Monday, December 31, 2007

Don't let it snow

I am sick and tired of having to shovel the snow from my driveway. Yesterday, it snowed again. My son was sick and staying at home while I took my daughter to church. The meetings went pretty well, as meetings go, but I really didn't enjoy them. My daughter had to turn in her tithing or I would've left Sacrament meeting after partaking of the Sacrament. We were both kind of bored. The speakers weren't even bad, it was just one of those things.

After arriving home, I went out into the cold (and it is freezing butt cold) and started to shovel the walks again. My son didn't seem too sick, but I wasn't about to ask him to come out and help if he truly was sick. Despite the cold, I worked up a sweat in cleaning up the driveway and the side walks. In the back yard, I even did a path for the dog (although I don't know why I do this because she has quit using them). When we let our dog out the back we now have to go out there with her, because my wife doesn't want her to fall down a window well again. I really should go get something that we can put over those window wells so we don't have to do that anymore. The dog likes to eat snow and sometimes only goes out for that. We can use the path to get around a good portion of the house and watch her so she doesn't fall down those wells. Her blindness is getting worse.

Well, my hope is that we can stop singing that damnable song, "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow".

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas comes and goes

Quite a bit of time has passed since I wrote in here. I was able to get the other guys car taken care of through insurance with no problems, and there won't be a deductible for me since our car really isn't damaged. My insurance will raise by about $5 a month though, and I am not too happy about that. When one gets into an accident, they raise it enough so you pay for it anyway. What a waste.

Not too much has been going on for all this time that has passed. On Saturday, I took the kids (my wife was a bit sick) to my parents house, and then to my sisters grave. It was the annual decorate her grave with a Christmas tree. It was cold out, but it is something that we have done for my entire life. Karen would be 55 years old at this time. She only lived the three days, and my parents buried her on Christmas Eve. That must've been hard. Anyway, this decoration of the grave has gone on for all of these years. Though the tree is done with homemade decorations, it is done well, and it is a beautiful Christmas tree. There is the pictures and everything else that goes with this time of year, and then we head to my parents home where there is chocolate milk and donuts.

My kids and the others in my family have brought their snow gear. We go over to the park by my parents home and do some snow boarding and whatever else you can use to slide down the hill on. I don't do that much, but on a snow skate, I catch one foot on the snow and end up doing the splits. This hurts like crazy, but I walk back up the hill and do a bit more. This is a good time had by all the cousins, and I enjoy it as well. It wasn't as cold as it seemed when you are out there and actively participating in these snow events.

There has been quite a bit of snow this past week or so. It seems like whenever we turn around, we are shoveling walks. I am grateful that my son has helped me for the most part with the shoveling. It is good to have the snow, and I guess it is helping me to stay fit by having to shovel it all up. Of course, my daughter tells me to put some salt out there because she didn't like falling on her butt when she went out to get in a car with friends for a ride to the church to practice for a program that the Young Women will be doing for the Relief Society.

Mormons don't meet for Christmas day. Usually, their program is done on the Sunday just before Christmas. This past Sunday was no different. But this Sunday was the most different that I have had in church for a long time. I go to Elders quorum and though they give a message about Christ that is fitting for Christmas it is still different. They actually had hot chocolate and donuts for all who wanted some of it during the lesson. The same type of thing was done for the High Priests (minus the hot chocolate) and the Relief Society got a fudge plate. I had never had anything like that before, but the way it looks, the bishop must have told them to do something with some of the extra money we still had. Next is Sunday School. My wife has stayed home because she wasn't feeling well. We had a part of the program that my daughter had gone to practice for the previous Saturday. Then some stories are read that talk about what it may have been like for the Savior to be born in the way he was born. We are informed that this isn't the gospel per se', but just something to think about. Then Larry Lowder sings the song Christmas Shoes (a sad song that my wife absolutely hates in the Christmas season). Sacrament meeting went as expected after all of this. Just those two first meetings were a bit different.

I go to work on Monday morning, but, being Christmas eve, I take off at 10:00 AM. We were able to take off four hours on either Christmas Eve or New Years eve. I come in at 6:00, so 10:00 is just the time to take off. There isn't all that much to do at home, but I go home and take care of a few items. I go shopping with my wife for food to bring into our home so we at least have snacks around for us to munch on during this season. Then that night, we go to my in-laws house for the Christmas party. We have a prime rib dinner and enjoy each others company. Of course, there is some more snow, so after partying, we get home and I get out there with my son and we shovel the walks. I have to shovel the walks on Christmas day as well, as there is another couple of inches of snow in the morning.

