Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tonsillectomy aftermath

My wife has been trying real hard to come up and out of the pain of her tonsillectomy for awhile now. It just isn't happening as quickly as she had hoped. She seems to be doing fine, but I know that she really is in pain.

Of course, I spent all of Tuesday and all of Wednesday at home. I already told of some of the things that had happened on Tuesday, and there really isn't much else. She slept for a good portion of the day and I did little things for her here and there. The same with Wednesday. As I look at what I did and didn't do on Wednesday there wasn't a lot of reason for me to be home. I did serve her very little.

The kids and I are eating things like Sloppy Joe's, hamburgers and really simple things to make. I think our kids like this, but my wife doesn't like it much. I have done whatever I could to make sure my kids are eating OK.

Thursday, I went to work (and also Friday). I had a couple of meetings on Thursday, but boy, was it a busy day trying to catch up on the things that I had missed while I was gone. I did get more or less caught up, but it certainly puts a damper on taking time off (sick leave or not). Of course, my wife had a tough time of it Thursday and Friday. Her throat felt more sore than it had previously.

Saturday, I got up and mowed the lawn. Our son had left around 1:00 AM to go on a hike and see a sunrise at the top of Timpanogas. He kind of enjoyed this, but it was kind of fun and different to hike in the dark. From what I am told (not by him) he was up in the front and went up the mountain quite fast. He does tend to be pretty good at all of the things that he does.

Anyway, after mowing the lawn (I got off track), I helped around the house a bit. I had to stop my wife from doing the laundry (she is not supposed to be working at all). I did the laundry and a few other things around the house. The one other task that my wife wanted done was to fill our 55 gal drum with water (after putting it up off the cement). She also wanted the nine 6 gallon water jugs filled. Not wanting to put water into our drum from the hose, I filled up the 6 gallon jugs and filled up the 55 gallon drum from the bathtub. It was quite a bit of work and those 6 gallon jugs get heavy after a few trips. I did get it done though. My son helped me to carry most of the jugs (five of six) downstairs, and the other three we put in the garage. I like to keep them in the garage in case the emergency causes the house to cave in where we can't get to our basement for water.

My wife had a bad night of it on Saturday evening. She told me that blood started to come up from her scars in her throat. She didn't sleep well, and was in pain. She told me to go to church with the kids, which I did. We came home from that, and I fixed my wife a nice potato soup that I had looked up in the VitaMix booklet. It actually tasted pretty decent (not if you ask our kids though). It was also something my wife could eat with us and get her fill. Even with the chicken I had put into it. I did a little bit more than it actually called for to make it so there would be enough for the whole family. It turns out that there was even some left over for my wife to have again tomorrow.

Not much went on tonight. I watched Jeff Dunham on NetFlix. We had a problem with most of the TV stations going out tonight so I also read a bit. Oh, we also watched the movie "Escape to Witch Mountain" which is a remake of one made years ago. It was pretty good. I enjoyed watching it.


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