Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall Concert

Weeks just keep on moving by. There isn't a whole lot going on, but I keep on hanging on.

Tuesday evening was Young Men. While my son went to a haunted house and my daughter cut out a pumpkin, I was with the Scouts doing a merit badge (Citizenship in the Community). Glen wasn't there because the church had a meeting for Young Men leaders (I can't believe they did it on a Tuesday night when we should be with our Young Men) so I was the lone leader in there for the Scouts (the 11 year old leader showed up for his one boy). The boys were kind of restless and I know that these merit badges aren't the easiest thing to sit through, but I had to actually threaten them that I would call their parents and they would have to bring one in with them if I had to kick them out for not paying attention. We have to give the counselors who take time out to come and help our boys get these merit badges. We did get through it and then they went into the gym and played a sort of dodge ball that looked more like kicking the ball at each other to me. I saw that my daughter had finished her pumpkin and after awhile I took her home. We did have to stop by the Woods house so she could pick up some leg warmers for the morning when she had to wear a dress to school because they had a competition on Wednesday night.

Well, our son said he had fun at the haunted house. He didn't talk too much about it although he did mention that one boy had to leave because he was a bit too scared. He hated having on a jacket with a hood because a boy behind him about choked him with it while he was hanging on to it.

Tonight, after having dinner, the kids went to their fall concert. My wife and I followed about 45 minutes later. We got their early and the concert was a full two hours. I though most of the groups did a pretty decent job. Our daughter had one group that she played in (3 songs) and our son had two groups that he played in (4 songs in one 3 songs in the other). Other than the fact that the program lasted too long, we enjoyed it. It was a full two hour program. One old lady behind us kept on complaining about a bunch of it and didn't like most of it. She left after her grandson played and told his parents to tell him that she liked his the best. It was pretty funny to hear somebody talking that way and speaking louder than she knew because she is hard of hearing. I hope I don't get that way, but have a feeling that I really won't have much of a choice. I already do things that I thought I didn't want to do when I got older when I was younger.


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