Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Kidney Stone actually passed

This morning soon after arriving at work, the kidney stone actually passed through. I felt it come out and it stung like crazy. It still stings a bit, but I will get through it.

Things went well over the weekend at work so I was able to take care of some odds and ends that I haven't been able to do last week.

I planned on leaving work early so we could go to the school and pass out donuts to the 90 kids of the Marching Band and have them sing happy birthday to our son. This didn't work out. Because Graybur had to move today (instead of last Saturday) he called off the practice. He did have everybody go to the school at 5:00 PM so they could load the trailer and it could leave for California. The problem was, the driver of the trailer was late. It got there around 5:30. I helped Graybur with the tying down of the trailers (that are on the bigger trailer) so they wouldn't fall down. I also moved in the generator and got gasoline all over me.

Since we didn't have to spend $50 on donuts for the kids, we headed out to dinner. Our son chose Chuck-a-Rama for the place to eat. We had a good time there, and then came on home.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Kidney Stones again - Sons Birthday

It's been a week since I last posted here. I don't know that I can remember all the things that happened within my little slice of the world in the last week, but I obviously remember some things better than others.

During the week, my son was able to go to Young Men on Tuesday (for once) because he didn't have any kind of competition going on with the Marching Band. He did have a practice on this day though. He is doing well with all of that, but this week he did get a little bit of a break from it all.

Thursday evening is the first time that I can remember to really tell much about my life during the week. I of course had come home from work, and immediately my wife and I started to prepare to go to a concert that our son had. I had started to feel some pressure in my groin area that makes it feel like I constantly have to pee (even after having done so). This pressure is too familiar with me, and I was almost wishing it were some other problem than the one that I suspected. It is something that happens before I'm going to have the pain of kidney stones. I did not want to admit this to my wife, but that was the way it was anyway. I did tell her about it during the concert of our son.

My wife and I had signed up to help with the concert. They put us in charge of watching the side door (where all the kids come in between doing their performances). We weren't to let anybody in during the time that musical numbers were going on. They have been sick and tired of people doing that for years, and this year decided to fix it. While I was holding out some kids (I had a tight hold on the door), I heard somebody say that that mean old man is holding the door. It did bring some respect to the performances and they had most of the audience stay through the whole thing which hardly ever happens. Well, it was a success.

I went to work on Friday (I usually have this one off) so I could take today (Monday) off. I had some problems at work that had to be taken care of, and there were some things that were confusing us. We finally figured out that while production stuff had been moved to test that not all of the work had been done on test that needed to be done. This caused some of what I was testing to have problems.

Of course, I wasn't feeling the best as I was still feeling that pressure. We finally got all of my work stuff taken care of and then I was able to finally have lunch. It was during that time that I felt the first pains come about for at least one kidney stone. I called my wife and told her I would be traveling home, and that I would call her if I found I couldn't make it. As it was, I was able to make it all the way home. Soon after arriving home, the pain (moderate pain) stopped. I just relaxed at home for a bit. I did help out and pick up our son from a practice that he had at school though. The night was fairly peaceful and even the pressure that I had was gone.

Saturday was a pain free as well as a pressure free day for me. We were concerned that some of the stuff would start up while we had errands to run. We had to run into Costco to order a cake for our sons birthday. Both of our kids came with us. We grabbed a couple of items while we were there. We also headed to the Dunford Bakery to order some donuts for our sons birthday. These will be given out on Tuesday to his class mates. We got all of that done, and then didn't do too much for the rest of the day. My wife was hoping to have more done on the cleaning of the house, but doing laundry was enough for me.

Sunday came along, and I needed to go and get Guitar Hero III which came out that day for all of the platforms. I had called Costco on Friday about this, and they said that they had it for the PS2 which is what we needed. I got there early enough to get it (we knew there would be a run on them which is why I chose to shop on Sunday). I found that when I got there, they had all platforms but the PS2. They had it for the Xbox, the PS3 and the WII. Not one was there for the PS2. I talked to a couple of people and they were surprised that they didn't have any. I called Sams club and they said that they had some. I bought the one for the WII system knowing that my kids are getting that for Christmas this year. It was going to be a backup.

