Sunday, May 03, 2009

Birthday - Phase II

My last posting was about the family birthday party for our daughter. We got that part over and done and it was a success. On Friday, was phase II of this whole process. This was where we allowed two girls to come over and spend time with our daughter. It was a sleepover.

The two girls that came over were Melina and Kiera. My wife had gone to the store and gotten a bunch of snacks for this phase. She made some homemade salsa to go with some chips in that new VitaMix machine. That was quite tasty. She also made up some fruit dip for the fruit that she bought and then there was some vegetable dip for the vegetables that she bought. She also bought some pretzels and chocolate that she would make it so they could dip into the chocolate if they so chose. They didn't so she didn't.

At the start of the party, they all went to Meghan's room. Then, they came out and some gifts were opened. They then snacked on the stuff that my wife had taken the time to get. She worked hard, so I was glad when there were left overs. I also ate some of it while they were there.

I took the girls to watch "17 Again". The girls seemed to like that movie. Just before they got home from that, I had run to get a pepperoni pizza. My wife had it cooked pretty close to the time that I arrived home with them. When they got in the car they were all laughing. I guess with the tinted windows they weren't sure it was me, so my daughter said something about if the ape man were in there, it was the right vehicle. It's always nice to know what your daughter really thinks of you, huh?

Our son spent most of the night in Provo at a college (not BYU) with his band. He got home around 9:00 that evening which was nice for the girls. They watched a DVD for the night and then got to bed around 10:00 in the evening because my daughter and Kiera had to be to a dance practice in the morning. We stayed in our room for most of the night to stay out of their way.

Saturday morning, we got up. My wife made some buttermilk pancakes and some eggs for the girls while I did the easier task of cooking up the bacon. We made enough for all of us. I thought it was interesting that our son came out in his gym shorts (what he wears to bed) and then realizing that other girls were there he went and changed into his regular clothes. We sent Melina home, and I took the other two girls to the church so they could go to the Jordan campus of Salt Lake Community College Seminary building for their dance practice. There weren't quite enough drivers there so I drove a few people over. Sister Christiansen told me she would call me up when they were done. I went home until just before noon when I was called.

Not too much else went on in our household for the rest of the day. I ran a couple of errands and some laundry was done. The house was already somewhat clean because it was cleaned before all this birthday stuff. It was raining most of the day so I really couldn't get out and mow the lawn. I'm not looking forward to that because we have had quite a bit of rain and the grass is growing too good.

Today was church. I had to run home to get some pretzels because Allie wanted some for a snack in my wife's class. I then had to run home to get some anti-bacterial stuff because Allie was a bit sick and my wife really didn't want to catch whatever it is that she had. Our daughter claimed to be sick just before Sacrament meeting so my wife took her home. We are wondering if she was sick or if this was a form of avoidance because of some other issues between her and my wife concerning makeup. We have had to take a step and tell our daughter that she won't be putting on makeup for a week as a punishment for the things that are going on. I am not going to go into that here, but it seems to be an appropriate punishment.

Anyway, today was mostly spent relaxing around the house.


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