Monday, March 09, 2009

Odds and Ends

It's been over a week since I last wrote here, so here goes nothing.

Last Tuesday the Scouts started to work on their Personal Fitness Merit Badge. They had forgotten to get a counselor, but we had the boys start working on it anyway as a group. We can vouch for them as the leaders. Hopefully, tomorrow they will have a counselor as they try to do a few more things on this merit badge. The boys got a bit unruly, but were mostly good. After that, we went into the gym and played some basketball. That just lets me know how out of shape I am.

There really isn't much else that happened this week out of the ordinary. I mean, there's piano lessons for our daughter. Our son has been messing around on the computer (and he purchased some RAM for my one computer through some online wheeling and dealing. He put some RAM into the computer and it already runs a lot better. I hope the other RAM he is getting will let the game he wants to run on it go better. Time will tell.

Really, when I say not much is going on, I mean it.

Tomorrow, I have to go to court over my car accident. I was subpoenaed by the City of West Jordan because the other guy is fighting his ticket. I am a bit nervous about that.


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