Sunday, June 14, 2009

Swine Flu (Part 2)

I didn't think I would be putting more in here on the swine flu, but I was wrong.

Saturday morning, I was going through my emails and found I had one from the Relief Society (I get my wife's Relief Society things for her). It told me that Church will be canceled on Sunday, as well as all activities of the ward for the whole week. No young men/young women or anything else. So, it looks like my sons camp has also been canceled because of this. I'm not sure if he was looking forward to that or not, but there isn't a lot we can do about it.

There isn't a lot to talk about that has happened this past couple of days. I can't think of anything out of the ordinary for Friday. Saturday was spent in cleaning the house (and my daughter got her room clean). Of course there was laundry, and I went out and mowed the lawn since we had some time that it wasn't raining outside. There are a ton of mushrooms throughout my lawn from all of this rain. It rained on Friday, Saturday, and today. It looks like we will have rain again tomorrow as well.

Around 4:00 on Saturday, we went to our daughters recital. We talked with a family that is in our ward and they said that they were one of the families that had had the swine flu. They also told us that there is another family in our neighborhood who has it (though they didn't know who that was) and there is one other family that they know of in our old ward (remember we split) who also had it. It seems there is a major outbreak in the Elk Meadows elementary school (some of our neighbors go there). It sounds like it is a good thing to cancel things for the week so this can be taken care of.

Back to the recital. Our daughter had her recital, and I thought she did a wonderful job on the piece she played. It was also interesting to hear the progress of others that have been in that class. This may be our daughters last recital. She is getting ready to be in the Bingham Marching Band. This recital they actually had recorded by the place and we will be able to get a DVD of that. We may have to show the piano teacher how to burn them though.

While we were there, I looked at a player piano that had a TV inside of it and of course the piano keys went down with the music from the piano. I was told they also have one that you can hook up your ipod, and turn it into a player piano. I never did get to see that. We went to Wendys afterwards and ordered off the dollar menu.

I went shopping at Smiths after the recital, and got some meat that was on sale. It was the roast that my wife made for us today, and of course we have a few in the freezer now as the sale was too good to pass up. After I arrived home from that, we sat down as a family and watched a DVD. It was Invisible and was pretty good (we had seen it before though).

Today we were able to sleep in because we didn't have church. It was a lazy day all day long. We put the roast in the crockpot so we could have that later, and then just kind of did nothing. I took our dog out for a walk and ran into Brother Cosper. He told me that he is our new home teacher along with Brother Bently. It started to rain so I had to head on home.

I talked for a little while with my daughter in Florida. It has been awhile since we had communicated so that was a good thing. It was Saturday, and it stormed really hard while I was talking with her. She could even hear it over the phone, and when our power flickered I lost contact with her because I was talking on a cordless phone.

Anyway, that's about it. We are just hoping to keep ourselves distanced from the swine flu that is all around us.


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