My wife and I wrap up the gifts that we have gotten for our children on Christmas Eve. It's mostly clothes, but we do get them some software for the WII. Of course, they are pretty certain they are getting a WII since grandma Wach pushed us until they could open their gifts Christmas Eve. Our sons gift from grandma and grandpa Wach (unbeknownst to them) is a game for the WII. Up until that point we had been able to have our children believe we were having a hard time finding the WII. Even on Friday when I took them to the store, they didn't believe they were getting one because I was honestly able to tell them I had watched to WIIs get sold to two different people.

Since all of this had gone on, we decided to hide the WII operating system. My kids got up on Christmas morning and opened all their gifts. We then told them that Santa had taken lessons from the Easter Bunny and had hidden their final gift. After about ten minutes of looking around, they finally found it. They played a little bit with it before we had to go to my parents house for the Christmas breakfast.

As I mentioned, we went to the Christmas breakfast, and then there is more gift sharing. We then head back home and play some more with the WII. I even enjoy playing some of the games on it. It seems to be a good gift. We pack it all up and go back to the Wach household again. There is just a bit of playing around and eating snacks and then we come back home. There really isn't too much else to say about all of that.

Today is the day after Christmas. I took the day off of work. There isn't too much that needed to be done. It was just nice to have the day off. We did have a coat that my daughter had received that had the security device still on it. I had to go to Sears (in the snow) to get that taken off. I was starting to get the cold that my wife has had, and my throat is a bit raw. It's not too bad, but it certainly isn't good. My wife starts to take down the Christmas decorations as she is claustrophobic (This doesn't mean she is scared of Santa Claus though). My wife makes a wonderful chicken soup that she had gone to pick up the ingredients for earlier in the day. I am very grateful for her thoughtfulness in this.

Well, that's about it for an entire weeks worth of writing.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Another Christmas Concert and an Accident

Yesterday evening my family went to my parents house for the annual Christmas party. Our kids had decided that they were not going to do a talent, so we didn't have to worry about that at all. My brother Scott had to go to a viewing because Tyler's wife's grandfather had passed away. They did make it to the party anyway. As always, there were slushes and various treats that were eaten up. We then went in for the program which started out with the Nativity done by my oldest brother (Larry) and his grandkids. The talents came along, and then Santa came in. I talked to Santa later about his son (Rick Keys) who is dying of brain stem tumor called a glioblastoma. He doesn't have that much longer to live. He has eight children, and it is hard to see somebody that I grew up with having his life shortened by something like this. They are holding up well though.

Tonight, after dinner, we went to my sons school for a Christmas concert. I had taken our son over to the school earlier, and when I backed out of our driveway tonight, I hit the car across the street from our driveway in the drivers door. It left a nice dent and some scratches on the door. I am ticked off at myself for not seeing it. There's nothing I can do now to change the situation, so I'll just deal with it. I guess my mind still wasn't quite working right because on the way to the concert, I almost ran a four way stop sign. My wife took over on the driving.

The concert went well. It was about 2 1/2 hours long. It was Bingham Highs 71st annual candlelight concert. It went on Monday evening as well, but we didn't go to that one since our son wasn't in it.

When we arrived home, I tried to get a loaf of bread to one of our neighbors, but they weren't answering their door. After doing a little bit of cleaning up, I am tired. It is now time for bed.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sealing of a Child

Work has continued to be quite busy, with various problems. So far, I have been able to get a handle on each and every problem, and they have been solved with relative ease. That is better than some of the previous ones.

Last Friday, as I was heading home from work (I meant to leave at 3:00, but left at 3:20 instead), I heard on the radio that if you were to stop into Tai Pan and say hi to Grant from KSL you would get a $50 gift certificate. My wife loves Tai Pan, and I was right there. I pulled into the place and picked up my $50 certificate. Of course, my wife was pleased with this when I arrived home. I also picked up a gift certificate for our son from Gamestop for Santa to hand him on Monday.

No sooner did I get home when I was told that we were going over to the in-laws so we could say good bye to Zach who was going home to Las Vegas for Christmas. He had also colored his hair and pierced his ears. He was a bit fearful of meeting his grandparents in Vegas and what they would say. We had a pretty good time visiting and then our kids went with Pam to her place in Bountiful and we went on home alone.

