Work has been getting pretty busy for me. I have spent a lot of time in trying to pull everything together so we can get to our final conversion. Hopefully, within the next month or so the final conversion will take place. We set up for next Friday to be a start of running both systems together to see that they run the same. If that all works, we need to do one more conversion that will take place on the 9th of November. I want it to go well, as this project is almost two years old. I was brought into it about a year ago. It was supposed to be a six month project to begin with, but there have been a number of problems that we have had to overcome.
Not too much has happened on the home front. My son had some time off on his Marching Band, but then the next couple of weeks are going to be one thing after another. It will be good for us as a family when it is all done at the end of this month (Actually the first week of November when he gets home from Disneyland).
Friday, we went to my brothers house in Cedar Hills. We dropped off our daughter to have a sleep over. Since we weren't comfortable with our son driving on the freeway I drove out to their house. It was a good thing I was driving because there were three cars that all of a sudden came out on me and I had to swerve to miss hitting them. That was a bit scary.
We had a pretty good visit at my brothers house and on the way home let our son drive to Wendys (which is in Highland). We had a quick dinner and then came on home.
Yesterday was an overcast day. We didn't do too much, but my son and I drove out to Cedar Hills to pick up our daughter. I let my son drive, but we took a route that doesn't require any freeway driving. It was a really pretty way to go as we drove our way through Draper. I may take that route more often. My brother and his wife were cleaning out their storage where they have had mice. There was also a broken shelf. They needed to get a bunch of buckets of stuff removed from the storage to another room while they repaired and cleaned up a bit. We talked for a little while (as the girls were at the Park). My brother came home and kind of got upset at his wife for not taking care of anything in the storage area. I had helped her download the 100 or so pictures my daughter (and her cousins) had taken with the camera. My sister-in-law used that as a joking excuse and put the blame on me.
I went downstairs to help them with some of that cleanup. I told them to get my son and their son down there to help us out (which they did). It didn't take too long to get to the point that my brother wanted things to be done. He didn't like my command decision to just get the buckets out there, so they also somewhat organized where they were in the other room to make it easier to load back into the storage area.
We left, and drove the same way we had come (minus the one mistake we made in getting there). It really was a beautiful drive (especially with the colors of the trees changing).
At home, my wife had been getting out Halloween decorations (this was inspired by my sister-in-law who had hers out), and we did a little bit of cleaning up. I went out and got some pizza at Wal-mart. In the meantime, our daughter got a last minute call to babysit the Mordens kids. We were hoping they wouldn't be too late as we really had no details as to what was going on.
I had some asthma that had been bothering me from before I has arrived home from my brothers house. Sometimes it was terrible and other times it was just annoying. It finally got to the point of being more terrible than annoying. My wife and I tried a short, slow walk in the cold to see if that would help relieve it somewhat. It did, but not for long. I spent quite a bit of time outside just kind of wandering around our yard.
My wife also got upset at me because I had left a part of our canopy in the basement for a couple of weeks that we had to dry out. In the process of her taking care of it she stepped on it on our wood floor and she fell hard knocking her back out and her knee. I felt really bad about this and didn't know what to do because I was having my own particular problems.
Our daughter came home, and I was still trying to cope with this asthma. I finally decided (with the help of my wife) that I needed to get into an Urgent Care center. Unfortunately, we were a little late with that decision. We couldn't figure out what the name of the Urgent Care center that I usually go too, so I took off for it. I got there at around 10:10. My breathing had become even worse, and my wife had called me on the cell on my way over there to tell me that she talked to one Urgent Care center that said they closed at 10:00 so ours would probably have the same problem. It did.
There was a guy smoking outside the First Med Urgent Care center. He told me that it was locked. I could see people in the waiting room, so I clicked my fingers on the window. The receptionist came over and told me that there was no room for me in the inn. Really, she told me that I was too late. I asked her if I couldn't just come in and get a breathing treatment. She told me no, and I pushed till she went to talk to the Doctor on duty. She came back out and told me no. It was too late, but I looked bad enough that she wanted to call an ambulance for me. I told her I wouldn't have that come. I would drive back to the ER that I had passed to come here because it is less expensive. She then told me of another First Med in Murray that is open until 11:00. She gave me their number and once again tried to get me an ambulance. I refused because I am a stubborn old fart. I do think the stress of the situation caused a little bit of extra breathing problems.
I called the other urgent care center and was told that they would be open till 11:00. The Nurse Practitioner asked me if I would be OK to drive there because I sounded awful on the phone. I told her I would be there, and don't worry. I calmed myself down enough before leaving the parking lot that I wasn't awful, but I wasn't good either. On the drive over, my asthma calmed down somewhat. I still went in for the treatment. My oxygen was at the lower 80's and they wanted it to be in the lower 90's. After two treatments, we got it up to 86% (the high I had was 93%). I was sent home even though they weren't real pleased with that oxygen level.
I arrived home around 12:30 because I had to stop for a couple of prescriptions. I also need to check on getting a machine that may help me not have to go into these centers for breathing treatments. I did get a prescription so I need to find out what my works insurance will pay for the device and how much I will need to pay. My wife was in the tub trying to help her ailing back and soon after that we both went to bed.
The nurse practitioner was really mad at the other First Med place because she said they should've taken me in with all the breathing difficulty that I was having. I don't know if anything will come of that, but I thought it was pretty crappy too.
This morning came along. My wifes back was so bad that she didn't feel she could make it through church especially because they tend to be quite cold. The kids and I went to our meetings and my daughter fell asleep during fast and testimony meeting while complaining of a migraine. I called my wife a couple of times to make sure that she was OK. The rest of today was mostly just sitting back and not doing anything. I am not tired tonight, so I'll probably be up for awhile yet.