Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Well, it's only been a couple of days since I last wrote here, but I better write it out now.

The Walmart fiasco is over (I hope). I looked on my account and they charged me for what they needed too. They then sent me a receipt, and along with the receipt, they sent me a gift card for $20. That was nice of Kenna to do for me, and I really appreciated it.

I went to Young Men on Tuesday evening and we had Brother Walker teach the boys about Engineering for their Engineering Merit Badge. Part of it was boring, but at least the boys got to have some fun putting together a speaker and then explaining it. They also put together a train track and talked a little bit about what engineering things it had on it.

Tonight, on my way home, I got into an accident. Nobody was hurt, and I am grateful for that. I was traveling West on 90th South and was not in a proper lane. I was to the side of the road. A car decided to turn left across traffic and the two lanes had stopped for him. I didn't. I did hit my brakes but it was too late. The other car was a Scion Xb, mine was the Mitsubishi Gallant. When I walked up to the other car to find out if they were OK, the woman in the passenger seat was yelling at me. She got on her phone and I asked the driver (who had gotten out of the car) if she was calling the police. He opened her door as far as it would open (not very far) and asked her. She screamed, "Who do you think I'm talking too, the Pope?". She was one angry woman. Their car had the passenger wheel that was starting to fold under it. It was not drivable. My car ruined the license plate holder and the bumper under it. I'll probably need a new bumper.

While I was in Burger King (they were turning into it when I hit them), calling my wife, the police arrived. I just told her that I had been in an accident and I would be late home. We had the forms to fill out and the police were training an officer on what to look for and do in an accident such as this. We got each others information and then the citations came. I got a citation for passing on the right. He got a citation for not looking out properly on a left hand turn. I was told that his was the primary fault, and mine was secondary. Our insurances will have to work out who pays for what. I was relieved that I wasn't the sole one at fault, and the selfish part of me hopes that it is taken care of by his insurance and not mine, but I doubt that will happen. What I think will happen is that we will both pay for our own vehicles. They had to have theirs towed, and I left before the tow truck came.

When I was asking if they were OK, the woman just yelled at me every time. I suspect that she is bipolar. She just yelled at everybody and at everything. I understood anger at me, but this is hard to take. The guy that was with her (I suspect he was her brother) just said that she was always this way. I felt bad for them, but then, I wasn't feeling to good about things about myself.

Of course, I looked to see how much the ticket will be and it is $82 + $30 for the accident. I think I will go in to see if they can reduce the bail. The site says that a mediator (that's not the term it used) had authority to reduce bail. I'm not going to try to fight this ticket because I am indeed guilty as charged. I am also worried about how much I am going to have to pay for this accident (deductibles) and how much my insurance may go up. I guess I have to wait for my agent to call me sometime tomorrow with more information.


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