Early Saturday morning, we headed out to the Timpanogus temple to witness the sealing of Brigham to Allyson and Jared. Jared's father was the sealer (Gene R. Cook). I think the only dry eye in the sealing room was Brigham. He is a cute 6 month old baby, and it was a relief to Allyson to finally have him sealed to her and her husband. Allyson was simply glowing. The words of wisdom given by Elder Cook before the sealing were great as well. My wife and I were glad that we were able to make it to this event. It was freezing cold outside, but in that temple room we were able to feel the warmth of the Holy Spirit. It was also nice that my Uncle Gene and Aunt Evelyn (who are the temple president and matron respectively in the Timpanogus temple) were able to take time out of their day to be there. We were extremely grateful that we were able to be included in this work of God and feeling of the spirit of all the people involved in this sealing. It was a special experience.

My wife really struggled with the cold today. That, put along with her fibromyalgia made her hurt with the bitterness of the cold. She could barely walk the short distance to the temple from the parking lot.

After the sealing, we headed over to the Cook house so we could have a brunch. They had just bought the home five months ago in Lehi. It was beautiful. We visited with the other family, and I got a little bit of time to talk with Gene. There was one point of discomfort to me. At one point, Gene looked over at my little sister and asked if she was still single. I told him that she was married. He then wondered where her husband was. I didn't know quite what to say (especially since my parents had told him how good our family was) and then finally told him that her husband is in prison. He asked how much longer he had, and I gave this information and then he dropped it. I was grateful for that. He said something about the trials that some must go through in this life. He, of course knew that my sister was temple worthy as he saw her in the sealing room.

We got home from this a bit early and then lounged around the house for awhile. We watched a couple of movies and just enjoyed resting. Then, we got up and went to JC Penneys for some shopping. While we were shopping, we ran into Dave and Vicki Almond. It was nice to get reacquainted with them as we have been wondering where it is that they had moved too. We knew them in our Taylorsville neighborhood, and were pretty good friends with them for awhile. They told us of some of the struggles they are having with their children. I felt bad for them because they are such a good couple. My wife and I drove around looking for their home (they didn't give us an address - just a general area of where they lived) and came up with about three different homes that could be their home. It was kind of interesting.

After all of that, we decided that we had better go pick up our kids. We headed out to Bountiful and then visited at Pam and Annes for awhile. Scott and Marie (Anne's daughter) came in and offered me a root beer float which I accepted. Our kids were disappointed that they had to come home with us, but we didn't want them to miss another Sunday. Besides, our daughter had things to do as far as a program and her presidency stuff.

It was a regular Sunday. We got up, we went to our meetings, and we came home. Actually, we had to take our son home at Sacrament meeting time as he had a migraine. I got him some food and some Ibuprofin, and put him to bed. I went back to the meeting. After partaking of the sacrament, my wife went home as the church was just too cold for her to handle. She was hurting.

After I arrived home, I found that Tom Morris from work had called with a problem. I had to make a few phone calls and do some work on the computer. I got interrupted in that so we could go over to our tithing settlement. I had asked earlier what had happened to a check that I had given them, but they didn't know where it was. It has been about a month since I gave them that check and I knew it had not cleared my account. They also didn't have it on their system. We went in and declared whether or not we were full tithe payers or not, and then came out. I was informed that they had looked in the ward box (at the stake offices) and found my check. The envelope had been opened, but all was there, and that made me feel a bunch better about it all.

Arriving home again, I went back into the office and did some more work. While there was a problem with the reports, it was not a problem with the data. The original concern was that it was a problem with the data. Once I figured that out, I did a couple of things to finish up some stuff, and then turned off the computer to relax for the rest of the evening.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pulmonary Doctor

Once again, work was a bit busy. Paul called in to tell me that he would not be here today as he was taking care of three sick kids. There were some new problems that were brought to our attention, and we are working on getting them corrected. I was running around most of the day taking care of things especially since I knew I had to leave early. Just before I left work for the day Darin came to me with a huge problem of having to create a whole bunch of new code so we can run the Advantage claims appropriately. Jeff came over to see how things were going just as I was putting on my coat. He accused me of being French since when the war is on, I run.

I had to be to Radiology at the St. Marks Hospital by 1:50 today. I got there a couple of minutes early and had to register there. This took a few minutes but wasn't too bad. I just hate to sign all these forms saying I am responsible for the cost of what's going on. I finished there before my 2:50 appointment with Dr. Francis. Of course as a new patient there are the forms to fill out there as well. Without too long of a wait, I was taken into one of the rooms. There is the weight thing (where I find out once again that I am over weight). I hate standing on scales that tell the truth. They don't tell me I am overweight, I just know that I am. I am then taken into another room and they give me some breathing tests. They wanted two tests, but since I screwed up the first one I had to do it three times. Then, they give me a couple of shots of albuterol (it is ingested orally). Soon after that they give me the test two more times. They next take my blood so they can check out the oxygen level of my blood. I absolutely hate needles and this is the worst part of the whole ordeal for me.

