Thursday, July 09, 2009

Just Stuff

I must be getting old. I am finding that I have to wear my old mans glasses (reading) while I work on the computer more and more. I hate that. I still have my reading glasses that I bought quite a few years ago when I first started noticing the degeneration. I keep them at my desk because it is a joke about me needing to see through rose colored glasses. When I bought those glasses, I didn't know that they had a pink tint to the glass. My color blindness didn't allow me to see that at all. My coworkers that were immediately around me just thought I was weird, and it wasn't until I was in a meeting and pulled them out when Amber asked me what was with the pink glasses. I had no idea. Ah well, that's the way life is. I have since found better glasses and just the other day brought in another pair to leave at work along with the ones I always carry in my pocket. Getting old is a pain.

Anyway, since I last wrote here, there have been a couple of things that I should note. We didn't really do anything noteworthy on Monday. I didn't even get a family home evening together. That is something that I am not very good at doing. Instead, we took care of a few things that needed taking care of. I went with my son to buy an Itunes card and then we went to Walmart to look at and buy a few things. We ended up buying him a Daisy BB Gun. He had most of the money, but I put in just over $10 to pay into the $40 gun. Since that time, he has made a little trap out of some scraps we had at home. He has been enjoying going out and shooting some targets with that trap and worrying my wife that he will put a hole in the fence or in the stucco through some ricochets. He has told her that a ricochet will not cause any kind of damage. His trap that he has made is one that we can easily take up to the cabin with us so he can shoot up there without worrying too much about hitting things out further. I have only shot the BB Gun a time or two. He isn't even pumping it up because damage is being done to the cans he is shooting when even doing one pump on it.

Tuesday night I went to Young Mens. Our daughter headed out to girls camp on Tuesday and won't be home until Saturday. No Young Women were there because of this and the only group that was meeting was our Scouts. Glen wasn't there because he is out on a business trip and Scott wasn't able to make it tonight. We had Brother Whipple and a new guy in our ward teach the boys a few fishing knots. That seemed to go pretty well. It was a good thing I showed up because they needed at least one of the leaders.

Tonight is the next time that anything worth writing about happened. We went to a Bees game (the local minor league baseball team) with my work. There was dinner, and then the game. We enjoyed the game although the Bees ended up losing. We left before the game was over. We picked up some creamies on the way home and just had a general good time with one another.

That's about it for my boring week.


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