Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Missionaries - Church DVD - Sand Dunes

Over a week since I last put anything here. That is getting more and more common for me to do though. I did decide that I had better write something in here because a couple of things worth noting have happened.

Wednesday evening, our family had the missionaries over for dinner. It is something that the bishop decided to have the missionaries go to dinners at the homes of the priests. They were able to come over for about an hour. We visited while we ate, and then a little bit after eating (just around the table). Then they left us with a message and left. They also let me know that Tom Biesinger (my dads first cousin who they are living in the basement of) has remarried. He is 74 and she is 69. It has only been about 6 months since his wife died. That was fast, but I guess at their age you better do things fast.

The LDS church is making a DVD for New Years Eve 2009. With the making of this DVD, they have invited various Young Men/Young Women groups to go to the Conference Center and participate in the DVD. We were one of those stakes. We had to have tickets to get in, and we met at the church on Thursday at 5:00 to get there in time for this whole thing. The bishop also had enough tickets for four cars to get into underground parking at the church office building. He decided that we should take the cars that take the most people, so I was one of the drivers.

My group was the last group to leave because Bill Ashton decided to go and pick up a couple more of the priests. In my vehicle we had Chris, Austin, Travis, Bishop, Bill, Sister Kelly, and me. We could've fit one more but there was nobody else to take. We left about 20 minutes after everybody had left for the Conference Center. Because we stayed of the freeway when we saw it was a bad rush hour traffic, we beat all of them to the Conference Center. I let everybody out of the car before going to park it because we would've all been late, and it would be hard to find a place without doing this. It took another 15 minutes to park the car. I felt like they were taking me deep into the bowels of the earth underneath the Church Office Building, but in reality, I was only 3 levels deep.

I found my way to the Conference Center, and my daughter told me that she had seen me and yelled at me, but I basically ignored her. I don't remember doing so, but have no reason to disbelieve what she says on that. I was focused on trying to find my group. I did finally find them, and was told about the difficulties of others trying to get there. I know that at least one of the groups wasn't able to be inside the Conference Center, but had to go to some annex to watch the program.

The program was done in three segments. They opened the first segment with a prayer, and then Elder Holland spoke to us. Of course there was a musical number as well. They then closed that segment with prayer. The next two segments seemed to be fairly similar. They had youth who would do some singing and some simple dance steps and tell various stories about the church and missionary work. All in all, it was a good program, but talking to some of the youth later, they were a bit bored. It was kind of like a glorified fireside. We got home pretty close to 10:00 in the evening. I felt good about the program, but my son didn't think it was all that great.

Friday, I had the day off of work. I picked up a few things for the Scout Camp that was to start that night, and packed the car. My wife and I then went to lunch together. We had a good time and then went to walk around South Towne mall for a bit.

On the way home, we noticed Janet Chidester outside of her home taking some things into her house. We decided to drop in. We helped her unload some of the stuff from her car that was for a stake activity she had that night. We then went in to talk for a bit. Her son was there, and had some huge tattoos on his arm that were made to look like leather on his arms. I didn't think they looked that good, but he seems to like them. We had a pretty good visit.

At around 4:00 that day, I headed over to Glens house for this camp out. Nobody had let us know what time they were all meeting there. As it turns out it was 4:30 that we were supposed to meet. It was a good thing that I showed up because nobody told me about the foil dinner I was supposed to make. Glen said that it was his fault. He got me the fixings and we made up the foil dinner.

Around 5:00 we left for the Sand Dunes at Little Sahara, Utah. They were about an hour and a half drive to get too. The kids in my car played on their Nintendo DS's all the way down there. We were listening to Tomita on the CD player and it was an enjoyable ride. It was dark when we got there though, and we had to set up our tents in the dark. Of course, the stakes didn't go in that well because it was too sandy. I had my tent all to myself and it was pretty darn good. There was a lot of room in there. We had our dinners around 8:30 and then let the boys run out and play as long as they were with a Buddy. Around 10:00 we all hit the sack. The boys didn't want to sleep, but we got them quieted down after a bit and then went to sleep ourselves.

It was cold. I brought two sleeping bags so I would stay warm. I had a warm and comfortable sleep all night. I did wake up a couple of times, but that is common for me to do.

In the morning we had a breakfast of Sausage, Eggs, and bacon. It wasn't exactly fat free, but it was quite delicious. We got camp mostly cleaned up, so all we had to do was to take down the tents after they dried out a bit, and then we let the boys run around the Dunes for awhile. We packed up and left by about 11:00. I think the boys had a good time. I had a pretty good time as well.

After arriving home, I had to put up my tent again because it was still a bit damp. I got things dried out while I was taking care of a few other things, and then put them away again. I also got the front room windows caulked (I am trying to do a little bit at a time). Nothing else really happened Saturday evening.

Sunday came and went. It was the usual thing at church. Allie didn't show up for my wife to spend time with, so we talked with Sister Wade for a bit. She was telling us about her father-in-law who is in prison for tax evasion. She was wondering if he had gone to any seminars of my brother-in-law who is also in prison for some of that same kind of thing. It was interesting talking to her. That's what my wife and I did rather than go to Sunday School.

Nothing much happened on Monday. Tonight, my daughter went to play her instrument with the school band for the school board. Because of this, she was a little bit late to Young Men/Young Women activity. My son came in with her. They did a Mormon ad. The bishop told them all about advertising and told them how to do it and then split everybody up into three groups. They all did their ad, and then we watched them. It was kind of fun.

Anne and Kiki came over to our house tonight to get their hair done. My wife was busy doing their hair all night long. She was exhausted when she was done. I felt bad for her.

Anyway, that's the week in a nutshell.


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