Sunday, October 26, 2008

Stress Test - Birthday

Not too much has happened since I last wrote here, but I thought I had better write something or I wouldn't write down things that at least have some significance.

I had the day off on Friday (like I do every other weekend), and in the morning had to head into the St Marks Hospital to take a stress test. I, of course, told our son that I could drive him to his high school (just like normal days, except he doesn't have early morning seminary on this day). After dropping him off, I headed into the hospital.

On the way to the hospital I was listening to the news and found that the Dow-Futures had been frozen having reached the ultimate lows they are allowed (I believe that was 500). That was a bit scary previous to the Dow opening on this day. The Dow ended up not losing so much as had been lost in the Futures which at least helped a little bit. But, it going down like it is certainly isn't good for our economy.

I was a bit early to the hospital so had to wait for the Heart Center to open up there. I was the first one in for an appointment so that was good. I had to fast before going in (only from midnight to when I was there) and I was a little hungry, but not bad. The worst part of the stress test for me was when they have to put the IV into your arm (I absolutely hate needles). They pumped in some Iodine or something so they could take some pictures of my arteries. I was then put into a CT Scanner and processed. This took about 15 minutes of just laying there watching this scanner move every now and then.

Next, I was taken into a room that had a treadmill. My chest was shaved and then all the probes were put on. Some kind of belt with everything attached was put around me and then the nurse (I'm not sure it was a nurse, but that is what I was assuming) grabbed the reins coming from me and I joked about being a horse. She told me that it wasn't that bad, and I said, OK, then I guess you are leading a cow. She just kind of laughed at my stupid sense of humor. I was put on the treadmill and watching my heart rate. They wanted me to get it up to 144. It started out somewhere in the 90's. Once it got up to 144 there was some more stuff injected into the IV and then I had to walk for about two more minutes. I was told that they would walk me and that I would be extremely tired. I didn't find that to be the case. It was a workout, but it wasn't as bad as I had been led to believe. I could've continued walking the way I was walking even longer than I had too. It was getting to the difficult stage though.

After that, I was taken back into the CT Scan room where they scan everything again. This time it was about 12 minutes. The pictures tell them if the blood is flowing through my arteries the way it should be and to make sure it is getting through those stents that were put inside me back in February. The nurse (maybe not a nurse) said that it wasn't official because he isn't the cardiologist, but it looked like things were going OK. I will probably find out about that next Friday when I go in to see the doctor.

I headed home and watched some television for awhile (after all, I did do my exercising for the day - I should do it every day). My wife and I headed out a little later to go to JC Penney to pick up some birthday gifts (shirts and hoodies that our son needs) but didn't find anything that really stuck with us good. We then went to Aeropostale to get the things we needed. With the sales that we got, we actually got a better deal there than we had at JC Penney. We arrived home after our son had gotten home, and our daughter had just arrived.

We did a few things and then a little later that evening, we took our daughter over to my sisters house so she could have a sleep-over with her cousins. We spent just a little bit of time over there and then came on home.

Saturday was a cleaning day, especially since the next day we would be having over guests for the celebration of our sons birthday which is actually on the 30th. We won't be able to celebrate his birthday on the 30th because he has a concert that night at the school. There was shopping to be done and then more cleaning. I had to go out and pick our daughter up from my sisters house, and she wasn't happy about that. They were having a better dinner than the one she would have at home.

It was nice to wake up Sunday to a house that was all ready for guests to arrive. There were still things to do, but the hard work (for me) was done. My wife still had the cooking to do and she was really a trooper about getting everything done. We went to church and left after taking the Sacrament because of a few things that needed to still be accomplished. It was the primary program at church and we probably should've stayed, but didn't.

Pam, Anne, Zach, my mother-in-law, my father-in-law and Melanie arrived about an hour early for when we told them to arrive. My mom and dad came in just a couple of minutes after they should've been there. They are so on time I was surprised that they were a couple of minutes late. They got thrown with the road construction going on at 10400 South and 4000 West.

Anyway, we had a chicken, broccoli casserole that is one of our sons favorite dinners, and along with that were rolls, and a Salad. My wife did a wonderful job of getting all of this done. She was concerned about it and was relieved when all went well as far as that goes. She had also made a cake that she had never made before. It was all good.

Travis opened his gifts (or his envelopes as it were) and then we gave him his shirts and hoodie that we had purchased. We just visited after that. They all stayed until around 8:00 PM or so, and then everybody left. There wasn't too much mess because Pam and Melanie had helped out in some of the clean up. It was a successful party and boy were we glad for that.

Well, that's the weekend.


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