Thursday, April 30, 2009


Well, today is my daughters birthday. She turned 15. We were going to just have a quiet family party, but she seemed kind of bummed out when she realized that nobody else would be invited, so instead, we purchased enough food for my wife's family to come on over. My wife mentioned that it would've almost been cheaper to take them all out to dinner and pay for it instead. But that wouldn't have been as good.

I had a rough day at work. I had a problem with some new code that I had put into place the day before. When I tested it in one process it all worked perfectly, but when I put it all in the proper place it wouldn't work. I know the two places and ways of running are different, but you would never think that it would've acted this differently. I tried all kinds of things to get it to work. I talked with Paul, I worked with Jeff, and then I worked alone trying everything I could think of to get this to work. I thought it was a problem with a semicolon, but couldn't find anything that verified that. My day was coming to an end, and I still wasn't comfortable with what I couldn't find. I knew I could put in the other process for a night, but that certainly would not take care of the problem. I went and talked with Darin. He was confused as to why this wouldn't work as well. I had narrowed it down to the line that wouldn't work, and with Darin we found that we could get it to work with a different part put in there. That suggested the field may have a problem. This wasn't the case though. Darin then asked me the key question. He asked how come a couple of lines were split. The reason they were split was because there is only 80 columns we have to work with on a line, and guess what? the semicolon was in the 81st position on that line. Problem solved, and I had a minute to get it all into place for tomorrows run. I left work on time so I could help my wife out with the family party, and all was good. It was a bit frustrating though.

When I got home, I found that my daughter had cleaned the Den, the bathroom and her room so she could have people come over and sleep over tomorrow night, and my son was vacuuming the Den. My wife was pretty much prepared with the food other than putting it on the burners. I did a couple of things in cleaning up and then was given the chicken to go out and grill it. My wife had marinated it in a raspberry vinaigrette, all day and I just had to plop it on the grill and cook for about 20 minutes. We got the chicken out soon after Pam, Zach, Grandma, Grandpa and Melanie came over. The timing couldn't have been better. We put a little bit of a Raspberry Chipotle sauce over the chicken and let it sit for a little bit longer. My wife had also made a salad, green beans, corn and rolls to go along with it. All in all, it was a great meal. Everybody liked it.

While I was cleaning off the grill a little bit (I keep mine somewhat clean) Anne and Kiki came. They had their meal and then gifts were ready to be opened up. She got some clothes that Kiki had picked out, so they were cute and of the latest style. She also got some cocoa puffs (a joke gift from grandpa) and some perfume stuff as well as some lotion. All the women went gaga over the lotion. My wife and I were excited for her to see our gift to her for a good week or longer. My wife had wrapped it in a shoebox. Basically, a whole bunch of tissue and then the envelope in the bottom. In the envelope were two tickets to the Taylor Swift concert coming to the Energy Solutions arena (the old Delta Center). Two tickets to the Suite of my work. At first she looked at the tickets questioning, and then started to shake and said, "Oh my gosh, Taylor Swift!". It was fun watching her and the excitement that exuberated from her. She called her friend to see if she could go to the concert and from what I am hearing got a good screaming in the ear. One thing that was kind of funny, is that she turned to my wife and I and asked which of us would have to go with her. It was fun to tell her that she was going on her own with a (girl)friend.

We had cake and ice cream. The cake was quite rich that my wife had made, and I think all enjoyed it. One thing that I found funny is that everybody then was trying to get around my sons little netbook computer system to watch Susan Boyle and a few other singers that were on Britain's got talent. The reason I found that to be funny is that while I was on the Scout camp my wife had gone to see my sister-in-law last week and noted that everybody was gathering around electronic devices and they were taking over. She feels that we are learning to not associate with each other and that this will be the downfall of our society. I pointed that out to her later and she thought that it was humorous as well. We are in a society that has too much. As a matter of fact, my daughter put on her facebook page that she had received the Taylor Swift concert tickets soon after it happened (while the party was still going on).

Well, everybody left, and we had some clean up to do. It was a good night and I think all enjoyed it. Now we have phase II of her birthday tomorrow night.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Conference Center fiasco

I am going to blow off a little bit of steam here. But first, I'll just say that not too much happened on Monday. We have had a lot of rain so I haven't been able to mow my lawn since I got back from the Scout Camp until Monday. The grass was high, and it took two bags to get the clippings into. I think it's too early for this kind of length on the grass, but that's the way it is. I guess it's better than a brown lawn.