I then get to sit and wait for the doctor. He comes in and asks a bunch of questions while filling out information on his computer. This works out OK. I go back to the breath test room and get my final tests. After this, the doctor comes back in to talk with me. He asks me where I think my lung capacity is as far as I can tell (when I came into his office). I'm thinking that it is bad, so I lower what I thought my lung capacity was and say 80%. He tells me that is wishful thinking. My lung capacity, when I came into his office was at 50% of normal for somebody of my age. So, that is what it is at when I am feeling like I am having no problems. After they had given me the albuterol it went up to 70% of normal. He says that this is a sure indicator that it is indeed asthma. The oxygen in my blood was normal.

The appointment ends sooner than they told me it would end and I am able to get home at a reasonable hour. Of course the same old stuff happens at home. We run our daughter over to piano lessons and then have to go get her. In between that time I go to Smiths so I can drop off the food for the food bank that we collected at our Ward Christmas Party (it wasn't much for a whole ward, but at least it was something). I also grab a couple of needed items. The rest of the evening is spent in watching the video Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and then TV (and it was an actual VHS video that we watched).

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas Concert

Work has still been busy making sure that data is all correct (for the most part it has been) and then making sure that the reports are done correct (this is where most of the problems lie). Thank goodness I am not over the reporting of this data. I chuckled when I heard Darin ask which getclm program was the right one. He had six versions of the same thing (we don't want that as it is hard to find and fix the problems on all the reports). Anyway, for the most part things are looking pretty good. We have gotten around the major issues, and it is now minor issues we are dealing with.

Soon after arriving home tonight, we had the opportunity to go to the Middle School for their Christmas concert. I found myself being bored at times with a couple of the songs, although the kids were doing well as far as their ability and how long they had been playing. There were some songs that kind of got me into the Christmas spirit, and, of course, I enjoyed the songs that my daughter played. I thought they did a really good job and told my daughter that. She disagreed with me, and thought she had done terribly. I guess we need to work on self confidence for her.

There isn't too much else going on now. I will be going to a pulmonary doctor tomorrow to see what (if anything) can be done about my asthma. It will start with Radiology and then up to see the doctor for a fairly long appointment. I was told I would need to take the rest of the day off, which is what I am doing.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Ward Party

Work was really busy for me this week. It didn't help that Paul was out in Disneyland for the entire week. All the problems got brought to me, and I got sidetracked in a lot of the things that I was doing. The biggest issue was the new claims that were not coming over. We thought we could make a simple SQL change and it would be fixed. It was a fairly simple fix, but we didn't get through it simply. While the SQL worked in one area, it would not work in the tool that I was using. I guess the translator that was being used didn't recognize one of the key words (COALESCE). This was needed for the fix as we needed to get something other than nulls when nothing was there. In the long run we were able to put the SQL directly on the box that it was needed and then were able to treat it as if it were simply a dataset (even though it has to run). We also had to change my code because it wasn't recognizing lines that were over 80 characters in length (the error messages weren't quite pointing to this correctly - it took a lot of trials and errors to realize what the problem was). I needed to have this done immediately, and was getting afraid that I would not be able to take Friday off because of the need. We finished it up just before I left on Thursday. That was a relief for me.

Not too much happened during the week for me. My daughter called me from Florida because she was excited that she wouldn't have to take her final for Calculus. I found out that she had called everybody else, but wasn't getting an answer, and then she decided to call me. I was just glad that I was a thought. She told me that her phone had been broken (again) and that's why she hadn't picked up last Sunday (I talk to her almost every Sunday). Other than that, there isn't too much to say.

Piano was canceled for our daughter because my wife and I had my company party to get too. We got a little lost in getting to the stadium at the UofU, but we did get there in time. Most of the tables were taken and we were forced to sit with some people that I have never met before. A couple more came and then Curtis and his wife came and sat by us (at last I knew somebody). The dinner was good and I won a camel back hydration thing. I also won the centerpiece because my birthday was the closest to our companies birthday (July 1st and my birthday is July 2nd). We drove home after having a good evening together.

