Sunday, June 28, 2009


Friday our kids went to the stake youth conference. My wife and I were able to get out and went to dinner at TGI Fridays because we had a buy one entree and get one free, as well as a free appetizer. So, that wasn't too costly. Of course we were looking at the weather because we had the concert that night in an outdoor amphitheater. I didn't go with the Scouts to stay out in a park in Manti and watch the Manti pageant.

Anyway, we got to the Sandy Amphitheater, and went in. They mentioned that they may have to have some of us go back to the cars because there was a burst of bad weather coming our way with lightening and the like. They weren't wrong. The concert was to start at 8:00, and just before 8:00, all people were sent to their cars. They would notify us when the concert would start by flashing the lights. The wind blew like crazy and the rain came down hard. Lightening was all over the place. Inside a home this would be pretty, but being out there, it wasn't so great. It wasn't too bad though because we were in our vehicle. We were watching the cars next to us that had a bunch of young kids (18-20) playing around. We commented that we were too old for our windows to fog up while their windows were completely fogged over.

The storm lasted for about 20 minutes and then we were signaled to go in. We dried off our seat and sat for a bit when they announced that all people could move forward. We hurried forward to find a couple of seats (people had left early because of the weather) and were right in the middle of the front section. They weren't bad seats. But, we had to dry them off first. We did have on rain coats, and were glad to have them for the warmth if nothing else. At the end of the concert we took them off and it was slightly chilly, but not too bad.

The concert was good, and we were entertained more than we thought we would be. Eclipse is a group of guys that do all the musical instruments with their own voices. We had fun, and then headed home. We were slightly worried about the dog because she may have been scared in our home. She seemed fine though. I took her for a late night walk, as it was beautiful outside.

Saturday, my wife and I decided not to do too much. We did have to wait for the kids to come home from youth conference. They didn't come home until around 4:30. Our son had a sunburn and said it happened today. Neither he, nor my daughter thought it was that great of a youth conference, but my son said differently in church today. I'm sure he was just being the diplomat.

Early in the morning I went across the street to one of our neighbors that was holding a garage sale. I just mostly talked to them about their upcoming marriage. They are getting rid of some of the stuff that is duplicated by putting the two of them together. We then went to pick up some plate holders as my wife is changing the house decorations around again.

Later, I went to a couple of stores to get me some new pants since mine had the broken zipper this last week. I also had to get me a new belt as well as my son. He also got a couple of T-Shirts that were only $4 each. I figured you couldn't get much of a better deal than that.

We stayed up too late Saturday night, and I was tired when I got up. My wife was worse because she had a headache all night that kept her awake. She stayed home from church and I went to church with the kids. It was just a normal day there. We didn't do much else tonight.


Anonymous Psychology Addict said...

Wow, this is going to seem crazy, but I think God sent me here. I was looking up something about Tooele High School Colorguard and it pulled up your blog. As I read, it just got creepier and creepier. What are the odds of finding a blog of another LDS person unintentionally. I know this will sound stupid, but it's great to feel that you're not alone in this big world. I like the fact that you just talk about your life though. It's refreshing from all the monotonous, attempting to not be generic stuff out there. Thank you for unintentionally writing a clean, appropriate, and encouraging blog.

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Future Psychologist said...

Oh, one more thing, would you mind it if I put a link to your blog on my website? Thanks.

4:31 PM  
Blogger Craig's Blog said...

You may put a link to my blog on your site if you so choose. It is just something about my ordinary (if boring) life.

10:17 AM  
Blogger Craig's Blog said...

I should have you link me to your website to make sure it is appropriate. ;-)

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Psychology Addict said...

my website is if you're interested. Thanks!

12:21 PM  
Blogger Craig's Blog said...

I looked at your website. Looks like you are a good picture taker and really enjoy photography. It is a good thing to be good at. I am not good at that. Keep up the good work.

12:11 PM  

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