Today, after I got home from work, I called up Brother Ashton. I asked what time we should be over to the church to head up to the Conference Center. I was told that I should be there by 6:15 and he was wondering who else was going. I had no idea. I just knew that there were some that wouldn't be able to go, but thought we would have a good representation from our ward. I was sadly mistaken.

I got to the church at the specified time and saw Sister Wood and Sister Lambourne there. That was it. We waited for a little bit and then headed out. I got into the van with them to head to the Conference Center. As luck would have it, the roads were crowded. We ended up being about fifteen minutes late. Elder Rasband was speaking to the adults who had come when we got there. He spoke for another half hour. I was a little bit irritated because this wasn't supposed to be a meeting, but rather it was supposed to be telling us the things we needed to know to make this Day of Celebration go smoothly. Forty-Five minutes of a fireside telling us why temples are important, and why its important to teach to our youth was (in my opinion) out of line. It was a wasted 45 minutes in the way I see it. Not because of the material, but because of the time that us adult volunteers were putting into the effort to be there. I mean, the whole thing was supposed to start at 7:00 and be done by 8:30. Instead, the final leg which was supposed to last 45 minutes started at 8:30. This was discouraging to me, because it was not in my plans for the evening.

When they first told us about how to get the youth onto and off of the stage, they gave us an overall picture. The problem with that was, we didn't know what section we were supposed to be sitting in, so we didn't know which part of it to take notes about. It was a mass of confusion because too much information about all of the ways was being given out, while the people were worried about where it was they would be sitting. Finally, at 9:00 we were told that if we couldn't see this screen to come on down so we would know where it was that we should be sitting. I went down and found our place. I then went up to the place. During this small break, I texted my daughter in Florida. I figured it was about 11:00 at her place so it shouldn't have been a problem. I figured wrong. She gave me a call right back. I went into the back of the building to talk with her. The prayer happened while I was talking to her, so I went out into the foyer. One guy accosted me and told me that I was rude and shouldn't have done that. I guess he doesn't know what its like not to hear from your daughter for a couple of weeks, but I won't even go there. It added to my negative attitude.

Aubree told me that she was starting the training of her new job as well as still working at both Massage Envy as well as Splash (where she is a waitress). Her new job will be as a manager in a restaurant and she will serve sometimes as well. I guess she gets a salary of $400 a week. She is quite excited about that prospect. But, right now, there are those two other jobs as well as finals week in school. Looks like she is keeping busy.

Well, that's my rant.

I did finally arrive home at around 10:00 and my wife had me get onto the Internet to find some pharmacies that did a particular thing that she is looking into for her fibromyalgia. I sure hope that she can get that all under control. It takes a lot out of her. She has been awful tired this past week. I really wish there was something I could do.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Scout Camp - Wallsberg

For most of the week, not too much has been going on. Wednesday and Thursday I really have nothing to report. Friday was my day off from work. My wife and I went to Costco and picked up a few items as well as a machine called Vita Mix. It is a blender that is supposed to be extremely powerful and should make us some healthy desserts as well as hopefully some healthy meals. It was kind of expensive, but we had a little bit of money sitting in our House account so we decided to spend some of that.

We arrived home, and then I got ready to go to camp. We were to meet at around 4:00 in the afternoon, so I got there at around 4:10 (I'm usually the only one on time). We finally got all there by 4:30 and headed out. We went driving toward Provo and went through Provo canyon to Wallsberg (just Southeast of Deer creek reservoir). It is the churches Young Women campground. Nothing is open there yet (they haven't turned on the water) and we were going to do a service project. It looked like a pretty nice campground though there is some maintenance that needs to take place there. We did some of that.

After arriving, we set two scouts up to digging a hole and burying the ashes in one of the main fire pits. The ashes were over the top on it, so it had to be done. We took the other four scouts and had them cut up a couple of trees that had been cut down. We took the branches and broke them into little two foot pieces that could fit in the fire pit. Of course, we promised the boys they could build a big bonfire with what we took, and that was some incentive. Once we had all that done, we made our foil dinners. I did sausage in mine and once again, it was quite enjoyable.

The boys took the wood we had cut and built the bonfire. It got pretty big and warm. They had a really good time with that. The wood was a little green, so it was smokey and we had to find some dryer wood to get it all to burn. In the morning we had another 4 or 5 inches of ashes that we took out.

