Sunday, April 26, 2009

Scout Camp - Wallsberg

For most of the week, not too much has been going on. Wednesday and Thursday I really have nothing to report. Friday was my day off from work. My wife and I went to Costco and picked up a few items as well as a machine called Vita Mix. It is a blender that is supposed to be extremely powerful and should make us some healthy desserts as well as hopefully some healthy meals. It was kind of expensive, but we had a little bit of money sitting in our House account so we decided to spend some of that.

We arrived home, and then I got ready to go to camp. We were to meet at around 4:00 in the afternoon, so I got there at around 4:10 (I'm usually the only one on time). We finally got all there by 4:30 and headed out. We went driving toward Provo and went through Provo canyon to Wallsberg (just Southeast of Deer creek reservoir). It is the churches Young Women campground. Nothing is open there yet (they haven't turned on the water) and we were going to do a service project. It looked like a pretty nice campground though there is some maintenance that needs to take place there. We did some of that.

After arriving, we set two scouts up to digging a hole and burying the ashes in one of the main fire pits. The ashes were over the top on it, so it had to be done. We took the other four scouts and had them cut up a couple of trees that had been cut down. We took the branches and broke them into little two foot pieces that could fit in the fire pit. Of course, we promised the boys they could build a big bonfire with what we took, and that was some incentive. Once we had all that done, we made our foil dinners. I did sausage in mine and once again, it was quite enjoyable.

The boys took the wood we had cut and built the bonfire. It got pretty big and warm. They had a really good time with that. The wood was a little green, so it was smokey and we had to find some dryer wood to get it all to burn. In the morning we had another 4 or 5 inches of ashes that we took out.

It started to rain as the evening was finishing, and it rained all night long. I found one little leak in my tent, but since I am on my cot it doesn't bother me at all. I woke up before anyone else so I packed up a bit and then went walking all around the campsite. I walked around for about an hour and a half before anybody else was up. It was nice and peaceful. We made breakfast, and let the boys play a little bit in the field and headed home. It poured while we were on our way home.

There wasn't much to do at home. I put my stuff away and then a little later went out shopping for a few items to try out our new machine on Sunday. My wife made a wonderful pasta dish for us that night. Our son was doing a lot of coughing.

Sunday came along and my son and my wife stayed home from church because he wasn't feeling well (although he told us he was fine). My daughter and I went to church. I got the new schedule for the day of celebration that our youth is doing and it is going to be a pain in the rear to get all the things we need to do over the next month or so. We will work it out. When I arrived home from church I found that my wife and son were watching "Wild Hogs", so I joined them along with our daughter. We mostly relaxed. A little later I made a Taco soup with that new machine. Of course it processes everything so the only lumps were the taco chips that I drop in near the end of the cycle. It heats up the soup and everything. My wife didn't like it too well (although it was healthy) but the kids and I thought it was pretty darn good. We next tried to make a peach sorbet, which didn't work so well. I think the reason it didn't work is because we used frozen peaches instead of the fresh peaches it was calling for. We'll have to try it again another time. I had actually bought materials for peach ice cream. We wondered how well that would've worked had I gotten those materials instead. That's OK. We'll have to continue to work on it. Our son made a mango sorbet (with ice cream) with the machine.

Well, that's it. Nothing more to tell.


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