Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Work - Sick - Scouts - Young Women - Cell Phones

Monday, when I got into work, things were a mess. It looked like most of my jobs through the whole weekend had worked, but there were no logs from Saturday night through that morning. In looking around, I found where there were errors in writing to the log files. This was a problem because I knew that there was some things that simply didn't look right. I was able to finally figure out that Sundays run did not happen because I found where the whole data warehouse went down Saturday evening and then came up on its own Sunday morning. We had to redo the log files to get them working and then, I had to go back a day to run Sundays stuff. It was a pain, but I got through it.

I started to feel a bit ill as my day at work was winding up. When I got home, my wife and I went out to get a couple of things. We did a little bit of Christmas shopping as well as getting some groceries that we needed. When I arrived home, I started feeling absolutely terrible. My stomach was just churning. I never had to throw up and I only had one small bout of diarrhea, but mostly my stomach hurt and I was extremely exhausted. I went to bed early.

All night, I kept on getting up because my stomach hurt. I would go into the restroom because I felt like I had to go, and then things just didn't come out easily. I still have no idea what was going on. It certainly felt like the flu, but didn't act like it.

Tuesday morning I was tired and feeling a little bit better, but not good enough. I woke up around 8:30 so I could call in sick to work and then slept until noon. I was feeling completely restored by that time. My wife and I went out and did a little bit more with some shopping for a couple of items and then came back home.

Tuesday evening, my wife got to go with my daughter to Young Women where they were having their Personal Progress night. I didn't get to go in there because I had to be with the Young Men as they were starting their Citizenship in the World merit badge. Glen wasn't there so we didn't have the flag that he usually brings and no flag ceremony. I'm sure that will be rectified next week. Brother Wallace taught it. It was interesting because he is one that actually had to gain his citizenship to the United States. He also has a good way with the boys, and for such a boring merit badge he made it interesting for the boys. He would be a great Scout Leader.

I did go into the Relief Society room after we were done for some of the refreshments that the Young Women had. My daughter was making a little bit of fun of my wife because she cried when she was talking about our daughter in a minute presentation. From what I gathered from all the Young Women, it was a good spiritual meeting.

Wednesday I had to get back into work. Most of the things went OK, but at noon there was a problem with the file that Zions Bank sent to us. They had one bad record and it made it so I updated just over 700 records that it shouldn't have updated in the RiskMaster system in Washington. I had to call out to Doug and have it taken care of. It took awhile for me to figure out what had gone wrong though. Unfortunately, I forgot that the job runs again at 6:00 in the evening, so tomorrow morning I am going to have to get a new list for Doug to fix. It's only while writing this that I figured out that I forgot a piece. At least it doesn't take long for him to get through that because I send him the exact records that he needs to fix. That's one of the problems of updating things remotely.

After arriving home I was able to talk with my son about him getting a cell phone given to him by T-Mobile (or Samsung) at the college. Everybody in his class got handed one with a $30 card for the prepaid phone. My wife and I had decided to add one cell phone to our plan for Christmas (because both of our kids are needing cell phones more and more) and buy two cell phones so they both have something new. Now, that doesn't make sense since our son already got one, which in essence will give our daughter control over the existing one. Of course it is a prepay so we will have to do what we can to keep minutes on it. I talked with T-Mobile, and the plan seems to be pretty good, and it will be cheaper for us to do it this way because our son is not a talker nor a texter. We'll have to see how it goes, but we have three months free. That $30 bought 150 minutes of cell phone use (plenty for our son) and then we got a text saying that the first installment of $10 had been added, adding 50 more minutes to the plan. I called T-Mobile and asked about this and it is a promotion they are having where $10 is added to the account each of the next three months (so he will be getting 50 more minutes each month for the next two months). If we keep the phone active (by buying another block within that 3 months) the minutes will roll over. Well, that made for an interesting night.

I played Mario Kart on the Wii. Just another addicting game for me, but I couldn't win what I need too to unlock a few more things.


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