Tuesday, April 07, 2009

More Odds and Ends

Part of Monday evening was spent in helping our son prepare to go to Orlando Florida. He seems to be pleased that he will have quite a bit of time in Disney World while his sister has to go to a couple of extra days of school. Looking over his itinerary it looks like it will be more fun than it is a school event. It was a good opportunity for him though and we are happy for him (I almost said we are happy to see him go, but that would sound mean).

Anyway, I went to work this morning while my wife was driving my son to the airport. She kind of wanted to stay with him until he got through security, but Graybur (the music instructor) got there and told her she could leave. My wife was a bit concerned that he would forget his wallet at the security gate, but I kind of doubted this since he knows that he has $100 in it. He probably won't need much of that because all the breakfasts and dinners are already paid for as well as the hotel room. He only has lunch and any extras that he may want to get.

Soon after I arrived home, we decided to give him a call to make sure he had landed safely. He answered the phone and seemed kind of annoyed that we would call. He had landed a half hour earlier and was doing fine.

Lizzy (our dog) seems to be missing him. She was kind of moping around the house tonight. I went into the kitchen and stomped my feet the way our son does to get her to come and play, and she perked up and looked only to be disappointed that it was just me. I then ran the way he runs down the hall to see if she would chase me. Once again nothing. That's interesting. I guess each of the family members has a different role for Lizzy to deal with and she doesn't seem to want a replacement.

Earlier today, my mom gave me a call with some questions on the statistics that I turned in to her. We spent quite awhile on the phone, and she also told me about her foot that has a stress break in an outer bone. The doctor told her that it was related to her old age and her osteoporosis. He also told her that they probably shouldn't go on the trip that they had planned on which is an Alaskan cruise. This was kind of disappointing to her, but she is following the doctors advise, and they are going along with that. I told her that if the insurance they bought doesn't work (they don't get money back) I would take the trip for her. An extra thousand dollars would also be appreciated so we could do some extra things too. Well, she isn't doing that. Anyway, I guess my mom will be hobbling around for awhile with a boot on her foot and with crutches as well. I also told her that dad could go without her, and she told me that he could not.

Tonight I headed over to the church to see if they needed me for supervision of either dancing or singing for the Oquirrh temple day of celebration that our youth are involved in. They seemed to be fine without me, so I went home instead and spent some time with my wife and did a little bit of cleaning so her visiting teachers could come over tomorrow. That's all for now.


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