Sunday, November 23, 2008

Financial Advise - 2008 Christmas Concert - Christmas Tree

On Thursday evening, my wife and I had Wes Hall come over to discuss some of the financial things that we have set up in the past. He spent a couple of hours with us explaining things so we understood and gave us some advice as to what we should be doing. We are already putting some money into some retirement accounts that are also life insurance policies. On one term life insurance policy I have he would've had us renew that if I hadn't had a heart attack this last year. And, he told us that unless work is matching what I am paying on my 401K there are better uses to that money. The first thing, he told us to do was to get working on a "rainy day fund". He received nothing from us to help him out other than we can give his name out if people are interested in getting their finances in order. He was more like a friend to us, and we felt really good about him. I may need to look into what I am putting into my 401K and transferring that money into another area. We're still considering our options there. I also had to check on one of the accounts that I put some money that came from ZCMI when I left there.

I didn't go into work on Friday. It was my normal day off. Instead, my wife and I had a day to spend together. We were able to get out and get a little bit more of the Christmas shopping done. Now, we just have to hope that our kids don't look too much around the house to see what they have. I also had to meet with Wes again in order to pick up tickets to "With Joyful Ring" - the 2008 Christmas Concert done at the Tabernacle in Salt Lake and it was the bell ringers.

We got our kids a fast dinner and then headed out for downtown. We were going to go find a good place for dinner before, but weren't so sure we would be on time to the concert. The concert started at 7:30 but you really should be there by 6:30 since it is General Admission (that's when the doors open). As we were passing temple square, we saw a car pull out from the curb at the Church Museum. I flipped a U-turn and grabbed the spot. It was just before six so we put a quarter in the meter which would last us the whole time. It was a great spot for parking and we felt lucky. We walked a couple of blocks to go to Crown Burger for a quick dinner.

It was cold outside as we found out by standing outside of the Tabernacle for about half an hour. They didn't open the doors until around 6:40 PM. We had some conversation with the female cop in front of us in line. That helped to pass the time. We then went in and got our seats. While we were sitting there, the Lems came in and tapped us on the shoulder. They sat right behind us. As we were passing time, we saw the Kays as well. We went and talked to them briefly. Of course, I also saw Wes, although we didn't go up and talk to him.

The concert was enjoyable and relaxing. It was nice to just sit there and hers beautiful music. About an hour and a half later, it was done. None too soon because the seats were getting a bit hard. It was an enjoyable evening.

Saturday, I slept in. That felt nice. My wife informed me that we had to get the tree out, and our son was the one that had pushed her into it. She said she would decorate it later if we got it out and set up. We carried the tree upstairs and then I put it together making sure everything was spread out in the way it should be. I then went to play that addicting game Mario Kart. I did finally get through what I wanted to get through. Now, I just have to go back and take first place in all things. I also stayed away from my wife while she was decorating. I would only get in the way.

Sunday morning came along, and our daughter had been sick through the night. I stayed home with her from church. I just had to do a couple of things for her, but she was getting better by the time Sunday evening came along. We were grateful for that. Since I didn't go to church, I watched "Emma Smith: My Story". I quite enjoyed the look into her life that this gave me. I watched a lot of the extras from the movie as well, and that took a couple of hours to do. In the meantime, I would check on my daughter about every 15 minutes.

My son and wife got home from church, and the meal that my wife had started in the crock-pot was smelling good. We had to wait until around 3:00 to eat that meal. It was tough because the smell was permeating the house. It was a wonderful meal when we finally got it.

My wife did a few more decorations around the house. She likes for things to be done in a particular way, so I am best off if I try to disappear. The house is getting all kinds of decorations. She both enjoys doing this, and hates it at the same time. She is a bit of a perfectionist as she does all of this. In the long run, it is a love of the season that pushes her to do it, and she is happy with the results. But, she is also bone tired.


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