like I said, that happened today. I called my wife from work and it was then that I realized that she had hoped I would take the day off today to be with her. It was too late and there was no way to make that one up. I picked up a cake and some Roses on the way home, but she had already purchased her gift which has something to do with makeup. She did not have a good birthday. She was upset at me because I don't think about making her day special. I had asked her previously what she wanted for her birthday dinner and was told that we would be going out for dinner, but tonight she didn't want to go out. All we did was sing her happy birthday and blew out the candle. She stayed in our room all night, and I was at a loss as to what to do. My kids and I sat in the living room and watched "Alvin and the chipmunks". That was an enjoyable movie. My wife did thank me for the Roses and the cake later tonight, so that was at least good. I just felt bad that I hadn't done anything like what she expected me to do.

Now, I just have to figure out mothers day.


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