Sunday, July 20, 2008

Family Vacation

My wife and I decided last week that we need a good family vacation, and a time to just be with the family without too much to do. Since my friends stake had a stake lagoon day (I still don't know why my stake doesn't do this) we decided to base it around that a bit. Along with that, I took off Thursday and Friday from work last week.

I left work a little early on Wednesday so I could get home and take care of a couple of items and be off. We got out of the house around 5:00 PM (rush hour traffic). We stopped into a gas station to fill up. I had just barely begun the process when I heard my wife and daughter telling me that some masked men had gone into the gas station. I was to cancel my transaction and get out of here. I was trying to find the cancellation and my wife was writing down the license plate of the "masked" men. As I was getting into the car they came out. Their faces were painted and some of them had capes. We then figured that they were getting ready to go sleep over night at one of the theaters in preparation for the new Batman movie. They were scary looking, but that can be expected as this is to be a dark movie. I finished filling up and then we headed out. It didn't take too long to get up to the cabin. After arriving, we talked with my wife's parents, and then headed down to get a burger. We also went to pick up a few supplies at the local Smiths. We really didn't do too much more that night, but played a few games and then went to bed. My wife used our new mattress topper and said that she slept better up at the cabin than she ever had.

Thursday came along and we got us some breakfast and then headed out to the Jordanelle State Park to do some kayaking. It was nice that we had the kayaks from Pam and Anne, and we had a few hours of paddling around in the kayaks. We finally left there at around 1:30 PM. It was a hot day. I think all four of us had a good time doing this. I know that my wife and I did. We shared a kayak with our son or our daughter (we never shared one with just us).

Back at the cabin, we played some games and watched two movies ("Water horse" and "Yours, Mine, and Ours"). Overall, it was another great day. We went to bed pretty late.

Friday was lagoon day. We finally got out of the cabin around noon. There was some drama that was happening at the cabin, of which I was the cause of some of it. It was good to get out of there, but it started out on a bit of a sour note. It didn't help that I forgot to take a lot of the food that we had planned for the day. We went back to Smiths to purchase our needs there. We ate lunch as soon as we got to the Lagoon, and then split up with our kids and went on some rides. My wife and I started out on the ride "Wicked". That is one of the funnest roller coasters I have ever been on. It shoots you out at around 55 mph at which point you go straight up and then straight down. It then twists and turns you all over the place. It was a rush. My wife and I would go on a few rides and then rest and then do a few more. We went at our own pace. Of course, our kids went on a fast and furious pace.

A bit later, Pam and Anne showed up. We got with our kids and had some dinner and then went on some rides with them. They really didn't want to do that, but Anne called them and got them to do it. When we went to watch a show, our son didn't want to go in there and grabbed our daughter to hit more rides. We met up with them a bit later and went on a few more rides with them. One of those rides was the Log flume, which we decided to put the fat guy (me) in the front. That was a mistake as it got us soaked and we really didn't want to get wet.

It was a fun day at the Lagoon, but we were happy to get out. We left at around 11:15 PM. We had a detour on the way back to the cabin because part of I-80 was shut down. We got back and just headed straight to bed.

Saturday morning was a do nothing morning. We just were a bit lazy around the cabin. Pam, Anne and Zach came up in the early afternoon. We had some lunch and then Zach was taken to the Homestead because we were all too noisy for him to be able to study for some Finals at school. My son and I went with Rod to some hardware stores to get some paint for the railings outside of the cabin and to pick up a few items at Smiths. It seems that no place in Heber had any one step varnish and stain for the cabin in smaller than a gallon. I had even asked for an exterior paint at one place and they sole me interior stuff. We had to go back, and that was a fiasco. While we had been gone, they had all decided to watch "The Great Debaters" and it was finishing when we got home. We then put in Wild Hogs and then some left so they could start painting the porch railings. My son and daughter helped and I felt a bit guilty for not helping out as well. I wish I'd have known they were going to do that and I could've brought up some clothes to do it in. The rails did look good though.

Pam went with our son and daughter to get a few more items and ended up bringing a lasagna back to the cabin. When it was realized that it would take two hours to cook, we had to do a backup plan and eat something else. They came up with a good dinner with Turkey Breast, vegetables and a salad. It was good. We would eat the lasagna the next day. Pam, Anne and Zach left after thinking about staying for a night. There was the problem of their three dogs and not having anything to change into later.

Today was just a lazy day. We woke up, had pancakes, bacon and eggs for breakfast and then just lounged around the cabin. I packed our bedding onto the top of the car and then we played a few games in the cabin. We had some lunch (that lasagna) and then got ready to leave. We got home at around 5:00 tonight. There wasn't much more that went on.

I do want to add the only really negative thing about the cabin this last time. The water heater had gone out so there were a few cold showers unless we heated up some water for a quick bath. Other than that, the vacation was really quite nice.


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