Sunday, November 16, 2008

Anniversary Number 19

This weekend, my wife and I celebrated our 19th anniversary. On Friday and Saturday, my stake held a Little Philmont which I was supposed to go to because of being and Assistant Scout Master. Being that I like to spend a whole weekend with my wife around our anniversary, I didn't go to that. There is nothing that is going to interfere with the anniversary with my wife.

I took Friday off of work so I could spend the whole day with my wife. Of course, the necessary things were taken care of like taking my daughter to school and picking her up from school, but other than that, it was just time I was spending with my wife. We did take care of a couple of Christmas gifts (we always do a little bit of that during our anniversary) on Friday and that felt good to get rid of some of that.

Friday evening, Pam and her mother came over to our house to pick up our kids and take them off our hands for the entire weekend. We kept the dog with us, but that was about it. We usually like to go out to a hotel for our anniversary, but money kept us from that part of it, as well as a few other issues. We did choose to spend a little bit on going out to dinners for the night and spent the nights at home (away from everybody and everything but ourselves). We got a couple of DVD's and called that good. We also splurged and I didn't let my wife know that we were going to Desert Star to watch "Miracle on 42nd Street". The mystery of it to my wife added to the romance and we did that Saturday afternoon. It was an enjoyable day together.

Sunday was spent just being lazy and being together. Sunday, was the actual day of our 19 years of being married, and we just enjoyed that time being together and in love. I can hardly believe it's been 19 years.

Sunday evening, we headed out to Bountiful to pick up our kids, but we were asked to pick up Zach on our way. We figured that it took us longer to pick up Zach than it would've taken us to get out to pick up our kids had we not gone to pick him up. Then, after spending a little bit of time there we found that Zach had left his stuff in our car so we had to drive half way back to their home so he could get his stuff from us. What a pain. We got it all done though.

I was also able to talk to my daughter in Florida today. It had been 3 weeks since I heard from her. She is distraught because her boyfriend is moving back to Ohio after having lived in Florida for threee years. Anyway, that's all there is for now.


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