Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just Stuff

It hasn't been all that long since I last wrote here, but I thought I should at least put something down. Dee Anne hasn't been doing very well with the tonsillectomy. She has been quite sore. She wakes up in the morning and feels quite raw. Then, after she knows the kids are off to school she takes the Loratab. This helps out, but not as much as she would like. By the time I get home, she is doing OK again, but you can still tell she is sore.

Tonight, she was able to open her mouth wide without having so much pain. I took this as a good sign that maybe it will start to leave. I just hope I am correct.

Monday it was raining in the day and into the evening. We got some pretty good rain so I decided to turn off our sprinklers for this week. I will need to turn them on again for next week because we are back to above normal for our regular temperatures.

Tuesday, I went out and did some Friends for Scouting fundraising (I have nine homes that I need to hit up for money). I don't like doing this, but I do it because it is something they ask me to do. I know the Scouting organization needs money to run, but I am not the type of person to go out and do this. I also went out tonight to pick up the slack. I ended up talking with Pon and Marie for quite awhile in their home. They had some questions about the Mormon missionaries that I was able to answer.

Oh, I didn't even finish my Tuesday stuff. After going out with the fundraiser, I had to head to my kids school to get some information on the Marching Band trip. I got Graber to give me a quick what I need to know so I could run back over to our ward house for the activity with the youth there. They did a black light volleyball. People were told to wear white and then there was tape around showing boundaries as well as tape on the balls so we could see them in the black lights. That was kind of fun, but I was sweating by the end. I looked around and I think I am the only person there who was sweating. I wasn't tired at all though.

One other thing that I want to mention here is that there is a great debate right now on health care. I have become quite involved in this debate with various people and have become involved. Some want to add in a public option for insurance which I think goes against have a free market. This country was built on capitalism, and I don't want to lose that. I think the public option on insurance would knock out private insurance since they get to make the rules as they go. The other side seems to think it will help competition. I, of course, disagree. Anyway, I do believe we need to do something. I just don't agree with what some are trying to do. It is a pretty good debate going on at this time.


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