It started to rain as the evening was finishing, and it rained all night long. I found one little leak in my tent, but since I am on my cot it doesn't bother me at all. I woke up before anyone else so I packed up a bit and then went walking all around the campsite. I walked around for about an hour and a half before anybody else was up. It was nice and peaceful. We made breakfast, and let the boys play a little bit in the field and headed home. It poured while we were on our way home.

There wasn't much to do at home. I put my stuff away and then a little later went out shopping for a few items to try out our new machine on Sunday. My wife made a wonderful pasta dish for us that night. Our son was doing a lot of coughing.

Sunday came along and my son and my wife stayed home from church because he wasn't feeling well (although he told us he was fine). My daughter and I went to church. I got the new schedule for the day of celebration that our youth is doing and it is going to be a pain in the rear to get all the things we need to do over the next month or so. We will work it out. When I arrived home from church I found that my wife and son were watching "Wild Hogs", so I joined them along with our daughter. We mostly relaxed. A little later I made a Taco soup with that new machine. Of course it processes everything so the only lumps were the taco chips that I drop in near the end of the cycle. It heats up the soup and everything. My wife didn't like it too well (although it was healthy) but the kids and I thought it was pretty darn good. We next tried to make a peach sorbet, which didn't work so well. I think the reason it didn't work is because we used frozen peaches instead of the fresh peaches it was calling for. We'll have to try it again another time. I had actually bought materials for peach ice cream. We wondered how well that would've worked had I gotten those materials instead. That's OK. We'll have to continue to work on it. Our son made a mango sorbet (with ice cream) with the machine.

Well, that's it. Nothing more to tell.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Zach Birthday and other miscellaneous stuff

Time is still slipping into the future. Not a lot has gone on, but I am trying to write things here.

Friday, my wife gave me a call and told me to leave work around 3:00. It is my early day, so that wasn't a problem. I got home and soon after that we headed out to the Gateway to meet up with Pam, Anne, and Zach for Zach's birthday. We had decided to go to a dinner and then to a movie. We chose a Mexican place (I can't remember the name, but it is similar to Cafe Rio). It was reasonably priced and was a pretty good meal. We then went to get tickets to a movie. The movie we chose to watch was Aliens and Monsters 3-D. It is an animated film and was pretty good, although Zach (whose Birthday it was) kind of complained about if this was something to go to on your 20th birthday. We told him he could go to his own movie, but we wouldn't be there with him. Anyway, I think he really did enjoy it.

While we were waiting to go see the movie we wandered around the Gateway. We went into the old railroad station (Rio Grande) and it is big and echos go all over. Anne sang in there a little bit and it was hauntingly beautiful. If I tried to do that, it would just be haunting (as is my musical ability).

We let our kids go to Pam and Anne's house and would meet up with them on Saturday.

Saturday came along and we had a few errands to run and we had to make sure to be home at noon because we were having pizza delivered between 12:00 and 2:00 that we ordered for a charity from a Christian Church school group. They had called us at 10:00 to set up this time. My wife made a sheet cake for the birthday party and then we decided that we could take this pizza. We don't know exactly what happened, but the pizza still wasn't to our place by 3:00. We had to be over to my in-laws house by 4:00. We started to try to find phone numbers and such to talk too. I even went to the house of the girl (she was in our neighborhood) but nobody answered the door. Finally my wife went over there just before we were getting ready to leave. The lady of the house answered the door to her because she was sick and wasn't dressed good enough to come to the door for a male. Anyway, she gave us the address to her church where we could pick up the pizza. It was on our way. In the meantime the husband gave me a call to see if we wanted it cooked after all. We decided that would be good because the power had been out at my in-laws house.

As an interesting sidebar, the electricity being out caused some problems at the St. Marks hospital. We know this because Anne works there. Evidently, the power plant that had the problems blew hard enough that it blew out the backup system at St. Marks hospital. Everything had to be dropped by nurses so they could manually ventilate those that needed ventilation and it was pretty hard for a few hours. Anne decided to go into work to help relieve people who were trying to catch up with what they needed to do otherwise.

We got there around 4:15. Pam wasn't there yet, nor was Anne and our kids. We sat there for a bit and then decided to start on the pizza we had brought as well as some lasagna. They did come a bit later and Anne brought a couple more frozen pizzas. She had Zach and Ashley with them. Ashley was a friend of Zach's through his mother when she was with a group called "Mothers of Twins". She has cerebral palsy, but is going up to the UofU and has a 4.0 grade point average. It was good to have her with us. We, of course, had to take our kids home.

