Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Another week

It's been awhile since I wrote here. Life has brought more of the same, but there are a couple of things I should note.

The kids have finished their school year. They are both happy to be out of school. Our son stayed home from school on starting Wednesday the 3rd. He said there wasn't anything to do at school. Instead, he volunteered to clean the garage. This probably came about because my wife has told me time after time that I need to clean the garage. I was really grateful for him doing that. Our daughter stayed in school until Thursday. This was because her grade had the Lagoon day on that day. She skipped school on Friday.

With the kids out of school, we met up with Pam and Anne on Thursday evening (after picking up our daughter) over at the Wachs house. They of course took them home to spend some time with them. I think I kind of ticked off Margaret when I didn't leave the dog outside with her. I didn't want the dog to run away and that could've easily happened.

Friday, I got up and mowed the lawn. The grass has been growing pretty darn fast and it all had to be done. I then went to pick up our sons yearbook (he wasn't able to get it because they had that we owed them $30). I had to get his band teacher there because the $30 was paid through his arts account that he sold cookie dough for. I got that all taken care of. I also had to go to one more teacher while I was there to change his attendance. By so doing, his grade was raised from and A- to an A. This gave him a perfect 4.0 average for the quarter.

We had received in the mail the drive shaft for our Vita-mix that I broke when I stuck a spatula into the machine. I found out that this is meant to break rather than screw up the motor when somebody like me does something stupid like sticking a spatula into it. Anyway, I put that all together. It will be good having the machine so we can make some of the things we have been making with it. That cost me about $13 by the time you added taxes.

Our vacuum cleaner had broken down, so we decided we had better get a new one (we have to clean the house after all). We decided on a Dyson. The Hoover that we have really sucks (and not in a good way). I called Costco, and then Sears. There was a DC17 animal (meaning that it is made for families with animals) that we decided to get. It was $550 at Sears, and $430 at Costco. Sears told me they would match the price plus give me 10% of the difference (which was another $12 off). We went ahead with the purchase. It has a whole 5 year parts and labor warranty as well. And, since we bought it from Sears, we can simply take it to their service department for convenience. We are completely happy with the purchase. We were amazed at the dirt that it picked up. I thought we had somewhat of a clean house, but there was more dirt in the carpets than I would've imagined. We'll probably have to empty the cylinder a few times for our daughters room.

Friday evening, my wife and I went to a nice dinner at TGI Fridays and then went to the Sandy Amphitheater for Ryan Shupe and the Rubber band. The guys that opened that, were OK, but certainly not good. Ryan Shupe, on the other hand, was excellent. He is kind of a folk singer that does a lot of playing around on stage, and the people in his band also do so. It was quite an enjoyable evening. The wind let up just enough for the concert and we were grateful for that. It was a little colder than we would've liked it to have been, but it didn't rain.

Saturday was a day of chores and stuff. We also watched a DVD that we had hanging around the house. At around 4:00 we went to pick up our kids in West Bountiful at Pam and Anne's. They had a salad dinner that they put together for us. While we were eating dinner they said that they were going to go hear Paula Poundstone at the gay pride celebration in Salt Lake. The thing I found to be a bit humorous, was that Pam said that she used the 'F' word all the time. She said that she wasn't crude or anything, but just used the 'F' word every other word. I laughed inside to think that somebody would talk about somebody not being crude but using that kind of language. It kind of goes to show what our society has become. We are too used to certain things in this society where we would actually make a comment like that.

Sunday was spent at church as usual. I did finally get Brother Pena to come over to my next door neighbors house to talk with him about not working. I needed somebody that speaks Spanish, and it was good to get this done. I felt like a third wheel understanding almost nothing of what they spoke. I did ask what they had talked about and he said that they mostly just said hello. He didn't think he is seriously looking for a job because he told him that some jobs he doesn't have a high school diploma for nor a GED. He also said that some jobs would pay him less than what he is getting in unemployment. Anyway, I have finally handed off that issue and will need to only check on it once in awhile now.

Today and yesterday I came into work and just did that. We had a nice rainstorm tonight, so I will be able to turn off my sprinkling system for a bit. From what I am hearing we are going to have rain for most of the week.

I went to Young Men tonight where the Scouts were doing the Dentistry Merit Badge. I left a bit early because we needed to pick up our daughter and Cambry from EFY (Especially for Youth). It is a program that is run through BYU and is good for the kids to go to. Meghan was only able to get in because another girl dropped out. We just have to pay the money to the other girls mother soon. My wife says that she has made that money in doing a few peoples hair.

Well, that's about it.


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