Sunday, November 22, 2009

More Stuff

Once again, it's been a week since I wrote. A couple of things have gone on that I think should be put in here. Our son spent the whole week at school late. He had all kinds of practices for his part in the orchestra playing for the play "Fiddler on the Roof". This made for extremely long days for him, but he seems to have handled it all fine. It was kind of a bummer for him because he wasn't even able to go to the game where his school (Bingham High) took state in 5A football.

Going back in time now. On Tuesday, soon after I arrived home from work, I got over to the church so we could take the scouts to a city meeting which covers a requirement for two merit badges that we have been working on. We had to leave there at around 7:00 though. One thing that was interesting was that a paramedic came in and talked about a new treatment for heart attack victims. They actually make them cold in some way which they claimed saved a life with no neurological problems. Of course, they are touting how great the city of South Jordan is in implementing this new process (I can't remember exactly what it was called).

After leaving there, we headed to the Olympic Oval so we could join up with the rest of the Young Men and Young Women for ice skating. I put on some hockey skates and thought they were a little bit harder than figure skates (that I have tried in the past). I also ended up with a few sores on my right ankle. I couldn't believe it when my wife pointed them out. I wasn't even really aware of them other than I thought I was kind of sore.

Wednesday evening I ended up going out with the Scouts again to collect things off of peoples porches to take to the Deseret Industries Bins. This only took a little while, but it was a service project that was easy for the scouts and it keeps in their minds that we do need to serve others.

Friday, I took the day off. There were some problems at work, but I couldn't log in to work from my home. I had to have Paul take care of the problems that I was going to take care of before he got in. It was frustrating. It looks like I need to take my PC in on Monday to get that all fixed.

My wife and I were going to go to the temple, but she wasn't feeling up to it. Instead, I ran a couple of errands and then a bit later we went out to grab some lunch. I did have to stop in at work today so I could pick up my turkey and take it over to my in-laws house. We put it in their freezer so it can be cooked up come next Thursday for Thanksgiving. We also took my Father-in-law out to Seagull Book and Tape to get him a CD that he has been wanting with the Bells and the Tabernacle Choir. Our son got home early because school was out for the state championship.

My son and I ended up going to Seagull Book and Tape to buy a Clearplay DVD player. It is a player that along with the service you can take out all the crap they put into movies. Our biggest problem is the "F" word that is put into about every PG-13 movie. We played with it a little bit that night and again the next day to see what it took out of a movie that I know (Wild Hogs). We will have to play with it a bit to make sure it works for us on the settings but I think we pretty well have it down.

Bingham High played Davis on Friday for the State Championship in 5A. This was supposed to be a game that was an easy win for Bingham. They didn't make it so though. Instead, Bingham made a ton of errors. They did end up winning, but not like the should have. They actually gave Davis some hope. It was a good thing they won in the long run.

Friday evening, we had to pick up our daughter from the school and then go right back so we could get in and watch a preview of "The Fiddler on the Roof". It was actually quite enjoyable. The lighting guy goofed up pretty big time, but the people putting on the play did well, and the orchestra (which our son is in) did an OK job (but not great). From my understanding the director is the biggest problem there. We did have a good time though.

Saturday, our son was gone for most of the day doing two performances of Fiddler. I ran a few errands and before we knew it the day was over. My wife didn't like shopping with me because she forgot some things that she was supposed to get on the list. I guess I am a distraction (I think that's a good thing).

Today we all got up and got ourselves to church. In Sunday School, the instructor actually got into the blacks before they were allowed the priesthood and led a discussion as to why that happened in the first place. Usually, I have seen this whitewashed over in the church, but he actually addressed it pretty well. I was glad to see somebody who wasn't going to whitewash something that happened historically. I don't know that we got to the answers, but at least he got people thinking. That's always a good thing. Sacrament meeting was on Thanksgiving.

I took my son home teaching, and gave a lesson on Thanksgiving and being grateful. I think that went over pretty well. We got home and hurried up and ate. We did get to sit around for a little while and then we headed over to my parents house.

Before we got to my parents house, we stopped at my wife's parents house. We wanted our dog to stay there for a bit while we took care of getting Patriarchal blessings for both of our kids. My dad first talked to our two kids and gave them some advice and some history from the Bible and the Book of Abraham. He then gave them their patriarchal blessings and it was quite spiritual. We then visited with them for awhile.

It had put a couple of inches of snow down while we were in there. It was still snowing as we headed home. As soon as we got home, our son got out a snow shovel and started shoveling the walks. I went out with him to do my part. It didn't take too long and it was good exercise for me as a fat old man. My wife and I discussed patriarchal blessings for a bit. I am getting tired now, so I had better head off to bed.


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