Monday, October 05, 2009

Family Phone Calls

Tonight was a night of family phone calls. When I arrived home, I made a couple of phone calls to check on automobiles for a trip we are taking. It was just discouraging. I did finally get some things accomplished with it although an Enterprise was closed and we couldn't finalize it.

While our son went out to pick up our daughter from school, I got a phone call from my little sister. She is all excited because she finally got a date that her husband would be coming to a halfway house from the prison in Texas. The date is set for January 7th. She said that she didn't want to get too excited before she got an actual date because of the way things change. She was getting indications for February, so this was a nice surprise to her. After a week or so there he will get a pass to come out for about 4 hours. She was talking about being able to get him to church. He can gradually work up time to be able to spend 6 hours, 12 hours and then possibly 24 hours out of the halfway house. The halfway house is about at redwood road and I believe she said 2100 south. It will be good for her to not have him so far away. She is looking forward to that date. His final come home date is set for June 30th.

Well, that was one call. I then got a call from my brother. He called to ask me about my heart attack and said that he was going in to have some calcium deposits looked into in his arteries. He said that there isn't anything to worry about, but he wanted to call and see what it was that I had so he can give some kind of family history to the doctor.

The final call I got was from my mom. She was making sure we wouldn't be to the Christmas party because it is our turn to do the Nativity. I guess we get out of that one. That is the night our kids are doing a Christmas program at Bingham High School.

Oh, wait. One more phone call. My wife got called by her mother and chit chatted for a bit.

Not much else going on.


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