Sunday, December 07, 2008

Walmart - Company Party - Birthday

On Wednesday, I looked at my VISA card online. I found that Wal-Mart had taken the money off for the return of my sons gift, but they had also added it back on. I talked to the Credit Union as well as to Wal-Mart and after some explaining got them to actually get it done right and credit my account to the way it should be. It was a relief to have done. It did take some doing though.

Wednesday was also my company party. They call it the Employee Holiday Lunch because they can't call it a Christmas party. Rules sometimes get to be stupid. We went to "The Gathering Place" in Gardner Village. It was a great lunch and then they gave out prizes. There were some great prizes, but none of them came my way. We then get to go home early. That was nice.

One of the first things I checked on Thursday was the Visa Card. It had all been taken care of which relieved some stress for me. Heaven knows, the Holidays add on enough stress as it is. Not too much happened for the rest of the day Thursday.

Friday, I was home from work. While I was spending time with my wife, we got a call from our daughter at school. She had been trying to catch a pencil as it dropped from her desk and hit down on it with the lead point up (actually graphite). It stuck in her hand and she screamed. She tried to get the boy sitting next to her to take it out, but he didn't. When the teacher took it out, she says she screamed again so loud that the teacher in the next room came running in to see what was going on. I don't know what it is about her, but my daughter is one of the most accident prone people I know.

I went into the school and pulled her out of class to take home for a minute and see about getting a Dr's appointment. None were available till later, so I took her back to school telling her we would be picking her up just before school was out. I had also done a pre-checkout for her.

My wife and I took her in to see Dr Daynes. He looked over her hand and gave her the option that he could dig deeper but it all looked fine. He said if a piece is in there it is small and will either come out or stay in and slowly the body would absorb it. My daughter just said, see I told you I didn't have to go in to the doctor. We also had him check into my wife's asthma so she could get a prescription for Singular. She was hoping she could get a flu shot as well, but he was completely out of flu shots with no more coming in for him. Anyway, just a way to pass the day.

That night, our daughter babysat. She was only supposed to be till about 10:30 but ended up coming home from the job around 11:45. My wife was pacing the floor for her to get home.

Saturday morning, my daughter and I had to go over to the church for some youth training on their callings as presidencies of the various Young Women/Young Men programs. They served a simple breakfast and then had a brief class. After that class, they all met together again and came up with what to do for the monthly combined activities. It will be interesting to see if that all goes as planned. Of course, their were a couple of chores to do around the house and then we had to head out to Cedar Hills for my nephews baptism.

As soon as we were in the chapel, Jeffry came over and gave me a big hug. He usually hasn't done that, but he did this time. It was nice that he would acknowledge us as such. We went over to their house after the baptism and confirmation and had some refreshments. We didn't stay too long and headed home. There were still things to do.

Sunday morning seemed to come too early for me. My wife felt the same way I did. I don't know what it was, but I was kind of tired all day. We went to the church meetings, then went to tithing settlement, and then after I took a nap, we went to my Fathers house for his birthday. He is 82 years old, and we told mom that she would be eighty too next year (I know, its a stupid joke). There was a lot of reminiscing at my parents house with a few things that we remembered with grandparents and even great grandparents. I stunned people when I remembered that great grandma Peterson died in 1968. They asked how I remembered that, and I said that I remembered that she died when I was eight. I looked it up in one of moms books. At first I came across a newspaper article that I assumed was her obituary, and it was dated Feb 1968. My brother told me I was faulty in my remembrance because I wasn't yet 8 years old. Looking closer the article was about her 90th birthday. Looking a few pages after that I found her obit. It was August of '68 and I was born in July. Therefore, I had remembered correctly. My brother told my daughter that she had to tell her mom that I was found to be right for once. I made sure she told her that.

It was kind of fun reminiscing over things, but we had to get on home.


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