Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sawyer Brown

Last week, I went out to lunch with my cousin. He mentioned that he goes to the Sandy Amphitheater for various things and mentioned that Sawyer Brown was coming in. I had seen that, but didn't think much of it. It was decided that he would get my wife and I some tickets. They did that. We got tickets on the lawn for only $20 each. The seats were $30. Steve got me the tickets today before I left work for home. He wouldn't be available for a dinner before it started.

I was wondering if my wife and I should go out to dinner, and ultimately decided that we would not. That was a mistake. My wife was looking forward to the dinner. I went out and grabbed some stuff for some sloppy joes along with the vegetables.

My wife and I left our home at about 6:40 to arrive at the amphitheater around 7:00. We thought that maybe we were a little bit too late as there were already a bunch of folding chairs in the general admission area. Lawn chairs are only allowed in the center section of the lawn, and blankets go on both sides of it. We did get a fairly good spot, but maybe we should've been just a tad earlier. We talked to a few of the people around us and waited for the concert to start.

At 8:00 Phil Stacey came out to start up the concert. He only had two guitarists along with him and while he was good, it wasn't a great performance (probably because there was no hype). He definitely showed that he had a good voice, but I guess he was only the side show. He sang for about a half hour to 45 minutes. Then there was intermission.

During intermission, we went to talk with Steve and Susan. Their seats are in the front and center of the amphitheater. When Sawyer Brown came out, we got back to our seats. It was electric. It reminded me of when my wife and I went to the Grand Ol' Opry earlier this year. This concert was just as good as that one was to me. The lead singer of Sawyer Brown (Mark Miller) looks to be about my age or older, and boy did he have energy. I was envious of his energy, and my wife informs me that this is how we should be. That guy didn't seem to wear out. Well, there was a place where they sang a song from Joe Walsh (Life's Been Good) and rather than Mark Miller singing, the keyboard player took over where Miller looked flabbergasted. It was quite funny. Then there was another song from the same era and one of the guitarists took over on that one. It was funny, and I'm sure was meant to give his voice some recuperation to continue the concert. The whole thing was good though and there were standing ovations in quite a few places. The concert lasted until around 10:15. It rained a little bit on us, but nothing that was terrible.

We met back up with Steve and Susan, and walked to our car. While we were talking outside of the car it started to give us one of those summer rains. It wasn't real hard, but certainly harder than we had during the concert. We gave Steve a ride to his truck and left there around 11:00. We got home late, and there were light shows all around the valley from the lightening.

It ended up being a quite enjoyable evening.


Blogger wtgm3 said...

I received your blog through a Google alert for Phil Stacey. I am sorry that you didn't seem too impressed with Phil. It may be different being an opening act to being the headliner, I guess. I would not call him a "side show," though, as he is far from it. Phil has been both an opening act and a headliner. He was considered a great opener when he performed "Blaze of Glory" on "American Idol." With the exception of Simon Cowell considering him a "bad actor," he got rave reviews for that performance. He was the first contestant up that evening. There are plenty of youtube links you can visit, some from the tour, where he performed the song. And he will sometimes have a full band. He does not need any "hype," I feel, to show his talent. He is a wonderful singer, and he will show what a song means to him in his performing it. Just check out his performance of his patriotic song, "Old Glory," at the Opry recently. He has gotten standing ovations for it. A remade version of the song is at his music myspace, as are some of the songs off his cd. He also has a song on a Disney compilation. Those who have seen him in person will agree that he is a great performer. I would encourage you to go see him again when he is the main performer. I am sure your opinion will change.:-)

4:55 AM  
Blogger Craig's Blog said...

You should note that I did say that he was good. I agree that Phil Stacey is a good artist. He did a good job, but as he wasn't the one that people were there to see, he wasn't given the same hype that Sawyer Brown was. I suppose if Sawyer Brown had the same kind of thing happen in a side show that I would've said the same thing about them.

5:09 PM  

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