Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Work has been busy with some changes. I have had jobs that haven't worked because of the changes made to the system and with the system not being quite stable. It seems like those problems have now been fixed and I had a good run this morning.

We have had some weather that is quite nice. We have been able to get out and enjoy some time in the sun. I have nothing to complain about there.

Yesterday, I arrived home to find that my wife and kids weren't home. When I called my wife she told me that they were all at the dentist. I was able to take a little bit of time and walk our dog and then came home and tried to attach my computer to my work computer. This didn't work. I don't quite know what is going on there, but I need to get that fixed in the case of an emergency.

When everybody else came home, our daughter was a bit upset because we weren't going out to Pam's house to see Casey who came into town yesterday. My wife assumed we would be going out to see them sometime in the next day or two, just before they leave to go home. Well, we were sitting at home and my wife got a phone call from her sister and all of a sudden realized that our daughter has a concert tomorrow (tonight) night. We all piled into the car and headed out. It was around 8:00 in the evening and the drive was nice since not many people were on the road. We got there and found that they had all gone out to grab some pizza. They left Anne home. They came home and we were able to have a nice visit for a couple of hours. Our daughter thinks we left too early to get back home because they still have school in the morning, but that's the way it goes. It was good to see Casey, and it looks like we probably will not be seeing him or Zach again for awhile. They'll be heading back to Vegas soon and then Casey is going to China for 15 months. Zach will be going to Germany for the summer and then maybe he will be going to Johns Hopkins when he gets back (they have to figure out the 100K compared to nothing at the UofU). Anyway, it was a good visit.

Today, I got a call from my dad. He was updating me on my brother (Larry) who has scleroderma. He has beat all the odds that they have given him as far as time lines go, but it looks like he may be in some trouble now. My dad had been called by Paula and told about some of the problems that he is having. He is having problems breathing and now has an oxygen mask that he has to wear at night. He can't sleep at all, he has a cough (which is possibly pneumonia). He is still going in and having surgery on bone spurs on his hands about weekly. His feet hurt terribly, and his jawbone is having problems again that they may need to do some surgery for. He has some antibiotics, but they don't seem to be helping him out at all. Paula says that his family is having a fast this Sunday and they are inviting all of us to join with them in this. It doesn't sound good, and it makes me wonder if his time is coming. He has done well, and no matter what happens, I will be grateful for the extra time that we have had with him being around longer than they thought. Who knows, maybe he can last a really long time, but I wonder if that is really what we want if he is in terrible pain.


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