Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ward Party - Karen grave - Sledding

Not too much has gone on in the last few days, yet here I am saying a word or two.

It snowed some more on Friday. Soon after I arrived home, I went out to shovel the walks. My son thought I was going out too early because it was still snowing. It turned out to be the right decision as it didn't refill in what we had shoveled and actually stopped before we were finished. A light dusting of snow happened later that night.

While shoveling, I was able to talk to Randy Zerovec (my next door neighbor). I invited him over to the ward Christmas party that night, but he said his wife would be home too late for them to come over. I talked to him a little bit about our church. He asked about our long meetings over there every Sunday. I told him about the three hour block and then realized that since three wards meet in the building, it looks like we are there absolutely all day long (rather than just the three hours). Wow! That would be way too long for me. I barely can stand the three hours of meetings myself.

Randy also asked me if the LDS have something against the cross and the wearing of the cross. I told him that we aren't against the wearing of the cross, but we don't really believe in wearing them because we believe it only symbolizes the death of Jesus Christ rather than the more important aspect that Christ was resurrected and is alive. He was wondering about it because his wife is a store owner and had bought some clothes with crosses on them and those didn't sell as well as their other merchandise. They figured it had to do with the LDS that are in our state.

We also talked a little bit about our Young Men programs and how they get prepared to serve missions through years of holding the Aaronic priesthood. He also wasn't aware that our bishop is just another man (like each of us) that serves his calling while holding down a regular job. He was amazed. I told him how we each have callings in the church and it is rare that you will find an active Mormon without a church calling. It was in interesting conversation, but my wife was wondering what was keeping me so long outside.

Our daughter had one of her friends over. Her name is Kiera, and she is a good friend to her. We took her to our ward Christmas party. Our son didn't want to go to the party because the Young men/Young Women had to sing in it and he was sure that Brother Ashton would pull him up to sing. I told him that he didn't have to go up if he didn't want too. We also talked to Brother Ashton as well as the bishop to make sure that that didn't happen. Our son has never gone up to sing in these group things. Even as a primary child he never sang in any of the primary programs. It is just something that he refuses to do.

My wife took some corn over to the Ward Party (they supplied it, she just cooked it). The dinner was ham, funeral potatoes, corn or peas, a roll and of course a dessert. There was a little bit of entertainment as well. Brother Youngblood played the saxophone (at which time I took our son home who was not enjoying himself), and then Brother Medieros played the electric guitar to "Christmas is here". My wife asked if it was legal to have that rock version played (just kidding). Then, the Young men and young women got up and sang after which the primary sang. That was the program. We all packed everything up and left.

Saturday morning, I woke up early. I couldn't sleep so I got up and started to read the paper. My kids got up a little bit later. As is custom, this is the Saturday that we go and put a Christmas tree on my sisters grave. This has been a tradition in the family for 56 years now. It's just a little tree with homemade decorations on it. My son, daughter and me got there and the only other people who were there were my parents, Larry, Paula, and Scott. My son was mortified that he may have to actually do some decorating (he only came for the doughnuts and chocolate milk). Anyway, others arrived. Glen and his family. Sharon and her family, and then Jon and his family. The tree was quickly decorated and then dad gave a short talk to us. It is actually Karen's birthday today, and she was born on a Saturday like this one. She died and they buried her on Christmas Eve in about as much snow as was at the cemetery that day.

We then went to my parents house for the promised doughnuts and chocolate milk. After that, we all went out sledding. This is something that my kids were looking forward to doing. So a lot of us crowded that little hill and had a good time. Larry came out to watch his grandchildren for a bit, but then left. I did get a voicemail from him telling me that he had my reading glasses and he hoped I wouldn't need them before Monday night. We went back to my parents house after that and had some lunch.

By the time we had arrived home, I found that my wife had wrapped all the gifts that we have for Christmas including putting together the neighbor gifts. It was my job to get them out. I got out what I could that night, but still had a couple left over. My son and I also went to the the one house we have to home teach and gave them a little gift. We just stayed a short time. I mentioned that I need to be a better home teacher and they agreed with me that I needed to be better than I have been. So, I kind of got in a bit of trouble with them. That's OK. I do need to be better.

Sunday, the Young Men all took the primary classes so the teachers of those classes could go to their regular classes. Since the Deacons were involved in that, I helped my wife as her special needs class was not included in that. We hadn't had Jenny come in a long time, but she was feeling well enough that she could come today. My wife said that she was glad I was able to be there. I had to take my wife home early from Sacrament meeting because she was turning into a Popsicle and was not feeling well because of this. Her health concerns me, but there isn't a whole lot that we can do about that. We were able to relax for the rest of the day (and our home teacher came over).

Well, that's about it for the weekend.


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