Tuesday, December 02, 2008

I hate Christmas Shopping

My wife called me at work today. Her mother is looking for some folding chairs for Pam. She enlisted my wife's help, and that comes over to me a little bit. She wanted me to look online. I also called a few places. Shopko seemed to have a pretty good deal on them although at most of them I was only able to find three matching ones. I finally found a store that had 6 and they had a table and chairs set that was actually less money. All on sale. I asked the girl to hold them and I would have my wife come in. She hemmed and hawed a bit and then told me she would. I called and told my wife that she may or may not hold them. She didn't.

I had actually asked her to go out on the floor rather than look on the computer for the chairs and the table and chair set. She left the phone for a short time and then came back and told me that they were there. She was right on the table/chair set, but not on the chairs. They only had three of those. My wife thought the chairs were ugly, but the set was a good set. She ended up getting that. Now, we have a table and chair set in our home and don't know where Margaret wants it to be for Christmas (we have been informed that the Christmas Eve party will be at our house again this year).

I finished my day at work, and went home. Once home, I called Best Buy for my daughters gift. The phone rung off the wall. I finally saw another phone number to call and was told that it had been delivered. Since Wal-mart was in the same area, I took my sons gift back there (I bought a different one at Target because they offered a $25 gift certificate that I was able to buy their service plan with - it was a savings). When I walked into Wal-mart the greeter tried to scan in the bar code on the thing, but it wouldn't take. I then took it to Customer Service. Customer Service called electronics to come and take a look at it to make sure I was returning a valid product. He looked at a few things and everything was a go to exchange the thing. Then they tried to exchange it. They scanned my receipt and then they tried to scan the device. It wouldn't scan in. When they tried to put in the number they were seeing on the device it was showing up as an invalid number. They couldn't get the serial numbers to match up. After a manager came, they called back to the electronics department and he had to mess around with it. They asked me if I had brought the wrong one in. I knew I hadn't because I kept them in their respective bags. I did call my son and had him read the serial number on the other one. Anyway, about a half hour later, I had it all taken care of. But, it was a pain.

I next went to BestBuy for the next thing. I told them that I had called in and they told me it was there. They couldn't find it. They finally called over a sales associate who found it after about 10 minutes of looking. It had gotten to the wrong place. Anyway, I was quite a bit longer than I thought I would be.

Tonight was a Court of Honor. I got there at 7:01 and they had just started. The whole thing was over in 15 minutes. It took longer to set up and take down than the actual Court of Honor took. I went home and my wife and I watched "Polar Express".


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