It was a regular Sunday, but my wife was worn out and had to go home from church a little bit early. We sent the kids to a fireside where John Bytheway was speaking and I think they enjoyed that, and we just stayed home together. We also had our home teachers come over.

Not much happened yesterday. Tonight I had to go to the church early so we could find out what the Scouts were planning for the camp this Friday. Unfortunately, the only two who showed up were Glen and I. Not much else went on after all of this. I went with my son to BestBuy where he purchased a netbook with some money that he had from his birthday and Christmas, and that's all there is to that.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Nothing to Write

This week has been an unspectacular week. There really isn't anything to say that's been going on in my personal life. So, I guess this is just an entry to say, I'm still alive.

At work we have had some communication going around about whether or not guns should be allowed to be brought in by the employees. There is the side saying that second amendment rights are being taken away by not allowing us to protect ourselves, the other side is afraid that somebody that will bring it in will all of a sudden snap and use it. Personally, I think they should be allowed, though I won't be carrying.

Well, like I said, nothing to write.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Well, our son made it home from Florida all safe and sound. Mom is happy that he is home, and we have tried to find out what exactly he did, but as usual, it is on his terms. He will tell us things when he sees fit to tell us. He did give us a little bit though, and we were grateful for that. It seems that he really did enjoy being out there among his friends although the lines were long and it was crowded. He also says that the Space Center was a waste of time and money. He was careful of what he spent, and only spent $30 out of the $100 that he took.

Wednesday our daughter had to go to school. We had her get ready to go to Grandma Wachs house to stay a couple of days. There was a misunderstanding that she would be staying all the way through Sunday, though we did everything in our power to make it not be so. Sometimes Grandma Wach tries to finagle things around to get her way. My wife and I wanted her to be home because it would be Easter Sunday, as well as the fact that we would be getting her brother home. In the long run, she went on Thursday (when my wife went to cut hair and do coloring of hair) and we picked her up Saturday afternoon.

I had Friday off of work, and my wife and I just spent some quiet time at home. We did go out to eat for lunch and then stopped into Hollywood Video to pick up a couple of DVD's. We watched one of them (Bolt - an animated Disney movie). It was quite enjoyable to us to watch this movie.

I do have to complain about Hollywood Video though. They have changed the way they operate and no longer have the MVP program that I was on. What that was, is that for $15 a month I could go in and pick up any DVD I wanted to (up to three at a time) except for the very newest releases (it usually takes 3-4 weeks for those to be available to me), and they would be due 5 days later. If I wanted too, I could go in early and exchange any of those three for another one. Basically, it was almost unlimited to the amount of DVD's I could get for this price. There were restrictions, but I was aware of those and willing to live with it. I generally don't need to get the newest release to see.

Well, that has all changed. Now, they have what is called PowerPlay. I think they are changing because of the rough economy. I don't even know if they will survive. Blockbuster is looking at possibly losing their business, and I kind of think if they go, Hollywood will go soon after that. Anyway, I can take that same $15 a month (they have other plans available) and for each dollar, I get one point. If you don't use all of your points during the month, they roll over to the next month. You then rent DVD's for 2 points (if it's an old movie) or 3 points (the new releases). Originally, I thought this meant the ones that I couldn't get before waiting 3-4 weeks, but then I was informed that it was all of the videos on the walls. In other words, really old movies are the only ones that go for 2 points, and I rarely even go there. So, the most movies I can get per month now is 7.5, the minimum would be 5. That is awful in my estimation. There are no late fees so I can keep them as long as I want, but that wasn't a big deal to me. I feel kind of ripped off that they have gotten rid of the old program. I am only on this new program because they have given me one month free. I will let them know what I think of it again when the month is over. One thing that I feel was taken from me is that I was able to risk getting movies that may not be too good. With the new system, I don't feel that is available to me. I feel that I may miss out on some good ones because there really isn't a way to know if it is good or not. So, Hollywood Video? this sucks.

OK, enough of a rant now. As I mentioned, we picked our daughter up Saturday after doing some cleaning. My wife really went to town in cleaning out our sons room. I helped a little, but probably wasn't enough of a help there. I did get outside to mow the lawn (for the first time of the year) and couldn't believe that our lawn is growing so soon.

Now, I need to say that our dog (Lizzy) really did miss our son. She kind of moped around. There were times that I tried to do the little foot dance that our son does to get her to come chasing him, and she just looked at me and then proceeded to ignore me. She wasn't about to let me take the place of our son. She still enjoyed some moments with us, but she wasn't as spry as she usually is with him around. It was all interesting.

