Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Just Stuff

Not a lot has happened, but I thought I would take a couple of minutes and write here anyway.

This past Monday, our daughter went to the neighbors house to babysit. We can really use her doing that to help pay for her Marching Band. While she was out doing that we were all at home. My wife surprised me by asking me to go for a walk with her. It was a nice leisurely stroll around the neighborhood. We stopped and talked to a couple of our neighbors that were out. The last one being the Meideros (spelling may be faulty) family. Actually it was just the parents. We had some pretty good conversation with them. Anyway, it was a nice evening out and about.

Tuesday, I had to get over to Scouts early. We met at Glens' home. It was a game night. The games that were done were games that made the kids need to cooperate. After the last game, Jordan pushed Dallas and Dallas came close to hitting his head on the slide. Glen immediately told Jordan that he had to leave and to call his parents. I was told to follow him out. I did this. I told Jordan to call his parents to pick him up. He said he could just walk. I told him he needed to call his home. I handed him the phone. He asked for the ride and then I told him to tell why he was asking for that ride. He told his father (I didn't know who he was talking too but that's who came and picked him up) why he was being sent home. I know that is hard on the boys, but there needs to be a lesson there. Goofing around can be OK, but sometimes it can also be harmful as this almost was.

Tonight we didn't do very much at all. I was just lazy all evening. I didn't feel like doing much of anything. I mostly just read and stuff. Tomorrow I have to stay at work late to get some things changed to a new server and then I will take the next day off (however, I will need to logon to make sure my jobs all worked).


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