I picked up the PS2 game from Sams club and felt lucky to get it. I was starting to feel some of that pressure again. I had a feeling something would happen today, but hoped that by ignoring it nothing would happen. I went to priesthood meeting and during that felt a couple of pangs and was pretty certain I would be in trouble. Sunday school came and while I was telling my wife that the pressure was back I immediately felt the pain once again. She told me I had better get out now rather than making a scene later. I left Sunday School. I sat in the foyer for a short time and then my wife came out. Soon after that we decided to get me home. She went back to ask the kids if they wanted to stay for Sacrament meeting or not. They chose to stay because my daughter would be singing with the Young Women there, and my son because he had priesthood responsibilities. I told my wife that I wouldn't be as good because if I would've been offered that she would've had to come out to the car to find me. Anyway, I am pretty proud of our children. They make the right decisions despite the weaknesses of me as their parent.

While we were at home, the pain came on really strong. We headed to the hospital, but by the time we got there the pain was completely gone. This has been a strange one. I don't know what to do about it. We went back home and decided that if the pain got to go too long that we would come back. We put on a movie and I got some water to drink. Over about three hours, I drank all of 3 quarts of water. The pain came on a few times and at times had me writhing around the floor. There were times that I was ready to go in and get that morphine. I kept from doing that though.

After around 7:00 that evening, the pain was gone. I don't know if I passed it or not. I started to strain my urine but haven't seen anything of those suckers. I may have started to strain too late.

This morning came, and I had no more pain. That was a welcome relief. We went to Costco and returned the WII game that I had picked up and then started to shop for our sons birthday dinner that we had tonight. Tomorrow is his birthday but he has band practice that night so we are doing it a night early. We also went to Walmart to get a few more things. I had dusted and got rooms vacuumed so that we would be ready for the party to begin. My wife did all of the preparing of the food.

Six-thirty came along soon enough and everybody we had invited to come over did. Things went really well. We told people that we really didn't know what our son wanted and that money would be appreciated. That's pretty much what he got from everybody and I think he was grateful for that. We gave him the Guitar Hero III and it was a hit. Zach, and our two kids and Craig Goff (our sons friend from our old neighborhood) played for most of the rest of the evening with that. We all watched. Everybody left, and then it was just our two kids and Craig who played (and are still playing at 11:00 PM) the game for the rest of the evening.

Well, it's time to go to bed.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Just Stuff

When I went into work on Friday morning, I found that things seemed to go all right for all the conversion stuff. I mostly had to be there to see if there was anything else I may need to do in order to help people along. From our end, everything went smooth. Hopefully that will happen on the other end as well. We will find out when we come in on Monday morning.

Friday evening our daughter went to a birthday party and was there a lot later than we are used to letting her stay out. We know the people whose house she was at though, so it wasn't too hard a decision to let her stay there. She did have fun. My wife, my son, and I sat down and watched "Evan Almighty". I actually enjoyed that show and it is one that you can watch with your family pretty well. Unfortunately, it would be watched two more times before today was over.

Saturday morning we got our son off to school for another Marching Band competition. Of course, the weather was foul as has been the case, and we had to just let it go. I spent a lot of the day playing around on my home PC and unfortunately got rid of the driver for the Ethernet to be plugged into. I had to do some searching around online in order to find the driver, but was able to get it back. I'm glad I got it back, it was a little bit scary for me to think if we ever use the ethernet again on it that I wouldn't have the internet work. I also helped my daughter out with some of her homework where she was writing a Microsoft projects file. It seems to be ready for her to use now, and I put it on a CD for her to take to school.

Late, on Saturday (around 11:30) my wife and I saw a huge flash outside and then a big boom. The next thing you know, here comes our daughter out of her room crying and then our son. Our daughter has always been afraid of thunder and lightning. We ended up with the kids staying with us for the night. This was also the start of a snow storm that would actually lay down about an inch of snow.

We didn't go to church this morning. We had stake conference and were supposed to go to the Conference Center for that. We really should be more faithful in getting to things like this, but it is one of my personal weaknesses. We did have to spend a part of the day getting ready for a dinner. It's no excuse for missing Sunday services, but it is what we did.

Pam and Anne came over to our home around 3:00 today for dinner. We had a nice dinner with them and then watched "Evan Almighty" (Annes choice). After that, we just visited and enjoyed each others company. I did go into the Den with Anne and helped her download some songs onto her cell phone from the computer.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

IPODS and Football Games

It's been a busy week at the office. I was stuck preparing some things for our conversion that we will be running in parallel with RiskMaster. It's just been a lot of busy work, but stuff that has to be done. Well, add on to that, that I am still developing parts of it. They must trust my work pretty well because though I haven't been all the way there, they know it will get there in time for what needs to be there.

My son had another cold competition in Davis County on Tuesday evening. Because of the rain and the cold they were able to come home from that competition early. This was good for us as well as our son. We really haven't done much for the past couple of days as a family.

