Sunday, October 04, 2009


It's been a week since I last wrote. There has been a lot of the same old stuff that has gone on, so there isn't a lot to write about. The very first thing to write about probably is that I took two days off of work this past week. I took of Thursday and Friday since the kids were out for UEA weekend. We really didn't do too much with that, but it was an excuse for me to take the time off. I did have to take our daughter to the school for some Marching Band stuff on Thursday, which we thought wasn't a very good thing. I don't know who came up with that, but that's what we did. We spent some time together as a family on these two days, and I was able to get out and mow the lawn. It is getting to the end of the mowing season. I am hoping I only need to mow the lawn a few more times.

Saturday was General Conference. I woke up and watched a good portion of it. Pam came over at noon and took our kids away from us for the day. I got a text message showing my son eating too big of a hamburger which was kind of funny. They then went to my in-laws and asked if they could stay the night. We, of course, let them. I skipped Priesthood meeting that night and went out to dinner with my wife instead. We ate at Mark Anthony's, which is a pretty good Italian restaurant.

Sunday, I watched more General Conference in the morning and I prepared some Lil Smokies for taking to my parents house for the pot luck that they hold every General Conference between sessions. My wife was a bit too sick to go over. I picked up the kids at their grandparents house and went to the other grandparents house. While there, I was even able to talk to my daughter (on the phone) which hasn't happened for about three weeks now. After conference, we went back to my in-laws and stayed for a bit and then came on home.

Tonight, my wife and I went over some Halloween type of movies to come up with some actors that we can use for the Empty Nesters Family Night at our home this month. We came up with a few, and know that there may be others that we can come up with.

There really isn't anything else to say. I won't bore you.


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