Tuesday, January 06, 2009

New Year

Well, obviously writing on my blog wasn't one of my New Years resolutions. I don't even know if there is a lot to write about right now. Our church time has changed to be 11:00 now instead of 9:00. If it was just me, 9:00 is the perfect time because it gets the church thing over with earlier in the day (I know what a bad attitude). For my family though, 11:00 is the perfect time for church. It's not so early that you have a hard time getting there, and it's not so late that you have a hard time getting there (the 1:00 time is the worst).

So, let's see, New Years Eve I left work a little bit early and went home. This confused my daughter because she thought my wife had said I would be over right after work to pick her up and bring her on home, but we had decided that we were going over there and that she should eat dinner before coming home to get ready for a dance that evening. This caused a little bit of tension in the family. My wife and I headed over there at around 4:00. Of course our daughters plans changed even as we were driving to where she was.

There wasn't much going on over there, but we were with family. We had taken a couple of games over, but they really only played one of them (Jenga). Then, around 8:00 Pam and Travis drove our daughter home. My wife and I were watching a movie that I hadn't seen (at least I don't remember seeing it). They came back and they had brought Mamma Mia (the movie) over with them. That is my wife's favorite movie for now. She has watched it a bunch of times over this last week. I'm going to lose count soon (as it will be over the amount of fingers I have, and my toes are covered because of the cold weather). Anyway, we all watched that, and then rather than stay for the midnight activities, we left. Our son still stayed at Grandmas house, and we headed home. We would be home by midnight and finish up our evening at home. My wife was tired but would not go to bed until our daughter got home from the dance she was at. That was around 12:30. It really wasn't an exciting evening for us, just a late one.

We have had a bit more snow during this week. This shoveling is getting rather old, and I was appreciative today that my son had gone out and started shoveling before I got home. When I got home today, my daughter was on her way out the door for shoveling the snow as well. She came in after a short time vowing that she is never going to help him shovel snow again, as she is shaking a shovelful of snow off herself.

I had both New Years day and Friday off of work, and we just mostly stayed around home. There wasn't too much to be done and it was nice to just be home. I did go pick up our son on Friday and his grandparents hated to see him go. He was a good help to them. We also got more of the Christmas decorations down.

Saturday was the normal chores around the house, but later we went to see a movie at the Megaplex at the District. We watched "Bedtime Stories". It was a cutesy type of film, but I don't think our son liked it all that much. At least we were there as a family.

Our daughter has been spending some time with Kiera (one of her friends from school) and I guess they are working on some school project together. We have done quite a bit of driving between the two homes as we bring her home for dinner and then back again. At least she isn't real far away.

I hated to go to work on Monday, but it is something that has to be done. I had checked on some of the jobs over the weekend while I was at home, so it wasn't overwhelming to come in to see what had happened, but there was a couple of jobs that didn't work on Monday morning. One of the servers has been giving us a hard time, and I had to work with a couple of people in order to get all of my jobs through. Really, there isn't much to report during the long time that I haven't written here.

And, no, I did not make any New Years resolutions.


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