This morning, at work, I went in and hoped to be able to start up some processes so we wouldn't be strapped doing them at the last minute for the RiskMaster conversion. Unfortunately, we are dependent upon other people for this and they weren't ready. I did some odds and ends until around 9:00 when I had a User Group meeting that I needed to go too. It was an OK user group meeting, and I learned a bit from it, but I would've been better off at work. The one good part is that they had a drawing at the end, and the grand prize was an IPOD shuffle (1 Gig). Well, I won that. In some ways that was good and in others, I'm not so sure.

I went back to work from there and took care of a few more things. We had to make sure everything was ready for tonight. RiskMaster continued to have problems, and finally at 3:45 they let me know that I was OK to run some policy information into their system. I was hoping I would be able to run it and watch it while I was at work, but it is a three to four hour process. I leave work, generally, around 4:00. Anyway, I started it up and headed home.

Once home, I turned on my computers (I wanted to charge up the IPOD too) and then logged into work. I knew I wouldn't be able to see the end of it in the short time I had at home, but I could at least see if anything broke before I went to the football game.

My wife and I had a bit of a tiff with some communication problems (that is my biggest problem with her). I had a headache because I hadn't eaten all day, and wasn't feeling the best, but still had things to do. I did the best I could and then my daughter and I headed to Bingham for the football game. We had to get there early so we could walk in with the Marching Band (that gets us in free). The game was kind of boring with Bingham winning it 55-14. Copperhills just wasn't a challenge for them at all. Because of all the scoring we kept on hearing the Bingham fight song.

At half time (since I got in free), I got to go down and help set up ladders and such for the Marching Band halftime show. At one point they were going to have me drive the four wheeler, but the guy that does that showed up. The halftime show went down quite well and then we had to move everything back. That wasn't a problem.

My daughter went over to the vending area and ran into a bunch of her friends. That made it so I wouldn't see her for a bit. We kept in communication via cell phones. Near the end of the fourth quarter, I had to help with the chimes, gongs, and drums to get them in place for an end of game show.

All went well, but I did find out that when you go to these football games with Bingham High, you have to stand the whole time if you want to see the game. None of the kids sit in the stadium seating. I guess that's why they are called stands!

After arriving home, I went in to check the jobs that I had left running. All seemed to go well, and I was left up to my own devices to see if I could figure out the Ipod. I hate the way you have to go through Itunes in order to get things to it, and it doesn't look like I can use any other computer in order to put anything on it. It will probably be something my wife or I can use when exercising, so I'll need to get some exercise type of music onto it. I just need to play around with it and figure out the best way to handle it. Anyway, I'm up late, so I just need to get myself to bed.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Urgent Care

Work has been getting pretty busy for me. I have spent a lot of time in trying to pull everything together so we can get to our final conversion. Hopefully, within the next month or so the final conversion will take place. We set up for next Friday to be a start of running both systems together to see that they run the same. If that all works, we need to do one more conversion that will take place on the 9th of November. I want it to go well, as this project is almost two years old. I was brought into it about a year ago. It was supposed to be a six month project to begin with, but there have been a number of problems that we have had to overcome.

Not too much has happened on the home front. My son had some time off on his Marching Band, but then the next couple of weeks are going to be one thing after another. It will be good for us as a family when it is all done at the end of this month (Actually the first week of November when he gets home from Disneyland).

Friday, we went to my brothers house in Cedar Hills. We dropped off our daughter to have a sleep over. Since we weren't comfortable with our son driving on the freeway I drove out to their house. It was a good thing I was driving because there were three cars that all of a sudden came out on me and I had to swerve to miss hitting them. That was a bit scary.

We had a pretty good visit at my brothers house and on the way home let our son drive to Wendys (which is in Highland). We had a quick dinner and then came on home.

Yesterday was an overcast day. We didn't do too much, but my son and I drove out to Cedar Hills to pick up our daughter. I let my son drive, but we took a route that doesn't require any freeway driving. It was a really pretty way to go as we drove our way through Draper. I may take that route more often. My brother and his wife were cleaning out their storage where they have had mice. There was also a broken shelf. They needed to get a bunch of buckets of stuff removed from the storage to another room while they repaired and cleaned up a bit. We talked for a little while (as the girls were at the Park). My brother came home and kind of got upset at his wife for not taking care of anything in the storage area. I had helped her download the 100 or so pictures my daughter (and her cousins) had taken with the camera. My sister-in-law used that as a joking excuse and put the blame on me.

