Wednesday, October 08, 2008


This past Monday, my parents showed up at my office at lunch time. They were hoping I could take them to Sams Club so they could look at 26 inch TV's. I told them I am no longer a member of Sams Club, but we could go to Costco down the street. Before we went to Costco, we went to see how much they would be at BestBuy. The only ones that BestBuy had that were in the right price range, were cancelled out because they were open box items. We sent to Costco, and didn't see anything else there to compare with one that they had seen at Walmart. The thing that's interesting about this purchase is that it isn't for them, but for my sister. I have to admit that there is some jealousy there in what she is getting from my parents because her husband chose to do things I think are wrong and that he is in prison for. But, my parents justify the purchase because my sisters children don't have a TV to watch DVD's on. My sister can't afford cable or Satellite either (but then neither can I) so in the area she lives there is no reception. The TV would be solely so the kids can watch DVD's. While I wouldn't trade places with my sister (having your spouse in prison is no picnic), I still felt a twinge of that jealousy. However, my parents have the right to do with their money with whatever they choose to do. In the meantime, we are still trying to scrape up the money that we need for my sons trip to Florida. This is part of the reason that things are frustrating to us. I think if it were my sisters child, the money would be forthcoming (but then, maybe not). Both my wife and I have similar feelings on this.

Monday evening, I ended up at Target looking at some crock pots. My wife had brought one home that we didn't like when it was taken out of the box, so I had to go back and get a different one. The crock pot we had my wife has been scared (especially after we cracked the porcelain insert) that it may have lead poisoning as has been found with a lot of those things. I also had to go to the store a bunch of times because we needed various supplies for our son to get his homework done. It was an expensive day.

Tuesday evening, after arriving home, we headed to Chuck-A-Rama for my Father-in-laws birthday. My Mother-in-law covered the bill for all nine of us to eat there (that cost her a pretty penny). We later went over to their house to socialize for a bit. Then we headed home so we could watch the second presidential debate between Obama and McCain. I was glad that we didn't watch it at the in-laws because I differ from them in my politics.

Obama was a bit clearer than McCain was in the way he described things. But, I thought they both did well in the debate and nobody really won nor lost this one. They both had false things to say about each other. I wish they would cut that out because it makes it harder to decide (although I am already pretty much decided on who I will vote for).

Our son went out tonight to the Church Dairy to do some charity work. He tells us that it was only the Bishop, Chris and him that were there. But, they did quite a bit over a three hour period of time. Our daughter made some Amish Friendship Bread tonight, and that was a tasty treat.


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