Sunday, July 12, 2009

Kids gone

Not too much is going on. We just spent Friday evening at home and then on Saturday, my wife and daughter went to a shower of one of my wife's relatives. I had done some cleaning up around the house (vacuuming and dusting), and then after my wife and daughter left went to the store to pick up a few things so I could make dinner for that night. I also purchased something for Sundays dinner.

Just before my wife came home I started to make the dinner of chicken pot pie (one that is healthy from a women's health book that I have). My son had mentioned that he wanted it, and since I found one rotisserie chicken on sale (they do that to get rid of them after three hours) I had all that I needed. It turned out pretty good (if I don't say so myself).

Our daughter ended up going home with her Aunt Pam and our son was wondering why he didn't get to go. That changed after Anne got off work. She asked if she could come over and pick him up, which we allowed. He was happy about that. I was watching a movie in one room and my wife in the other room. When Anne came over, I came out and visited with her. We gave her some of our dinner (she is the one that gave me the book when I had my heart attack). She said that it was good.

This morning, I had a headache. I didn't want to get up. I did finally get up and get ready to go to church. My wife had a hard time too. It was just one of those days. It was a good thing I went to church because I was the only leader there for the 12 year old boys. We had an ordination of a new Deacon today and that was good.

In Sunday School we were discussing missionary work and I was able to read to them from my fathers "Book of Wayne" about my great-great grandfather (there may be another great on that). It helped the lesson so we could see the troubles that people went through in order to preach the gospel. I thought it was helpful.

After arriving home, I just relaxed for a bit. We then called the kids to see when we were going to pick them up since our daughter needed to be home to go to Raging Waters tomorrow. She was upset because we were going to be picking them up tonight rather than wait for tomorrow morning. I had to run to a key scouter meeting though. That's what happens when Glen is not around. After that, we found that we would pick up our kids around 7:30 or 8:00 tonight.

Well, I watched a video on netflix website. I did not finish it because we had to go pick up the kids. I was going to finish the last hour after we arrived home, but the website was down when we got home, and it would finish to late by the time it came back up (I last checked at 10:30).

At Pam and Anne's we finished watching Taken and then had some dinner (this was unexpected). It was a good dinner that she made us out of her garden. We really enjoyed that dinner and my wife said that it was exactly what she needed.

It was a pretty good day.


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