I went downstairs to help them with some of that cleanup. I told them to get my son and their son down there to help us out (which they did). It didn't take too long to get to the point that my brother wanted things to be done. He didn't like my command decision to just get the buckets out there, so they also somewhat organized where they were in the other room to make it easier to load back into the storage area.

We left, and drove the same way we had come (minus the one mistake we made in getting there). It really was a beautiful drive (especially with the colors of the trees changing).

At home, my wife had been getting out Halloween decorations (this was inspired by my sister-in-law who had hers out), and we did a little bit of cleaning up. I went out and got some pizza at Wal-mart. In the meantime, our daughter got a last minute call to babysit the Mordens kids. We were hoping they wouldn't be too late as we really had no details as to what was going on.

I had some asthma that had been bothering me from before I has arrived home from my brothers house. Sometimes it was terrible and other times it was just annoying. It finally got to the point of being more terrible than annoying. My wife and I tried a short, slow walk in the cold to see if that would help relieve it somewhat. It did, but not for long. I spent quite a bit of time outside just kind of wandering around our yard.

My wife also got upset at me because I had left a part of our canopy in the basement for a couple of weeks that we had to dry out. In the process of her taking care of it she stepped on it on our wood floor and she fell hard knocking her back out and her knee. I felt really bad about this and didn't know what to do because I was having my own particular problems.

Our daughter came home, and I was still trying to cope with this asthma. I finally decided (with the help of my wife) that I needed to get into an Urgent Care center. Unfortunately, we were a little late with that decision. We couldn't figure out what the name of the Urgent Care center that I usually go too, so I took off for it. I got there at around 10:10. My breathing had become even worse, and my wife had called me on the cell on my way over there to tell me that she talked to one Urgent Care center that said they closed at 10:00 so ours would probably have the same problem. It did.

There was a guy smoking outside the First Med Urgent Care center. He told me that it was locked. I could see people in the waiting room, so I clicked my fingers on the window. The receptionist came over and told me that there was no room for me in the inn. Really, she told me that I was too late. I asked her if I couldn't just come in and get a breathing treatment. She told me no, and I pushed till she went to talk to the Doctor on duty. She came back out and told me no. It was too late, but I looked bad enough that she wanted to call an ambulance for me. I told her I wouldn't have that come. I would drive back to the ER that I had passed to come here because it is less expensive. She then told me of another First Med in Murray that is open until 11:00. She gave me their number and once again tried to get me an ambulance. I refused because I am a stubborn old fart. I do think the stress of the situation caused a little bit of extra breathing problems.

I called the other urgent care center and was told that they would be open till 11:00. The Nurse Practitioner asked me if I would be OK to drive there because I sounded awful on the phone. I told her I would be there, and don't worry. I calmed myself down enough before leaving the parking lot that I wasn't awful, but I wasn't good either. On the drive over, my asthma calmed down somewhat. I still went in for the treatment. My oxygen was at the lower 80's and they wanted it to be in the lower 90's. After two treatments, we got it up to 86% (the high I had was 93%). I was sent home even though they weren't real pleased with that oxygen level.

I arrived home around 12:30 because I had to stop for a couple of prescriptions. I also need to check on getting a machine that may help me not have to go into these centers for breathing treatments. I did get a prescription so I need to find out what my works insurance will pay for the device and how much I will need to pay. My wife was in the tub trying to help her ailing back and soon after that we both went to bed.

The nurse practitioner was really mad at the other First Med place because she said they should've taken me in with all the breathing difficulty that I was having. I don't know if anything will come of that, but I thought it was pretty crappy too.

This morning came along. My wifes back was so bad that she didn't feel she could make it through church especially because they tend to be quite cold. The kids and I went to our meetings and my daughter fell asleep during fast and testimony meeting while complaining of a migraine. I called my wife a couple of times to make sure that she was OK. The rest of today was mostly just sitting back and not doing anything. I am not tired tonight, so I'll probably be up for awhile yet.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Buses and Teenage Kids

It was a busy day at the office. I was able to accomplish quite a bit in pretty good time. It's a good thing too, because it made it so I felt better about taking off from work early in order to be a chaperon for the Marching Band. I had to be to the school by 3:30 in order to do that.

