Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Conference Center fiasco

I am going to blow off a little bit of steam here. But first, I'll just say that not too much happened on Monday. We have had a lot of rain so I haven't been able to mow my lawn since I got back from the Scout Camp until Monday. The grass was high, and it took two bags to get the clippings into. I think it's too early for this kind of length on the grass, but that's the way it is. I guess it's better than a brown lawn.

Today, after I got home from work, I called up Brother Ashton. I asked what time we should be over to the church to head up to the Conference Center. I was told that I should be there by 6:15 and he was wondering who else was going. I had no idea. I just knew that there were some that wouldn't be able to go, but thought we would have a good representation from our ward. I was sadly mistaken.

I got to the church at the specified time and saw Sister Wood and Sister Lambourne there. That was it. We waited for a little bit and then headed out. I got into the van with them to head to the Conference Center. As luck would have it, the roads were crowded. We ended up being about fifteen minutes late. Elder Rasband was speaking to the adults who had come when we got there. He spoke for another half hour. I was a little bit irritated because this wasn't supposed to be a meeting, but rather it was supposed to be telling us the things we needed to know to make this Day of Celebration go smoothly. Forty-Five minutes of a fireside telling us why temples are important, and why its important to teach to our youth was (in my opinion) out of line. It was a wasted 45 minutes in the way I see it. Not because of the material, but because of the time that us adult volunteers were putting into the effort to be there. I mean, the whole thing was supposed to start at 7:00 and be done by 8:30. Instead, the final leg which was supposed to last 45 minutes started at 8:30. This was discouraging to me, because it was not in my plans for the evening.

When they first told us about how to get the youth onto and off of the stage, they gave us an overall picture. The problem with that was, we didn't know what section we were supposed to be sitting in, so we didn't know which part of it to take notes about. It was a mass of confusion because too much information about all of the ways was being given out, while the people were worried about where it was they would be sitting. Finally, at 9:00 we were told that if we couldn't see this screen to come on down so we would know where it was that we should be sitting. I went down and found our place. I then went up to the place. During this small break, I texted my daughter in Florida. I figured it was about 11:00 at her place so it shouldn't have been a problem. I figured wrong. She gave me a call right back. I went into the back of the building to talk with her. The prayer happened while I was talking to her, so I went out into the foyer. One guy accosted me and told me that I was rude and shouldn't have done that. I guess he doesn't know what its like not to hear from your daughter for a couple of weeks, but I won't even go there. It added to my negative attitude.

Aubree told me that she was starting the training of her new job as well as still working at both Massage Envy as well as Splash (where she is a waitress). Her new job will be as a manager in a restaurant and she will serve sometimes as well. I guess she gets a salary of $400 a week. She is quite excited about that prospect. But, right now, there are those two other jobs as well as finals week in school. Looks like she is keeping busy.

Well, that's my rant.

I did finally arrive home at around 10:00 and my wife had me get onto the Internet to find some pharmacies that did a particular thing that she is looking into for her fibromyalgia. I sure hope that she can get that all under control. It takes a lot out of her. She has been awful tired this past week. I really wish there was something I could do.


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