Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election 2008

Today is the day of the elections in America. This is a bit scary to me as the one who is most likely to be the president, I don't trust. Barak Obama is running against John McCain. My hope, and my vote has gone for McCain (and Sarah Palin VP) over Obama (Joe Biden VP). Why is it that I am worried? I am worried about Obamas friends. I am worried about Obamas policies, and I am worried about Obamas lies. I don't think McCain is lily white or anything, but he certainly seems the better of the two to get things done.

Problems right now are the economy. Obama is a bit stronger on seeing the economy, but I don't trust his policies in order to fix it. McCain doesn't seem to know enough about it, and it is because of that, that I believe he will find those who know more about it that will do what they can to fix it. Obama would turn the United States more into a Socialist government rather than the Democratic government that we are now.

There is also the problem of having so many democrats in the high offices that the republicans will not have the capability to even filibuster. This is dangerous grounds as it makes it so the democrats can get almost anything through that they desire. It is too close to a one party system, and we need some checks and balances. I guess I am just a bit nervous about what is going on, and hope for the best for this great country of ours.

The above were my thoughts early in the day today. Now it is night, so I am going to put a little bit more here.

I got home from work, and my wife wasn't home. I did a few odds and ends, and then at one point turned on the TV. Of course, all of the channels have Election Day news. At the time I looked, McCain was ahead, but the votes also had just barely started to come in. I watched for about 10 minutes and then turned off the TV.

After my wife came home, I had to go back to the store with her to return an item that wasn't good enough for the price she paid. It was a mirror that was beautiful, but it had something on the glass that looked like smears that could not be washed off. We went back to Ross and I ended up getting some shoes (that were much needed).

We arrived home from that, and I turned on the TV briefly again. I then turned it off. Obama was ahead in the polls coming in. They were predicting (rightly) that he would easily take it. I didn't want to watch any of this because I knew I would only get irritated as the night wore on. Even if my candidate would come ahead, I knew I would be irritated. I asked my wife if she wanted to watch a movie instead, but she didn't. With nothing else on the TV, I went into the den and played Mario Kart on the Wii. I played that all night.

At one point, my wife came into the room and told me that Obama had won. I thanked her and continued to play my game. She later came in and told me I was moping because my candidate had lost. I wasn't moping, but that is what she perceived that I was doing. I told her I really wasn't interested in watching. She got a little upset at me and told me that it was history in the making (the first black president). I told her that either way it would've been history in the making. Either a first black president or a first woman Vice President (of course I had hoped for the latter).

I can't say that I was ticked off or anything. I was, and am a bit scared as to what this will bring. As mentioned above, I am worried about the filibuster free senate along with the Democrat president. Looking at the news way late tonight, it isn't looking like they will pull that one off (although there are a few states to come in). I certainly hope that this doesn't happen, as I think our government needs the checks and balances. I mostly watched sit coms late into the night tonight because I really don't want to deal with emotions going up and down. I will know soon enough what I need to know. My wife thinks I am being hypocritical because I have been giving her political information throughout the last couple of months, and a lot of it has been anti-Obama. She is wrong in what she is thinking, but has the right to have those feelings. It's not that I don't care, its that I think I care too much, and am concerned too much.

Will America pull through this? I'm pretty certain it will. How much closer to Socialism (or Marxism) will we go with this presidency? Hopefully, not too much.

America is a great county. The fact that there will be no major marches and that the government will shift over to this new president is a testament to Americas greatness. We have our differences, and we get through those differences. Hopefully, we learn from our mistakes of the past and continue in a forward manner. Hopefully, Obama will do things that are great for this great nation. My prayers are with him as he leads this country along.


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