Sunday, July 05, 2009

My Birthday at the Cabin

Well, a couple of things happened that I thought I should write about. The early part of the week was kind of the same old stuff.

Tuesday evening, I went to our Court of Honor. Glen wasn't there, so as his assistant Scout Master I was asked to stand up and tell the parents and Young Men about the Bear Lake Summer Camp coming up in a few weeks. I was also to answer any questions that they may have. I hate getting up in front of people, but I guess I have to do it. There weren't any questions, and I was able to get home from that at a reasonable time. I then went to fill both of the cars up with fuel.

Wednesday was a day that I was hoping to leave work at around 3:00. There were some problems with kicking off my tests, so I was quite a bit later than I was hoping to be. I finally left around 4:00 PM so we could start out our long weekend.

After I arrived home, I had to hurry and throw together my personal stuff so we could leave home. Thankfully, my son had put all of our camping gear into the car, and was just waiting for the coolers at the last minute. He was quite good at getting it all done. We were able to leave home around 5:00 in the evening.

We arrived at the cabin, and went in to see how things were. We knew of the mouse problem and knew that Decon had been put down to get them. Well, my wife got sick when she looked in the kitchen sink. It seems that Rod and Margaret left water in there and one mouse drowned in the sink. We found another mouse between the carpet and the tile and a third in the bottom drawer of the stove. Only the one in the sink was smelly and bloated. We then started to vacuum up all the mouse poop, and the decon that the mice had taken all over the cabin. We had to keep Lizzy in her cage or in the car while we were doing all of this. The mice had taken the decon and put it in the bed, a couch and the stove. It was also spread throughout the cabin. We got it all taken care of and were able to release the dog. We then went down to Heber City to get us some hamburgers although my wife said she wasn't too hungry after seeing and smelling that one dead mouse.

We still did more cleaning up at the cabin because my wife is a worry wart. My wife and I finally got to actually sleep in the bed in the cabin since it was only our family up there. That was nice. We woke up on Thursday and my wife made me a nice birthday breakfast. After that, we headed out for Seven Peaks water park in Provo Utah. It wasn't as great of a park as I thought it would be, but we had fun. It was cloudy all day which was nice because it wasn't too hot. But, as we were getting ready to leave the rain came down. That, along with lightening was what finally got us to leave. We had our four hours there, and I think the kids enjoyed it. We didn't like all the extra expenses ($5 for parking, $6 for a locker [$2 refunded], and then the tubes cost $5 and $9 [$1 refunded]. That on top of the cost of the park. It is no wonder that people are going broke these days.

After getting back to the cabin, we had my birthday dinner (which my wife had made before we left so we only had to heat up the roast). It was all good. We watched the movie "The Reading Room" that night. It was pretty good. We then went to bed.

We slept in on the third and then went to Park City to watch Ice Age 3 (in 3D) for a family activity. We also did a few things around Park City and then once again got back to the cabin. Our daughter texted and we played Sorry with our son. We picked up some chicken to cook at the store and made a nice chicken dinner.

We put some screen up on the outside of the cabin to hopefully keep birds out of the attic of the place, and that was about it.

On the 4th of July, we just hung around the cabin playing games and enjoying some family time. We did go into Midway and went to an antique shop and a boutique and just general wandering around. We decided that we would head to a park in Midway where we could watch fireworks from Memorial Hill there. We got to the park around 6:30 and just hung out there lighting a candle (to keep bugs away) and played some games. People wanted to use our candle for lighting their sparklers and of course they were welcome. The nice part was that the park didn't get crowded. We had a lot of space and were able to watch fireworks in relative comfort at 10:00 that night. We hung around the park for a bit longer to get rid of any traffic and got home quite late.

Today, we also slept in. We had breakfast and started some cleanup so we could go on home. We checked out all the places we thought a mouse could come in and made it so hopefully they won't. We even put steel wool under the front door because of the gap that is in parts of it coming into the cabin. We got home and just kind of relaxed (well after putting away all the camping gear). I caught up on the news and watched some TV. My wife cut both my and my sons hair tonight. I was getting quite shaggy.

Not much else to say. I'm tired now. I need a vacation to rest up from my vacation.


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