Saturday evening, our daughter went to a Stake dance and I think she enjoyed her time there. I picked her up from that as my wife headed out to the airport to pick up our son. His plane came in about 45 minutes late, but I was able to keep track of that on the computer and gave my wife minute to minute updates on what was happening there. I took the dog with me when I went to pick up our daughter and my wife was a bit upset with me because she wanted to see the reaction of the dog when our son came through the door. I guess I took that away with the dog. But, she was quite excited and animated when she did see him.

Today, we went to church. We did leave sacrament meeting after taking the sacrament so we could get ready and go over to the Wach house for Easter. In the morning, we had the kids find their candy (our daughter told us we had to hide it) and I got some for me. This time, we got some homemade truffles as well as some hand dipped cinnamon bears in chocolate. There is a lady in the ward that does these and that is what we decided to have. My wife had given away one that she had gotten for herself because she has just gotten a new person to do visiting teaching too. She is OK with that, but at the same time a little bit bummed. She is such a giving person. This is one of the many reasons that I married her.

Oh, back to the party. We were told to come a bit later so my wife didn't prepare her dish till a bit later and then we were called about why we weren't already over there. This was a bit upsetting to my wife who tried to time things right. Sometimes, its as if there is nothing you can do right. Anyway, we got there and they hadn't started to eat yet. We had a nice dinner and then the young kids had the Easter Egg hunt. They seemed to have a good time. The people who were there were our family. Kirby, his girlfriend, and three kids, Brandon, Nathan, Chantelle and Mike and their two girls, Pam (and later Ann), and Grandma and Grandpa Wach. Oh, I guess I can't forget Zach. I think I got them all. Anyway, we stayed there for awhile and just visited. It was a good day. The candy doesn't hurt either.

Well, that's about it (as if I didn't write too much today).

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

More Odds and Ends

Part of Monday evening was spent in helping our son prepare to go to Orlando Florida. He seems to be pleased that he will have quite a bit of time in Disney World while his sister has to go to a couple of extra days of school. Looking over his itinerary it looks like it will be more fun than it is a school event. It was a good opportunity for him though and we are happy for him (I almost said we are happy to see him go, but that would sound mean).

Anyway, I went to work this morning while my wife was driving my son to the airport. She kind of wanted to stay with him until he got through security, but Graybur (the music instructor) got there and told her she could leave. My wife was a bit concerned that he would forget his wallet at the security gate, but I kind of doubted this since he knows that he has $100 in it. He probably won't need much of that because all the breakfasts and dinners are already paid for as well as the hotel room. He only has lunch and any extras that he may want to get.

Soon after I arrived home, we decided to give him a call to make sure he had landed safely. He answered the phone and seemed kind of annoyed that we would call. He had landed a half hour earlier and was doing fine.

Lizzy (our dog) seems to be missing him. She was kind of moping around the house tonight. I went into the kitchen and stomped my feet the way our son does to get her to come and play, and she perked up and looked only to be disappointed that it was just me. I then ran the way he runs down the hall to see if she would chase me. Once again nothing. That's interesting. I guess each of the family members has a different role for Lizzy to deal with and she doesn't seem to want a replacement.

Earlier today, my mom gave me a call with some questions on the statistics that I turned in to her. We spent quite awhile on the phone, and she also told me about her foot that has a stress break in an outer bone. The doctor told her that it was related to her old age and her osteoporosis. He also told her that they probably shouldn't go on the trip that they had planned on which is an Alaskan cruise. This was kind of disappointing to her, but she is following the doctors advise, and they are going along with that. I told her that if the insurance they bought doesn't work (they don't get money back) I would take the trip for her. An extra thousand dollars would also be appreciated so we could do some extra things too. Well, she isn't doing that. Anyway, I guess my mom will be hobbling around for awhile with a boot on her foot and with crutches as well. I also told her that dad could go without her, and she told me that he could not.

Tonight I headed over to the church to see if they needed me for supervision of either dancing or singing for the Oquirrh temple day of celebration that our youth are involved in. They seemed to be fine without me, so I went home instead and spent some time with my wife and did a little bit of cleaning so her visiting teachers could come over tomorrow. That's all for now.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

General Conference Weekend

Well, nothing much is going on in my personal life. Thursday and Friday I went to work and then came home. Pretty uneventful days.