At work though, I got a pretty big argument started (not on purpose) about school vouchers. Most of the people at my office (including me) are against these vouchers that would make it so parents could have some of the state funds if they want their children to go to private schools. The amount would vary from $500 to $3000. It is just a bad idea. Brent and Paul really got into the argument. It was loud and almost everybody in the office got involved. It was interesting to see all the emotions at work. I certainly did not think my simple question to Brent would start off this fire storm. I kind of felt bad that I started it, but, it was kind of interesting to watch.

Anyway, the day went on. I got to the school, and got onto the bus. There weren't enough Jordan school district buses available for the school, so we had on district bus and two commercial buses from Lewis brothers. The least filled bus was the district bus, because people wanted to go a bit more in style. I was on one of the Lewis brothers buses.

As we were traveling on I-15 to go to BYU for this competition, all of a sudden our bus started to slow down, and then pulled over to the side of the road. The bus had overheated, and we had to sit there on the side of the road for about 15 minutes. It finally was cool enough that it was able to start and then we had to merge back onto I-15 which gets a bit harder when rush hour traffic is starting. We finally arrived at BYU and I commented to the teacher that the only thing worse than being on a bus with high school kids was being on a bus pulled over and broken down with high school kids. It really wasn't that bad. The kids were pretty well behaved.

We had a sub sandwich dinner, and then the Marching Band had to change into their outfits and practice. The weather was perfect (other than it got a bit windy). Finally, around 7:00 PM it was our turn to go onto the field for the competition. Although I was helping hold onto some of the equipment on the trailer, BYU had to check to make sure everybody had tickets to get in. I had been in once and had a stamp which made it so I did not have to leave my post holding onto this stuff on the trailer. I was glad for that, but what a pain in the rear it is to have them be so picky about it all.

Once we got out there, the parents had to help set up all of the stuff and then clear off the field and let the program go on. As a parent, I thought they had done a good job. Riverton high school took first place and then Bingham (my sons school) came in second. Not bad, particularly when you consider that Riverton is supposed to be in the higher class. It was just as Graber (the director) assumed it would be.

Rather than watch the rest of it and wait for awards, I stayed back with Mr Graber, and another lady that goes to all of these. We put the trailers on the bigger trailer and took care of a lot of the harder things for the kids to be putting onto the trailers. Since two of the buses (the commercial ones) had left, we had all of the kids clothes scattered all over the place and this made it a bit more difficult (but not too much). This would make it so we could get ready to leave that much faster. The buses came just before we needed to load them. We weren't sure how long it would take, but it worked out OK.

We got back to the school about 11:15 tonight, and my son had a headache. He said that he had had the headache all day long. It was a migraine.

Monday, October 08, 2007

General Conference

There isn't too much happening in my life right now. I took both Friday and today off of work since my kids were out of school. My son did have to go to school today for Marching Band though. That was kind of a pain. We really didn't do anything with the time off, but it was nice to have it off and not worry too much about what is taking place at work.

On Thursday, I was able to finish out some check information that needs to be taken from the RiskMaster database and transferred over to Zions bank. Now that this is done we need to wait for Zions to OK what I have done. Hopefully, that won't take too long, but you never know.

Friday, I grabbed my daughters flute to take it into Summerhayes Music to have it looked at. We have been paying an extra $4 a month to have insurance, and I thought we may as well use it. Of course, silly me, I thought we were about done with payments on that thing only to find out that I have another year before it is ours. It was used when we bought it, but seems to work well enough for us to use now.

Saturday morning, we started out watching conference, but then my mother-in-law called and was wondering about a cake for my father-in-laws birthday on Sunday. My wife told her that Costco had some of the best cakes that she had had, so I told my wife that maybe we should look into getting a membership there so we could get that cake. We went ahead and did that. We left home listening to conference in the car, and went to Costco. Of course, you can't leave the place with just a cake. All in all, we spent almost $200. That's par for the course. That did include the fee of the club membership and we got a nice pan to bake a turkey in (we are almost certain Thanksgiving dinner will be at our house again this year). It started to rain pretty good when we were in Costco.

Soon after arriving home with all our goods, we got a call from Summerhayes telling me that the flute was ready for pickup. I took our daughter and we went to pick up the flute. I asked about what if anything was wrong with it, and they told me that some of the keys were bent, and that this happens a lot of times when kids take apart their flutes because of the way they grasp the flute. They had fixed all of those keys and we talked with my daughter about how to take it apart. She says she doesn't get the wind sound anymore from her flute now that this is fixed. That was probably worth the insurance that we have been paying on the flute as it sits.

