Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bigger or Better

Not too much (out of the ordinary) went on at work today. We just had a Young Men/Young Women activity that I thought was of interest, so I'm writing about it.

It was a combined activity. It was called Bigger or Better. First the Young Men and Young Women were broken up into groups of about five people per group. Each group was then given a paperclip. What they were supposed to go out and do was to go to peoples homes and trade for something that was either bigger or better. Five groups went out, and they were gone for about half an hour. One group (my sons) tried to cheat and brought a dirt bike that one of the boys got out of his garage, but since it was never meant to be traded (it couldn't be kept) it didn't count towards the better. They, of course thought they had it.

In the long run, what they came back with was, a huge TV box (that one the bigger category - in which they got a Big Cup Reeses candy), Four Book of Mormons (they thought they would win the best since it was religious, and how can you put a price on religion), a kitchen utensil set (this one the best and they each got a 100 grand bar that I had to buy for my son), a picture that was about 6 feet long and 12 inches in width of fruit, and finally some Swedish fish (this was from the group who tried to get the dirt bike to work). The bishop very carefully graded it. There was no contest as to the biggest. He said that the actual value of the Book of Mormons while they don't cost anything they are pricesless, didn't really amount to it being the best. With the dirt bike being thrown out, the best was between the picture and the kitchen utensils. Of course, as I mentioned the kitchen utensils came out on top.

Some people didn't want to trade things though. The group with the picture frame ended up with a broken down office chair as well. Anyway, the Swedish fish got eaten, the box and the office chair got thrown away, the bishop took the picture so he could use the frame to put some other type of picture (or pictures) in to hang in his office, and the kitchen utensils got taken home by one of the Young Women leaders. The book of Mormons will be given to the missionaries so they can hand them out. One thing of interest was that in one of those Book of Mormons, we found a card in there expressing a testimony that was signed by my daughters primary class (when she was in primary) and included her cousin Michelle. Anyway, there were some Popsicles for everybody when they came back (well, they ran a little bit short). It was kind of a fun activity.

Oh, BTW, had the group that did the dirt bike gone to our house, I had told my wife to give them our vacuum cleaner in the garage. That may have worked for the best. My son told me that they were sure they would have the best with the dirt bike so weren't concerned. He thought the ones with the kitchen utensils cheated because that was from one of the girls homes that was in the group. I told him the reason it didn't was because it was meant to be given away and the dirt bike wasn't. Oh well, it was a fun activity for the kids. It was also interesting to hear their stories of what they got in return for various things through this exercise.


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