Friday evening my daughter had played with her band at the University of Utah for a special event. It will be interesting to hear how they did in that competition. It is one that they had to apply for and get before going. The school saw it as quite an honor to be able to do this. My wife did get to the school around 10:00 to pick her up when she got back around 10:30. There were some rumblings about our daughter not having enough sugar in her and according to her she "spazzed". I wonder if we need to check her out for diabetes. I hope not.

Saturday morning, my wife got up to check outside to see if it had snowed. If it had snowed, she was going to drive our son to Jordan High School for his ACT. It had snowed, and the roads weren't looking good. She got up and got ready to leave with him. I also got up. She had to go fill the car up with gas and then came back home. In the meantime, Travis was getting ready for the test. In the long run, my wife decided to let him drive to the school on his own as long as he called us when he arrived there safely. This was done. She then went to take a nap.

I stayed up and read the paper and then worked on some statistics for my mom. The stats are telling what each of us has done in the previous year. I got quite a bit done on it and a little later had my daughter and my son fill in a couple of things for them. At least we were able to get that to my mother today. I then went out and shoveled the walks from the two inches of snow that we had received, and got in just in time to hear most of conference. I missed only the first 10 minutes which is when they announced who the new apostle would be.

Our son arrived home soon after the first session of conference ended and said he thought he had done OK on the ACT. He did say that there were four math problems that he didn't recognize some of the symbols that were there, but who knows, maybe he guessed the correct answers. He said that those would've been discussed had he taken math this year instead of the Engineering courses that he took. However, in science he said that there were some questions he wouldn't have known had he not taken the engineering. Anyway, I'm glad he feels confident about the way he did. Hopefully, it comes out as well as he thinks. We went to the store to pick up a couple of items that we needed. We got home soon after the second session of conference started. Our daughter is filling out a piece of paper with as much as she can for each session, so it is good to get them listening to it a little bit. I still struggle with that and I'm an old man.

Saturday evening, my son and I headed over to the priesthood session of General Conference. We got to the church early, but not early enough to get the soft seats. Those seats got a bit hard, but it was a good session of conference. We just had ice cream when we got home from that. My wife had gone out and picked up some things for the dinner at my parents house today.

This morning we were able to be a bit lazy about the house. The TV went on for Conference and during that my wife made a vegetable dish for the dinner at my parents house. She decided not to come to that though. I took the kids over. The dinner was running out before everybody was through the line. We may have to look at how to fix this problem for future Conference meals. After eating, I talked with my wife and was told I needed to check on her parents. We were originally going to have them watch our dog while we were at my parents, but since my wife stayed home there was no reason. She couldn't get through to them. I found that their phone was unplugged. I went back to my parents.

During the last session of conference, I talked a little bit with Tyler and his wife. I listened to some of the conference but wasn't as attentive as I should've been. But, I got to know them a little bit. They are looking forward to being new parents.

At the end of all that, the kids wanted to go over to the park with some of the cousins. We did that and they were over there maybe a half hour, then we headed home. Kimber was getting her patriarchal blessing from my dad, and that had Meghan and Travis talking a little bit about getting theirs. Travis said that the bishop had told him that he would be talking with him about that, and Meghan said that she had talked to my wife about this.

In talking with my wife tonight, she thought I should've seen how much they understood what they were exactly before committing them to trying to get one. So, it seems I failed in that aspect. I suppose we can have a family home evening on it. We'll have to see what time there is tomorrow for that.

Well, tonight we just watched a couple of church movies and then I went in and played a few games on the computer as well as went to a couple of forums that I frequent. Not much else going on.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

April Fools

Just thought I would make a quick post tonight about today.

As usual, this morning I got up and got ready for work. I checked my blackberry phone to see if my jobs had ended properly as is a morning ritual. I didn't have anything as ending, and I didn't have anything saying they didn't end properly. I got on the computer at home and checked, and my jobs just happened to be running late. When my son was ready for school I took him there and headed to work, as is the usual thing I do.

At work, I went to talk with Jana and was told that things were going really slow, and she was wondering if I could cancel my jobs. I didn't think my jobs were in the way, and we just left them running. Time progressed and one of my monthly jobs failed. When I looked at the reason, one of the records in the data had a bad date. I had decided on a way to get it all loaded, and was able to do that. I had told Paul that one of my sets of jobs was going to be really close to finishing on time for another job to pick up the data and load it. That job ended about 1 minute after the second job started up. So, of course, I had to fix up that little mess as well. A little into the day I was told about another problem that we were having because of the run the day before that I had only partially fixed. I had forgotten about the second part. This caused another extra problem. Anyway, I spent the whole day just taking care of problems. It was one of those painful days.