Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Just stuff

Another week has gone by. I have decided I had better write something in here.

We have had a lot of snowy days here over this past week. The first snow storm I can think of was Saturday. I shoveled about two inches off of our driveway. Our son had gone to work taking some insulation off of some metal, and it was a pretty bad storm. He wasn't dressed properly, and I am hoping that he has learned from that experience. He can go out there and work each Saturday and other days after school. He has been a bit busy this past week though. He came home cold from that, and was grateful that the snow was shoveled. Our son had to drive the car to his school for a concert in the afternoon.

The next snow happened that night, but I didn't shovel it up until Sunday morning. There was only about an inch, so it wasn't too bad. We all got in our car and drove out to Highland where Reese was having his farewell. We got to the church early, and enjoyed having a quiet Sacrament meeting (we have a ton of kids in our ward). Reese also did a good job on his part of the program. We did go to my sisters house afterward and had some refreshments. My wife had made some brownies for that. The first batch that she made though were messed up. She had put in two sticks of butter when the recipe called for two half sticks. Anyway, those ones got thrown out and she made the other batch up.

I was able to talk to one of Kevin's in laws who has her husband (Kevin's brother) in prison. She told me that he is getting out in March (it was supposed to be April but it got moved up) and then he will be in a halfway house. She is looking forward to that. She also said it was nice that he was able to get out on a furlough (for good behavior) for a week at one time and was able to spend that time with her. She was hoping Kevin could get the same thing now that he is getting closer to getting out. Well, we got home early and just watched a couple of Christmas movies into the evening.

Monday, there was more snow. I arrived home from work and went out to shovel it. My son came out and helped me do that. We then had a quick dinner and then headed out to my sons candlelight concert. We had asked Pam if she wanted to come and she invited her mom, dad and Melanie to come. It was a good concert to have them too and as it was good last year, it was a good production again this year. Our son looked nice in his Tux and everybody did a good job. The favorite part of the concert was when the men's choirs were all around the auditorium and sang a Capella. It was wonderful.

Tuesday, there was a little more snow. Our son was sleeping because he came home from school tired. I went out and shoveled it away again. There wasn't much, but this is becoming my routine exercise program. We went with our daughter to her Christmas concert while our son went to his last candlelight concert for his school. Once again, Pam came with Melanie and her parents. It was also a great concert. We enjoyed it.

So, today, there was no snow. I was glad for that. I picked up our daughter from her piano lessons and then we had to go pick up some stuff for dinner. After dinner, I went with the kids over to the church. We all had to meet so we could go to a nursing home to sing carols and give out some ornaments. We broke up into four separate groups and went around. People in my group actually had great voices, but I made it so we were average since my singing voice isn't all that great. There was one lady who kind of started to chase us down the hall in her wheel chair. We stopped, gave her an ornament and sang to her because she wanted us too. I was later told why my daughter was making faces at us and that was because they had already sang to her although she refused the ornament. My son had one lady who when they told her she would be sung too said, "No, No, No," and then, while they were singing to her she was upset because they were blocking the TV, and they weren't that good. By the end she was singing with them, and clapped for them before they left and told them that it was good. It was kind of sad to see these older people stuck in beds and such. It was good for the kids to get out and do this service project with the Young Men/Young Women organization of the church.

Well, that's the week. It looks like we're going to get a bit more snow tomorrow and then again on Friday, so I guess my exercise program will be back on.


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