Friday was my day off from work. I woke up and started to call some dollar stores because my wife had been thinking about the Ward Christmas party and told me that she thought some kids would finish with dinner and then be restless and start running around. She thought a nice Christmas puzzle would work on each table. Nobody had a puzzle, but a coloring book was recommended. I was able to get two of those for a dollar with a set of 4 crayons. We decided on one per table, so I went and spent around $17 for coloring books and crayons. I also got my father a couple of coloring books. While I was heading to the dollar store I thought up that idea.

My father turned 81 years old on Friday. They really don't need anything, and I decided that I could make a card that said, "We were wondering... at what part does your second childhood start?"... The picture in the middle was one of an old man going down a water slide. The water was covering him so you couldn't tell if he was wearing a swimming suit or not. Then the coloring books and crayons went with that. We figured they could use those coloring books for some of the grand children as well as the great grand children.

Before we left for my fathers house, we received a couple of calls about potatoes and carrots not being to peoples homes who were to peel and cut them. This worried us a bit as we thought the Lowders had taken care of it. I left messages with the Lowders, and told my wife not to worry about it until we heard from them that there was a problem. It didn't matter much unless there was a problem, and they should be home from Canada tonight. My wife worried anyway. The Lowders gave us a call after they arrived at the airport and everything was in control. They hadn't needed everybody that had signed up to cut up the carrots and potatoes.

It was snowing a little bit when we headed to my fathers house Friday evening. My little sister came with her family, and my little brother with his. We all visited for awhile, and then we decided to leave. By now it was snowing hard. There were a couple of close calls on the way home, but we made it home all safe and sound. Of course, we thanked God for that.

Saturday morning, I woke up to the dog whining. I went to let her out (it was 5:00 AM) and the snow was about 8 inches deep. She did her thing, and I couldn't go back to sleep. Since I couldn't sleep, I got out around 6:00 AM to start shoveling. It was still snowing, but this had to be cleaned up. My daughter would have to go over to the church at 9:00 to clean the building. I am just a fat man trying to shovel the walks and it was hard on me. I had to rest quite a bit, as it was a heavy, wet snow. There was a moment when I wondered if I was having a heart attack. I kept at it, and shoveled the two car width of our driveway and the sidewalk. I also went and did an area for the dog in the back yard. I finished all of this up at 7:30 and then came in to read the paper. I didn't get too much of that done as my wife thought I should shower to be ready for some of the activities of the day.

Our daughter was able to get a ride over to the church by her leader, and our son ended up shoveling up the last 1/2 inch of snow that fell in the meantime. No more snow needed to be cleared after that. My wife and I headed over to the church to see about some things in the library that we needed for our party (I don't have a key to the library) and then we brought our daughter home. The primary of the 1st ward was having a party when we were there, and there was an idea for the tabletops that my wife liked. They had bought some rectangular table cloths at the dollar store and cut them in half to put over the round table cloths. We would only need a few to add color to our Christmas theme. We went out and picked those up and then went to get the Santa Suit.

Soon after arriving home from all of this, we went over to the church as a family because there was a little bit of cleaning up to do from the previous party (they couldn't find the dust mops) as well as to set up the Christmas trees on the stage and the Santa chair. There was also a nativity scene and a picture of Christ with the little children up there. We turned on some colored spotlights on the stage and they pointed perfectly to the place we had set up the nativity and the picture. That would be perfect for the party tonight.

We went back home, only to get back over to the church at 4:00 so the priesthood could set up the tables and chairs. That didn't take too long, and then we went back home again. Our daughter decided that she wanted a Santa hat, so we hurried to Smiths to pick up three (so each of us would have one). We went straight to the church because we had told the committee to be there at 5:40. I finally called up the Lowders to see how things were coming. He thought the party started at 6:30. The stew was done, but we needed to get it to the ward. Some of the stew spilled in our vehicle. What a pain that was.

We didn't get to sit down at all during the party. It was decided that I would MC all that was to go on. We started with a prayer and then people went to get their soup. We had a hard time keeping water on the tables for people to pick up. We had set up 200 chairs around 25 tables, and all of the chairs seemed to be taken up. While they were eating, we distributed the coloring books and crayons around to the tables to try to keep kids busy rather than just running around. After dinner, we got some desserts out. These were brought by various ward members so I announced that we needed to know which ones had nuts for those with nut allergies. Of course, this brought every kid in the place to the tables. It was a mess, and we couldn't do all that we had planned on doing. We got one complaint that we took care of nut allergies but my kids have allergies to milk and eggs. I told my wife we can't be worried about all the various allergies, and she informed me that we had picked the more common one to worry about.

