Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Stake Young Men/Young Women

This will just be a quick one.

Tonight, I went with my kids to the Stake Young Men/Young Women activity. It was watching parts of the program we watched being made a couple of months ago. It was called "A Brand New Year". You can get the whole program here (

First of all, my son didn't want to go to this. He didn't know why he would want to watch it a second time. I didn't have an answer for him because I was feeling much the same way he was on this. I was able to get both of my kids there though and I showed up to support the Young Men that I work with.

We arrived right at 7:00. When I went into the gymnasium of our church building, I heard somebody asking a member of our ward to get some Young Men to set up more chairs. There were no chairs under the stage. I had to suggest that we get them out of the primary room. I was told they wouldn't be in there (except the small children's chairs). I went there anyway, and we found all the chairs that we would need. They were rapidly set up.

I found Glen and I sat by him through this program. They had water bottles, licorice and pop corn for those attending. The audio system wasn't working very well and we could barely hear those conducting this meeting. Then, they put on the parts of the DVD that they had. The problem was, a whole bunch of people were talking and you could barely hear anything coming from it. At least they calmed down near the end when Elder Holland was speaking. It ended on a good note. Overall, I wasn't impressed with what we heard tonight because everybody was in too rowdy of a mood. It wasn't a problem with the DVD, but rather there were too many teens who would rather talk and socialize than watching this. The stake did the right thing bringing people together to watch it, but maybe should've tried to calm people down a bit.

Anyway, that was about it for this.


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