We arrived home in time to hear the rest of the conference. Of course, our son was out in Logan (in the freezing cold) doing his Marching Band thing. They didn't have good weather, but he says they were better prepared for the cold this time than they were at the last one. He got home at around 7:30, so we both missed priesthood meeting that happened at 6:00.

Sunday morning, we listened to conference and my wife fixed up a cheese ball so we could take it over to my parents house for dinner over there (this is something we do on every general conference). We had our son drive us over there, and he ran one red light and then when we were trying to go around a bus (that was stopped) it decided to start moving as we were turning in front of it. That was two scares, but we made it through everything OK and unscathed.

Just before the second session of general conference came in, my dad and mom called us in to talk with us. They gave us two documents. One was lighthearted (no pun intended, as you will find out by reading further) and the second was some questions and answers my dad had asked his doctor about Congestive Heart Failure which is what he was told he has. He told us that he could live for quite awhile with this, but it just isn't good news.

We watched the second session of conference and then left to go to my in-laws home. There, we had a spaghetti dinner. We wished Rod a happy birthday and then visited for awhile. We left early enough that my wife wouldn't worry too much about my son driving us home.

This morning we really didn't do too much. In the afternoon, I took our son to school for a marching band practice. He was there for a couple of hours. After I picked him up there were all kinds of sirens around our house. My wife called to make sure we were OK. We had to pull over a couple of times for emergency vehicles. Soon after arriving home, we went to see if we could find the problem. A house was on fire about two blocks from where we live.

Tonight, we headed out to a park and played with some frisbees for a little while. Being an old man, I got worn out before I wish I would've been. It was fun though. We then went to a fast food place to eat (Wendys). There wasn't much else to do, so we called it a day.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Parent Teacher Conference - Again

Work was quite busy (again) for me. I had to run some policy stuff through the test system, but didn't change everything the way I should have. It made it so I had to run it through twice, and since the test system is cranked down in memory it ran an extra long time. I also had to look and see why one of the jobs didn't work. I finally realized that it was looking at a piece of data that is in the process of change (thus it is in test one way and in prod another). At least I got through that. There were also a couple of problems that came to my attention and something was locking me out of the data so I couldn't fix it. Hopefully, I'll be able to fix it tomorrow.

I left work a little bit early today. I got home in time to get my daughter over to Parent Teacher conferences. She is doing well in all of her classes, so there wasn't a lot of reason to be there. I did decide that I don't much care for her math teacher. My daughter tells us that he is 68. She told us this after my wife said that they must have dragged him out of retirement. I told her that I thought it looked more like they had dragged him out of the grave. My wife didn't like my comment there. The last teacher that we talked too took forever to get too. Then we weren't with him that long. It's too bad that those who are with them for a long time can't let those go through who will not be there very long.

We immediately took our daughter to her piano lessons. We just barely made it on time to that place. We then decided to go to the Lems house since they had told us to come over and see what they were doing to it in a couple of months on July 4th. They had the same model of house we had when we were living in West Jordan. They have expanded it out and made a nice living room out of the new expansion. They also added that to the basement. They have done a really nice job on it and it will be a nice home for them.

We hurried home and had just a couple of minutes and then I had to go pick up our son and my wife picked up our daughter. We got home and had a dinner of pancakes, bacon and eggs. I then went to the video store as well as the grocery store for a couple of items. When it was getting late at night our son let us know that he needed two things for tomorrow to be washed. Of course one was white and the other was black so we couldn't wash them in the same load. Well, that's about it.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Parent Teacher Conference

I was kept busy at work all day long. I am getting close to finishing what I need to finish for the check register to be sent to Zions Bank, and then I will need to wait for the feed from Zions Bank to put into the checking system in RiskMaster. I was also able to look into a few other problems, although there is still a lot of work to be done on those.

I left work a little bit early so I could get home and get my son to Parent Teacher conferences at Bingham High school. My son was wondering why we always go, because all we ever hear is that he is doing well, and is well behaved. Thank goodness that happened this time as well. I talked to his last teacher without him there because he had gone out to be on the driving range for his last time there.

I was able to go home for a short time and have a little bit of dinner and then send our daughter to Young Women. It was after all of that, that I headed back to the school to pick up our son. He is enjoying driving, and is getting more confident with that. This is good to see.

I just had to watch 'House' (a TV show) tonight because I was told that it had a Mormon on it and that House would ask him about his magical underwear. That did happen, but I didn't think it was as bad as it sounded. In fact, I thought the way the Mormons were handled there was a plus to the church. The guy they had as a Mormon got through things and let House know that Mormons are taught to do their own thinking. Overall, it was good.