After dessert, we had Tanner Bean and Lauren Christiansen play some music that they had done for the Festival of the Trees. People seemed to enjoy that. I was then asked about when we wanted Santa to come in. He had dressed before we had planned on him doing so, and he was hot. We talked to them for a bit and let them know of the plans. We next had the primary sing a song, and then Brother Wallace read "Teach the Children". He did an excellent job, as we knew he would. While he was doing that I went to get Santa, but we had one child in the halls that her dad was trying to get them to go home. When I went to get Santa, he had disappeared. He had gone around to the back door (of which he had no keys for - he is a councilor in the stake presidency), and there he waited till his wife let him in. We had our son stand with him while the story was being finished and then the primary sang "Santa Claus is coming to town". That is when Santa came in, and there was pandemonium (but in a good way). We ushered the kids to the door we wanted them to go up to meet with Santa, and our son handed out a sucker to each after they had talked with Santa.

Clean up was pretty good. I had asked for help, and we seemed to get plenty of that. Even with that help, we were dog tired by the end of all of this. People complimented us all night long.

This morning, my wife was so tired that she couldn't get up and get to church. She was completely wiped out. When I got to church they were still talking about how good it was, and I think everybody enjoyed it that came. It was a good turnout. I turned in the receipts and we had kept the total bill under the $350 budget we were given. I really didn't think we would pull that off. After church, I took around one of the roasters that was used and picked up the Santa suit. I then went to give the washed table cloths (my wife stayed up a bit late Saturday evening washing them) to the Relief Society president. After coming home, we watched "Santa Claus III" and "Blizzard". It was a good day.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Fixing the Car

Sunday, was just a normal day. We did take care of a few items that needed to be taken care of as far as the Christmas party for the ward. Things are coming together. We even got the Bayles couple on our activities committee to agree to pass out the fliers around the neighborhood. That was a big relief.

There are problems at work with the Riskmaster system and bringing the data over. I am working hard on how to fix those problems but don't know what the final solution is going to be. it is one going to drive me nuts as far as fixing though.

I left work early today so I could get home to take our daughter to the Orthodontist. She only has a few more visits and then she will be done. I am sure she is looking forward to that. After arriving home from that, we had dinner then I went out with my wife to do some shopping. It was only clothes that we were after, but it was nice to be with her.

Soon after arriving home again, I was told that the Andres had given us a call. I called back (it was 8:30) and Rod said it would be OK for me to come over. We changed the plugs and the wires in the car and by doing that saved over $200 that the AAMCO dealer was going to charge. They also wanted to do an extra service that cost another $90 on top of that. The car is finally running good again. Rod says it will get better after the fuel cleanser finishes going through the car that we put into the tank. I am pleased with that. I have never seen any plugs in a car the way these were. Of course, I am in no way a mechanic either. I am grateful that Rod was willing to help me out there. I know its fairly simple, but it is nice to have somebody do it that knows absolutely what they are doing.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Snow Day - Wedding

There hasn't been a lot to write about here for the last couple of days. When we woke up this morning, we found that we had had a nice little snow storm. My wife and I had to get to the Salt Lake Temple by 8:30 for the sealing of Tyler and Shannon which was to take place at 9:00 AM. The snow was pretty bad so we left a little early. We know that the SUV needs new tires and we couldn't take the Mitsubishi because of that missing cylinder thing. We slipped and slid all the way into Salt Lake. At one point, when I tried to stop at a red light, I ended up in the middle of the road so had to go through it. The cop must not have thought it was too bad because I was not pulled over even though he was sitting there.

We barely made it by 9:00 AM. We went directly to the sealing room. It was a beautiful ceremony and the sealer was quite friendly. We were just glad that we had made it there. It was cold outside and we froze our feet while waiting for the picture to be taken. When that was taken care of, we headed out to Bountiful as that was where the Wedding Breakfast would take place. Since we were there a little early, we went and visited with Pam for about an hour. She told us of some of the things that had been going on with Melanie and her prescriptions, as well as trying to take care of things that you must take care of when you become widowed. It isn't a fun thing, that's for sure.

We went to the Wedding Breakfast, and it was pretty good. After that, we came on home. We chose to not go to the reception because it was just too icy outside. I was also hoping that Rod Andre would give us a call so we could take care of my car as far as the changing of spark plugs and such. It cost me $110 to get all the parts that were needed. Rod didn't call, so it still isn't fixed.